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0.6.1 • Public • Published


A customizable Kanban-style board component built with Angular.


The ng80-board component provides a Kanban-style board that allows users to move cards between columns and reorder columns. The component uses the Angular CDK's drag and drop functionality to handle the card and column moves.


To use the ng80-board component in your project, you need to install the @80ymedia/ng80-board package by running the following command in your project's root directory:

npm install ngx-board

After installing the package, you need to import the BoardModule in your app's module:

import { BoardModule } from 'ngx-board';

  imports: [
    // ...
  // ...
export class AppModule { }


To use the ng80-board component in your template, add the ng80-board tag:


Where board is an object that conforms to the Board interface.


Board Interface

The Board interface represents a complete board. Its properties are:

  • id (optional): unique number that identifies the board.
  • title: title of the board (required).
  • description (optional): description of the board.
  • columns (optional): array of columns (typed as BoardColumn[]) on the board.
  • classlist (optional): array of CSS classes for the board.
  • style (optional): CSS styles object for the board.

BoardColumn Interface

The BoardColumn interface represents a column on a board. Its properties are:

  • id (optional): unique number that identifies the column.
  • boardId (optional): id of the board the column belongs to.
  • title: title of the column (required).
  • description (optional): description of the column.
  • cards: array of cards (typed as BoardCard[]) in the column (required).
  • style (optional): CSS styles object for the column.
  • classlist (optional): array or string of CSS classes for the column.
  • disabled (optional): boolean indicating if the column is disabled.
  • cardSortingDisabled (optional): boolean that disable the sorting of cards in the column
  • predicate (optional): function that returns a boolean to control if an item can be moved into the column.

BoardCard Interface

  • id (optional): unique number that identifies the card.
  • title: title of the card (required).
  • description (optional): description of the card.
  • classlist (optional): array of CSS classes for the card.
  • style (optional): CSS styles object for the card.
  • disabled (optional): boolean indicating if the card is disabled.


Input Description
board (required) an instance of Board that defines the structure of the board
columnSortingDisabled a boolean to disable the sorting of columns in the board


Output Description
onCardMoved emitted when a card is moved within or between columns on the board
onColumnMoved emitted when a column is moved on the board.
onCardClick emitted when a card is clicked.
reachedEnd emitted when the user has scrolled to the end of a specific column in the board.

Here are some usage examples for the BoardComponent outputs:

Detect card click

<ng80-board [board]="board" (onCardClick)="cardClicked($event)">

// in component
cardClicked(card: BoardCard) {
  // do something when card is clicked

Detect card move


// in component
cardMoved(event: CdkDragDrop<BoardColumn, BoardColumn, BoardCard<any>>) {
  // do something when card is moved

Detect column move


// in component
columnMoved(event: CdkDragDrop<BoardColumn[]>) {
  // do something when column is moved  

Detect scroll to column end


// in component
endReached(column: BoardColumn) {
  // load more cards when column end is reached


The ng80-board component allows for customization of the card, column header, and column footer templates through the use of content projection.

To use a custom card template, create a ng-template element with the directive cardTemplate and place it within the ng80-board element. The content within this template will be used as the template for each card.

<ng80-board [board]="board">
  <ng-template cardTemplate>
    <div class="custom-card-template">

Similarly, custom templates for the column header and footer can be defined using the boardColumnHeader and boardColumnFooter directives respectively.

<ng80-board [board]="board">
  <ng-template cardTpt let-item="item">
    <div class="custom-card-template">
  <ng-template columnHeaderTpt let-column="column">
    <div class="custom-column-header">
  <ng-template columnFooterTpt let-column="column">
    <div class="custom-column-footer">
      <button>Add Card</button>


If you find this library helpful and want to support its development, consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!

About the author

Carlos Morcillo is a web developer and open source contributor. You can find more of his work on this website.

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