TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.8.4 • Public • Published



Superset of RESPONSIVE DIRECTIVES to show or hide items according to the size of the device screen and another features in Angular 2 ( aot & jit )

  npm i ng2-responsive --save

RESPONSIVE_DIRECTIVES provides the following features:

  • Directives detecting states according to standard measures in BOOTSTRAP: xs / sm / md / lg / xl

  • Directives that detect four states according to the real type of device: mobile / tablet / desktop / smartTv

  • Custom sizes detector.

  • Show and hide options.

  • Custom breaking points.

  • Debounce checking interval (default 100ms).

  • Browsers Detect: Chrome / Safari / Firefox / IE / Opera

  • Internet Explorer Versions Detect : IE 9 / IE 10 / IE 11 / IE +12

  • New standard devices: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile, Android Tablet, Windows Phone.

  • Device orientation detect: portrait, landscape.

  • Pixel ratio detect : 1x / Retina / 4k.

  • Directives Info: DeviceInfo, OrientationInfo, ResponsiveSizeInfo, PixelRatioInfo.

  • Directive: responsive - Detection of multiple functions at once.

  • Directives: DeviceStandardInfo, BrowserInfo, IeInfo.

  • Feature Responsive Directive - Boolean Events Emitter on change state:

  • Feature responsive-window : Capture the size of the parent element to show or hide fill elements. If the parent responsive size is x show or hide.

  • UserAgent information directive: Get te device, browser, os version and more from the user agent navigator in one event object.

  • ** NEW ** Webpack Angular 2 Demo : Initial Angular 2 / Webpack / bootstrap + sass.

  • Written for the latest release of Angular 2 in typescript.

How to start

  1. installing the package via npm

    npm i ng2-responsive --save
  2. bootstrap the service

    • with default breaking points
    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
    import { ResponsiveModule } from 'ng2-responsive'
        imports: [
        declarations: [
    export class AppModule { }
    • with custom Configuration
     import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
     import { ResponsiveModule, ResponsiveConfig } from 'ng2-responsive'
     let config = {
        breakPoints: {
            xs: {max: 600},
            sm: {min: 601, max: 959},
            md: {min: 960, max: 1279},
            lg: {min: 1280, max: 1919},
            xl: {min: 1920}
        debounceTime: 100 // allow to debounce checking timer
      export function ResponsiveDefinition(){ 
              return new ResponsiveConfig(config);
        imports: [
        declarations: [
         provide: ResponsiveConfig, 
         useFactory: ResponsiveDefinition }]
    export class AppModule { }


  * In your component to import the RESPONSIVE_DIRECTIVES only need import: 
     selector: 'my-component',
     template: '
          <p *showItStandard="['iphone','ipad']">I'll show you if I'm a iPhone or ipad device.</p>
          <p *isIphone>I'll show you if I'm a iPhone device.</p>
          <p *isChrome>I'll show you if I'm a chrome browser.</p>
          <p *xl>I'll show you if I'm a xl screen size.</p>
          <p *lg>I'll show you if I'm a lg screen size.</p>
          <p *md>I'll show you if I'm a md screen size.</p>
          <p *sm>I'll show you if I'm a sm screen size.</p>
          <p *xs>I'll show you if I'm a xs screen size.</p>

    • Responsive Window directive: Capture the size of the parent element to show or hide fill elements. If the parent responsive size is x show or hide.

      <div [responsive-window]="'parent'">
           <p *responsive="{ sizes:{  window: 'parent', min:900, max:1400} }"></p>
      • New Detection of multiple functions at once.
         All combinations = *responsive="{
                            bootstrap: ['xl,lg,md,sm,xs'],
                            browser: ['chrome','firefox','ie','safari', 'opera'],
                            ie:['ie 9','ie 10','ie 11','ie +12'],
                            standard:['iphone','ipad','android mobile','android tablet','windows phone'],
                            device: ['mobile','tablet','smarttv','desktop'],

    *Example in component

        selector: 'my-component',
        template: '
              <p  *responsive="{
                              bootstrap: 'lg',
                              browser: ['chrome','firefox'],
                              device: 'desktop',
                }">I'll show you if all the options are true.</p>
                 <template  [responsive]="{
                              bootstrap: 'lg',
                              browser: ['chrome','firefox'],
                              device: 'desktop',
                }" (changes)="miMethod($event)">I'll show you if all the options are true & listen events changes.</template>
    1. One function detect

      • With Bootstrap Screen sizes
          selector: 'my-component',
          template: '
              <p *xl>I'll show you if I'm a xl screen size.</p>
              <p *lg>I'll show you if I'm a lg screen size.</p>
              <p *md>I'll show you if I'm a md screen size.</p>
              <p *sm>I'll show you if I'm a sm screen size.</p>
              <p *xs>I'll show you if I'm a xs screen size.</p>
      • With multiple combinations of bootstrap screen sizes and show / hide options

