CountBOX API v2 (NodeJS SDK)
for countbox api v2
install nodejs version >= 0.4.2, recommended version of nodejs >= 0.6.2
install package: `npm install node-countbox-api --save'
create file touch sample.js
write to file (smaple for Node >= 0.6):
var login = process.env.LOGIN;
var pass = process.env.PASS;
var Api = require('node-countbox-api')(login, pass);
.then(response => console.log('getProfile', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getProfile ERROR', error));
and run: PASS=passwebapi node sample.js
All Functions:
var login = process.env.LOGIN;
var pass = process.env.PASS;
var countbox = require('node-countbox-api')
* Recover password
* @static
* @param email {String} email for recover password
* @param [format] {String} 'xml' or 'json' (default 'json')
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
var Api = countbox(login, pass);
* Get Profile data
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
.then(response => console.log('getProfile', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getProfile ERROR', error));
* Get all locations "points"
* @param [format] {String} or 'xml' or 'json' (default 'json')
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
.then(response => console.log('getPoints', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getPoints ERROR', error));
* Put financial data on a server
* @params data {Object} - financial data
* @params {Integer|String} - location (point) ID (required)
* @params data.profit {Number} - (money) daily receipts (required)
* @params data.checks {Number} - the number of checks per day (required)
* @params {Date|String} - report date. String format (ISO 8601) (required)
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
id: 1,
profit: 15670.23,
checks: 201,
date: new Date(),
.then(response => {
var options = {
id: 1,
datebegin: '2016-01-01',
dateend: '2017-01-01',
groupType: 1,
isAllTime: false,
* Get financial data from server
* @param options {Object} - request params
* @param {Number|String} - ID of point, or IDs points sample: '1'; '1,2', 'all'
* @param options.datebegin {Date|String} - start date of the sample period
* @param options.dateend {Date|String} - end date of the sample period
* @param options.groupType {Number} - type grouping when 1 - day, 2 - month, 3 - year
* @param [options.isAllTime] {Boolean} - if true - does not take into account the working hours
* @param [isFull] - preparation of financial statistics data of visitors
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
.then(response => console.log('getFullFinance', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getFullFinance ERROR', error));
* Preparation of financial statistics data of visitors
* @param options {Object} - request params
* @param {Number|String} - ID of point, or IDs points sample: '1'; '1,2', 'all'
* @param options.datebegin {Date|String} - start date of the sample period
* @param options.dateend {Date|String} - end date of the sample period
* @param options.groupType {Number} - type grouping when 1 - day, 2 - month, 3 - year
* @param [options.isAllTime] {Boolean} - if true - does not take into account the working hours
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
.then(response => console.log('getFullFinance', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getFullFinance ERROR', error));
}).catch(error => console.log('ERROR', error));
* Getting the number of visitors that are on location (point) for the specified time
* @param options {Object} - request params
* @param {Number|String} - ID of point, or IDs points sample: '1'; '1,2', 'all'
* @param options.datetime {Date|String} - date & time of the moment
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
id: 'all',
datetime: '2016-05-06',
.then(response => console.log('getVisitorsInMoment', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getVisitorsInMoment ERROR', error));
* Getting traffic for the period
* @param options {Object} - request params
* @param {Number|String} - ID of point, or IDs points sample: '1'; '1,2', 'all'
* @param options.datebegin {Date|String} - start date of the sample period
* @param options.dateend {Date|String} - end date of the sample period
* @param options.groupType {Number} - type grouping when 1 - 15 min, 2 - 1 hour, 3 - 1 day
* @param [options.isAllTime] {Boolean} - if true - does not take into account the working hours
* @param [options.UserTz] {Number} - UTC Time Zone (default server time zone). Sample: UserTz=6 equals UTC+6
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
id: 'all',
datebegin: '2016-01-01',
dateend: '2017-01-01',
groupType: 3,
isAllTime: true,
UserTz: 3,
.then(response => console.log('getTraffic', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getTraffic ERROR', error));
* Obtaining data for SIM-report for the period
* @param options {Object} - request params
* @param {Number|String} - ID of point, or IDs points sample: '1'; '1,2', 'all'
* @param options.datebegin {Date|String} - the date of the first week (month)
* @param options.dateend {Date|String} - the date of the second week (month)
* @param [options.isByWeek] {Boolean} - group by week (default by month)
* @returns {{promise, resolve, reject}}
id: 'all',
datebegin: '2016-06-05',
dateend: '2016-06-19',
isByWeek: false,
.then(response => console.log('getSIMReport', response))
.catch(error => console.log('getSIMReport ERROR', error));