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no-riak is a Basho Riak KV client for Node.js with easy to use wrappers over CRDT data types. Supports Riak authentication, conection pooling and balancing across multiple servers according to their weight. All methods will return a promise


npm install no-riak


Quick example

var Riak  = require('no-riak');

var client = new Riak.Client();

return client.put({
    bucket: 'test-bucket',
    key: 'key1',
    content: {
        value: 'hello'
.then(function () {
    return client.get({
        bucket: 'test-bucket',
        key: 'key1'
.then(function (result) {
    // result => { content:
    //    [ { value: <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f>,
    //        vtag: '7V2EHl2Wh06SCAIl4y7M2Y',
    //        last_mod: 1454584844,
    //        last_mod_usecs: 893098 } ],
    //   vclock: 'a85hYGBgzGDKBVI8ypz/fn5Ie3OPQeizegZTIlMeKwPPBvULfFkA' }

    console.log(result.content[0].value.toString()); // => 'hello'

Key/Value operations

  • get(params)
  • put(params)
  • del(params)
  • update(params)
  • listKeys(params)
  • updateCounter(params)
  • getCounter(params)

Secondary indexes

  • index(params)


var bucket = 'no-riak-test-kv';

return Promise.all([0, 1, 2].map(function (i) {
    return client.put({
        bucket: bucket,
        key: 'key' + i,
        content: {
            value: 'i' + i,
            indexes: [{
                key: 'no-riak-test_bin',
                value: 'indexValue'
.then(function () {
    return client.index({
        bucket: bucket,
        index: 'no-riak-test_bin',
        qtype: 0,
        max_results: 2,
        key: 'indexValue'
.then(function (result) {
    // result => { results: [ 'key0', 'key1' ], continuation: 'g20AAAAEa2V5MQ==' }

    // now get rest of search results:
    return client.index({
        bucket: bucket,
        index: 'no-riak-test_bin',
        qtype: 0,
        continuation: result.continuation,
        key: 'indexValue'
.then(function (result){
    // result => { results: [ 'key2' ] }


  • mapReduce()


var bucket = 'no-riak-test-kv';
var keys = [];
return Promise.all([0, 1, 2].map(function (i) {
    keys[i] = 'mr_key' + i;
    return client.put({
        bucket: bucket,
        key: keys[i],
        content: {
            value: {
                num: i + 10
.then(function () {
    return client.mapReduce({
        request: {
            inputs: (k) { return [bucket, k]; }),
            query: [{
                map: { // this phase will return JSON decoded values for each input
                    source: 'function(v) { var d = Riak.mapValuesJson(v)[0]; return [d]; }',
                    language: 'javascript',
                    keep: true
            }, { // this phase will return the `num` property of each value
                reduce: {
                    source: 'function(values) { return{ return v.num; }); }',
                    language: 'javascript',
                    keep: true
            }, { // this phase will return a sum of all values
                reduce: {
                    module: 'riak_kv_mapreduce',
                    function: 'reduce_sum',
                    language: 'erlang',
                    keep: true
.then(function (results) {
    // [ [ { num: 10 }, { num: 12 }, { num: 11 } ], // thats phase 1 results
    //   [ 10, 12, 11 ], // phase 2 results
    //   [ 33 ] ] // phase 3 results

    // each index in results array is an array of results for each map/reduce phase
    // even if phase results were stripped with keep: false

Operations on Buckets and Bucket Types

  • listBuckets()
  • getBucket()
  • setBucket()
  • resetBucket()
  • getBucketType()
  • setBucketType()


return client.setBucket({
    bucket: 'some-bucket',
    props: {
        allow_mult: true,
        r: 'all' // possible string values are: one, quorum, all, default

Other operations

  • ping()
  • getServerInfo()


Enable authentication in Riak, create user, add corresponding grants, example:

riak-admin security enable
riak-admin security add-user test password=secret
riak-admin security grant riak_kv.put,riak_kv.get on any to test
riak-admin security add-source test password

And then simply provide auth option when creating Client:

var client = new Riak.Client({
    auth: {
        user: 'test',
        password: 'secret'

All communication will be encrypted over TLS. You can override TLS options:

var client = new Riak.Client({
    auth: {
        user: 'test',
        password: 'secret'
    tls: {
        secureProtocol: 'SSLv23_method',
        rejectUnauthorized: false,
        ciphers: 'DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:AES128-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA256:AES256-SHA:RC4-SHA'

CRDT Data Types

You can operate on a lower level with Riak CRDT Data Types with the following methods:

  • dtFetch()
  • dtUpdate()

no-riak also provides easy to use wrappers over Map, Set and Counter.


