Nodejs Firewall
Unobtrusively handles security based on roles (authorization) plus authentication initialization.
Documentation is available on read the docs.
npm install node-firewall
Configuring the firewall.
var firewall = ; var fw = 'fw.main' '^/'; // allow non authenticated users to access the login pagefw; // secure admin areafw; // all other urls require user rolefw; // add our new firewall to the mapfirewallmap;
Enabling the middleware
// init firewall middlewarefirewall;
- 0.1.2
- Improve firewall log system
- 0.1.3
- Fix FirewallMap.get when trying to retrieve a non existent firewall
- Improve doc blocks
- 0.1.4
- Improve documentation
- Add ability to filter firewall rules based on request http method
- Add Firewall.dump() method
- 0.1.5
- Add authentication handler
- Add default handlers to firewall
- 0.1.6
- Fix problem with middleware
- 0.2.0
- Add strategies on firewall to ease addition of custom rules
- Removed Firewall.dump because of strategy support
- 0.2.1
- Add a way to configure map from json object with custom strategies
- 0.2.2
- Fix issue #1
- Add debug on namespace node-firewall:map and node-firewall:firewall
- debug method and flags was removed
- No default success handler
- Callback next is called by default if no success handler is configured
- 'use strict' on all modules
Copyright (c) 2014 Raphaël Benitte <>