Create page objects with helper functions for AngularJs Protractor tests for angular-ui ui-select using ngpo.
returns a protractor element that has these methods (all other Protractor methods are available and not impacted)- enterValue
- getValue
- clear
- isVisible - true if both isPresent and isDisplayed
returns a protractor element that has these methods (all other Protractor methods are available and not impacted)- enterValue
- getValue - Gets string with all values; suggest expect(...).toContain();
- clear
- isVisible - true if both isPresent and isDisplayed
passthrough for ngpo makePos function
ngpo-ui-select v2.x: requires nodejs 6.x or greater (no breaking api changes from ngpo-ui-select v1.x). Tested with angularJs 1.5.0, angular-ui-select 0.19, Protractor 5.1.2, chromedriver 2.31.
ngpo-ui-select v1.x: Tested with Protractor versions 2.5 and 5.1.
Page Object file using ngpo template
// person.po.jsvar ngpoUis = ; var els = personInput: locator: by po: ngpoUiSelectmakeUiSelectPo colorsInput: locator: by po: ngpoUiSelectmakeUiSelectMultiPo ; var pos = ngpoUis; moduleexports = pos;
Protractor test:
var personPo = ; ;
See test\test.js and test\test.po.js for more examples.