Represents signed 64 bit integer (via long.js)

  • increment(value) [sync] increment counter value with positive or negative value, returns this
  • key() [sync] get counter key
  • value() [sync] return counter value
  • load() [async] load counter value from Riak and return this in a Promise
  • save() [async] save counter to Riak and return this in a Promise
var Riak = require('no-riak');
var client = new Riak.Client();

var bucket = 'no_riak_test_crdt_counter_bucket';
var bucketType = 'no_riak_test_crdt_counter';

var counter = new Riak.CRDT.Counter(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType

return counter.increment(1).increment(-5).save().call('value')
.then(function (v) {
    // v.toNumber() => -4


Represents an array of uniqe opaque Buffer values.

  • key() [sync] get set key
  • value() [sync] return set value
  • load() [async] load set value from Riak and return this in a Promise
  • save() [async] save set to Riak and return this in a Promise
  • add(value) [sync] add new value to set, returns this
  • remove(value) [sync] removes value from the set, returns this


var bucket = 'no_riak_test_crdt_set_bucket';
var bucketType = 'no_riak_test_crdt_set';

var set = new Riak.CRDT.Set(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType

return set
    .add('a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a2', 'a2', 'a3')
    .then(function (v) {
        // v => ['a2', 'a3']

By default no-riak will convert set values to strings, if you want to stick with buffers, pass strings: false option to Set constructor:

var set = new Riak.CRDT.Set(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType,
    strings: false


Represents a list of name/value pairs. Values can be Counters, Sets, Maps, Registers and Flags.

  • key() [sync] get map key
  • value() [sync] return map value
  • load() [async] load map value from Riak and return this in a Promise
  • save() [async] save map to Riak and return this in a Promise
  • update(name, value) [sync] update existing field or add new field to map, returns this
  • remove(name, type) [sync] remove existing field from the map. constructor is one of the following: Riak.CRDT.Counter, Riak.CRDT.Set, Riak.CRDT.Map, Riak.CRDT.Map.Register, Riak.CRDT.Map.Flag
  • get(name) [sync] get Riak.CRDT.* instance for corresponding field name. This instance can be used to update the map.


var bucket = 'no_riak_test_crdt_map_bucket';
var bucketType = 'no_riak_test_crdt_map';

var map = new Riak.CRDT.Map(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType

return map
    .update('key1', new Riak.CRDT.Counter().increment(-5))
    .update('key2', new Riak.CRDT.Set().add('a1', 'a2', 'a3').remove('a2'))
    .then(function (v) {
        console.log(v); // => { key1: { low: -5, high: -1, unsigned: false }, key2: [ 'a1', 'a3' ] }

Using get(name) to operate on map fields

var set;
var map = new Riak.CRDT.Map(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType

    .update('key1', new Riak.CRDT.Counter().increment(-5))
    .update('key2', new Riak.CRDT.Set().add('a1', 'a2', 'a3'));

set = map.get('key2');
set.remove('a2');'value').then(function (v){
    console.log(v); // => { key1: { low: -5, high: -1, unsigned: false }, key2: [ 'a1', 'a3' ] }

Using Map.register and Map.Flag:

var map = new Riak.CRDT.Map(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType

    .update('key1', new Riak.CRDT.Map.Register().set('a1'))
    .update('key2', new Riak.CRDT.Map.Flag().enable())
    .then(function (v){
        console.log(v); // { key1: 'a1', key2: true }

Set and Register values in a Map will be by default converted to strings, pass strings: false to Map constructor to receive buffers instead:

var map = new Riak.CRDT.Map(client, {
    bucket: bucket,
    type: bucketType,
    strings: false

Connection pooling and load balancing

no-riak can balance requests across a pool of connections. It can also fill the connections pool according to the list of servers and their corresponding weight:

var client = new Riak.Client({
    connectionString: ',,',
    pool: {
        min: 9

Here, 9 connections will be created when client starts, 4 of which will connect to '', 3 to '' and 2 to ''. When there is a demand for more connections, no-riak will create up to pool.max connections and will also split them across servers considering their weight.

Handling connection errors

no-riak will retry any request that failed due to network (connection) error, the corresponding option is

  • retries - number of retries for each failed request, defaults to 3

no-riak can temporary remove the server whose connections are failing with some kind of network error (socket timeout, connection refused, etc). Such server will be assigned effective weight=0 and and so its connections will be replaced by connections to other servers in the cluster. no-riak will then periodically check disabled servers and restore them with their original weight once they are back online. Two options help control this behaviour:

  • maxConnectionErrors - maximum number of connections errors for the server, defaults to 3
  • maxConnectionErrorsPeriod - period in ms which is considered when counting number of errors, defaults to 60000 (1 min)

Default options mean that if any server had 3 or more errors within last minute then this server is marked as down.

no-riak will emit two events which can be useful to track disabled servers:

  • net:hostdown - emitted when host has reached configured error rate and is now temporary disabled
  • net:hostup - emitted when host is ready to accept new connections and will now take part in load balancing

You can also query current connections pool state like this:

var stats = client.pool.count();
// => { free: { '': 5, '': 5, '': 5, '': 1, '': 1 }, busy: {} }

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