        • Strings Multiple combinations = "['xs','sm','md','lg','xl']"
            selector: 'my-component',
            template: '
                <p *showItBootstrap="['md','xs']">I'll show you only in md and xs screen sizes.</p>
                <p *hideItBootstrap="['lg','sm']">I'll hide you only in lg and sm screen sizes.</p>'
        • With Devices Screen sizes
               selector: 'my-component',
               template: '
               <p *isSmartTv>I'll show you if I'm a smartTv device.</p>
               <p *isDesktop>I'll show you if I'm a desktop device.</p>
               <p *isTablet>I'll show you if I'm a tablet device.</p>
               <p *isMobile>I'll show you if I'm a mobile device.</p>
        • With multiple devices detect combinations: show / hide options.
          • Strings Multiple combinations = "['mobile','tablet','smarttv','desktop']"
             selector: 'my-component',
             template: '
               <p *showItDevice="['mobile','tablet']">I'll show you if I'm a tablet or a mobile device.</p>
               <p *hideItDevice="['mobile','tablet','desktop']">I'll hide you if I'm a desktop / tablet or mobile device.</p>'
        • With Standard Devices detect
              selector: 'my-component',
              template: '
                  <p *isIphone>I'll show you if I'm a iPhone device.</p>
                  <p *isIpad>I'll show you if I'm a iPad device.</p>
                  <p *isAndroidMobile>I'll show you if I'm a android mobile device.</p>
                  <p *isAndroidTablet>I'll show you if I'm a android tablet device.</p>
                  <p *isWindowsPhone>I'll show you if I'm a windows phone mobile device.</p>'
        • With multiple devices detect combinations: show / hide options.
          • Strings Multiple combinations = "['iphone','ipad','android mobile','android tablet','windows phone']"
             selector: 'my-component',
             template: '
                <p *showItStandard="['android mobile','windows phone']">I'll show you if I'm a android mobile or a windows phone device.</p>
                <p *hideItStandard="['iphone','ipad']">I'll hide you if I'm a iPad or a iPhone device.</p>'
        • With orientation device
            selector: 'my-component',
            template: '
               <p *isPortrait>I'll show you if I'm a portrait state.</p>
               <p *isLandscape>I'll show you if I'm a landscape state.</p>
        • With custom sizes and show / hide options
             selector: 'my-component',
             template: '
                <p *showItSizes="{min:955,max:1057}">I'll show you if responsive-window width is between the min and max.</p>
                <p *showItSizes="{min:750}">I'll show you if responsive-window width is greater than or equal to min.</p>
                <p *hideItSizes="{min:360,max:768}">It is hidden if responsive-window width between the min and max.</p>

        responsive-window being window by default or any element set using the Responsive Window directive.

        • With browser detection.
            selector: 'my-component',
            template: '
               <p *isChrome>I'll show you if I'm a Chrome Browser.</p>
               <p *isFirefox>I'll show you if I'm a Firefox Browser.</p>
               <p *isSafari>I'll show you if I'm a Safari Browser.</p>
               <p *isOpera>I'll show you if I'm a Opera Browser.</p>
               <p *isIE>I'll show you if I'm a Internet Explorer Browser.</p>
        • With multiple browsers detect combinations: show / hide options.
          • Strings Multiple combinations = "['chrome','firefox','ie','safari', 'opera']"
           selector: 'my-component',
           template: '
             <p *showItBrowser="['ie','opera']">I'll show you if I'm a IE or Opera Browser.</p>
             <p *hideItBrowser="['chrome','firefox','safari']">I'll hide you if I'm a Chrome, Firefox or Safari Browser.</p>'
        • With Internet Explorer Version detection.
           selector: 'my-component',
           template: '
              <p *isIE9>I'll show you if I'm a Internet Explorer 9.</p>
              <p *isIE10>I'll show you if I'm a Internet Explorer 10.</p>
              <p *isIE11>I'll show you if I'm a Internet Explorer 11.</p>
              <p *isIE12>I'll show you if I'm a Internet Explorer 12.</p>'
        • With multiple Internet Explorer version detect: show / hide options.
          • Strings Multiple combinations = "['ie 9','ie 10','ie 11','ie +12']"
           selector: 'my-component',
           template: '
             <p *showIEVersion="['ie 11','ie +12']">I'll show you if I'm a IE 11 browser or IE 12</p>
             <p *hideIEVersion="['ie 9','ie 10']">I'll hide you if I'm IE 9 browser or IE 10.</p>
        • With pixel ratio detect:
            selector: 'my-component',
            template: '
                <p *is1xPixel>I'll show you if I'm a 1x screen.</p>
                <p *isRetina>I'll show you if I'm a retina screen.</p>
                <p *is4k>I'll show you if I'm a 4k screen.</p>
        • Get the userAgent info directive:
        • Get the device, browser, os version and more from the user agent navigator in one event object.
          <userAgentInfo (info)="thisUserAgent($event)"></userAgentInfo>


  • Refactor to more simple code and easy to maintain. Less specific directives.
  • Work in demo page
  • Directive css classes:
<h1 *responsive-css="{
         bootstrap: {xl: "micssclassxl", lg:"micssclasslg"},

  • Webp images browser compatibility:
<img *webp="{webp:image.webp, not:image.jpg", lazyload:true}  alt="awesome directive">
  • animations show/hide in directives
  • Expose changes in directives like a service.


  • ManuCutillas
  • Christophe HOARAU
  • Kamil Breguła
  • Janne Julkunen
  • phransyz


MIT license

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  • manucutillas