Auto complete component for Angular 2.
This component is based on angucomplete-alt
help needed
I don't use this library much anymore and don't have time to properly maintain it. If you are currently using ng2-completer and interested to maintain it please let me know!
npm install ng2-completer --save
The module you want to use ng2-completer in must import Ng2CompleterModule
and FormsModule
(to use the ngModel
directive on ng2-completer). Ng2CompleterModule
provides the CompleterService
, and declares the ng2-completer
Add ng2-completer to your component and create a data source:
ng2-completer uses rxjs stream as data sources. There are 2 ready made data sources that can be used to fetch local and remote data but it's also possible to provide a custom source that generates a stream of items.
System.js configuration
Add the following to System.js
map configuration:
ng2-completer component
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
datasource | Autocomplete list data source can be an array of strings or a URL that results in an array of strings or a CompleterData object | Array<string>|string|CompleterData | Yes | |
dataService | Deprecated use datasource instead. Autocomplete list data source. |
CompleterData | Yes | |
ngModel | see the angular forms API. | string | Yes | |
autoMatch | Auto select an item if it is the only result and it is an exact match of the search text. | boolean | No | false |
autofocus | Set input focus when the page loads | boolean | No | false |
clearUnselected | Clear the input on blur if not selected. | boolean | No | false |
clearSelected | Clear the input when a result is selected. | boolean | No | false |
disableInput | If true disable the input field. | boolean | No | false |
fieldTabindex | Set the tabIndex of the input. |
number | No | |
initialValue | Initial value for the component. Value is parsed using: titleField, descriptionField and imageField and used as selected value | any | No | |
inputId | id attribute of the input element. |
string | No | |
inputName | name attribute of the input element. |
string | No | |
inputClass | class attribute of the input element. |
string | No | |
matchClass | CSS class to apply for matching part of the title and description. | string | No | |
maxChars | Maximal number of characters that the user can type in the component. | number | No | 524288 |
minSearchLength | Minimal number of characters required for searching. | number | No | 3 |
overrideSuggested | If true will override suggested and set the model with the value in the input field. | boolean | No | false |
openOnFocus | If true will open the dropdown and perform search when the input gets the focus. | boolean | No | false |
openOnClick | If true will open and close the dropdown by click. | boolean | No | false |
selectOnFocus | If true will select the input text upon focus. | boolean | No | false |
selectOnClick | If true will select the input text by click. | boolean | No | false |
fillHighlighted | If true will set the model with the value in the input field when item is highlighted. | boolean | No | true |
pause | Number of msec. to wait before searching. | number | No | 250 |
placeholder | Placeholder text for the search field. | string | No | |
textNoResults | Text displayed when the search returned no results. if the string is falsy it won't be displayed | string | No | |
textSearching | Text displayed while search is active. if the string is falsy it won't be displayed | string | No | Searching... |
autoHighlight | Automatically highlight the best matching search result when the input changes. the "best match" is selected by: exact match, starts with and finally includes | boolean | No | false |
ng2-completer events
Name | Description | Type |
selected | emitted when an item is selected. | (selected: CompleterItem): void |
highlighted | emitted when an item is highlighted. | (highlighted: CompleterItem): void |
focus | emitted when the input gets focus | (): void |
blur | emitted when the input looses focus | (): void |
opened | emitted when the dropdown is opened or closed | (isOpen: boolean): void |
keyup | emitted when the input emits keyup | (event: any): void |
keydown | emitted when the input emits keydown | (event: any): void |
ng2-completer methods
Method | Description | Parameters |
open() | Open the dropdown | |
close() | Close the dropdown | |
focus() | Set the focus to the completer input | |
blur() | Remove the focus from the completer input | |
isOpen() | Returns the state of the dropdown |
Local data
Create local data provider by calling CompleterService.local
Name | Type | Description | Required |
data | any[] | Observable<any[]> | A JSON array with the data to use or an Observable that emits one | Yes |
searchFields | string | Comma separated list of fields to search on. Fields may contain dots for nested attributes; if empty or null all data will be returned. | Yes |
titleField | string | Name of the field to use as title for the list item. | Yes |
Name | Type | Description |
descriptionField | string | Name of the field to use as description for the list item. |
imageField | string | Name of the field to use as image url for the list item. |
Remote data
Create remote data provider by calling CompleterService.remote
Name | Type | Description | Required |
url | string | Base url for the search | Yes |
searchFields | string | Comma separated list of fields to search on. Fields may contain dots for nested attributes; if empty or null all data will be returned. | Yes |
titleField | string | Name of the field to use as title for the list item. | Yes |
Name | Type | Description |
descriptionField | string | Name of the field to use as description for the list item. |
imageField | string | Name of the field to use as image url for the list item. |
urlFormater | (term: string) => string | Function that get's the searchterm and returns the search url before each search. |
dataField | string | The field in the response that includes the data. |
requestOptions | RequestOptions (@angular/common/http) | HTTP request options that should be sent with the search request. |
CSS classes
- This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb