- node.js >= 0.6 (with npm)
- git
- Foreman
- Make
- an account on heroku, joyent, azure, linode, or rackspace
What the user creates:
- package.json
- app code
- git repository
- .gitignore
- Procfile
- nimbus.json
What the user does:
$ nimbus list
lists all the targets defined in the nimbus.json file
$ nimbus provision serviceName
provisions the service at `serviceName`
- root: add keys to the remote system
- root: upgrade basic systems (build chain, etc)
- root: create user for the service
- local: render scripts for the service
- local: copy rendered scripts to the remote machine
- serviceuser: run the remote scripts
$ nimbus update serviceName
updates the service at `serviceName`
(for example, updating config files, environment settings...)
(should be non-destructive... no risk of losing user data)
(should be fast & not require a restart)
$ nimbus deploy serviceName
deploys the git branch or hash specified to `serviceName`
- system does a git push to remote
- post-receive hook on remote copies the checked out codebase into a versions/{{gitHash}} directory
- post-receive hook then runs npm install
- if npm install goes okay, post-receive hook does an rsync between the new version and the /current directory running the app
- post-receive hook restarts foreman
- set NODE_ENV to production via .env.json