⚠️ switched to @typestrong/ts-mockito because ts-mockito seems to not be maintained anymore (see https://github.com/NagRock/ts-mockito/issues/212) If you want to use this version of ng-mockito, you need to replace ts-mockito with @typestrong/ts-mockito:
npm uninstall ts-mockito
.npm install @typestrong/ts-mockito
.- replace
in every file (no other changes should be necessary)
Type-safe mocking for Angular, based on ts-mockito. If you use ts-mockito for your Angular project, you'll love ng-mockito! If not, you'll love it anyway 🤓️. It also integrates nicely with @testing-library/angular.
As a layer on top of ts-mockito, it's 100% compatible to it. You're still working with the usual functions (when
, verify
, ...).
It just makes your life easier when preparing mocks for Angular-specific types.
To use this package, install it as development dependency:
npm install ng-mockito --save-dev
Additionally, install ts-mockito in the same way, if not done already (it is a peer dependency of ng-mockito):
npm install ts-mockito --save-dev
Provides mockNg
function to simplify mock setup:
declarations: [
mockNg(SomeChildComponent), // mockNg detects if component...
mockNg(SomePipe), // ... pipe ...
mockNg(SomeDirective), // ... directive ...
providers: [mockNg(SomeService)], // ... or service is mocked.
// 👆️
// Note, that you don't have to declare
// {provide: SomeService, useFactory: ... }
Even injection tokens can be mocked:
providers: [
mockNg([SOME_TOKEN, UseSomeTokenService]),
// 👆️
// UseSomeTokenService must be given here, because
// the token's type is retrieved from its constructor to
// ensure type safety!
// Default values (like empty string, 0 or []) are used,
// if token type is a native / value type.
// Classes and interfaces are mocked automatically.
You can stub your mocks inline:
mockNg(TestPipe, (mockTestPipe) =>
when(mockTestPipe.transform('test pipe input', 'test argument')).thenReturn(
'mocked pipe output'
// 👆️
// mockTestPipe.transform is autocompleted by your IDE, because
// mockTestPipe is of type TestPipe!
// You'll get a compiler error, if the method signature changes.
Or use your pre-defined mocks (e.g. if you want to use beforeEach
const mockTestComponent = mock(SomeChildComponent);
// 👆️
// Note, that if you don't provide a default stub for someOutput
// here, mockNg will create a default EventEmitter stub for you.
Instead of mockNg
, you can also use the more specific function mockComponent
, mockDirective
, mockPipe
, mockToken
and mockProvider
Finally, use mockAll
to create multiple default mocks with a single function call:
declarations: [
...mockAll(SomeChildComponent, SomePipe, SomeDirective)
providers: mockAll(SomeService, OtherService)
For more usage examples in combination with @testing-library/angular, please have a look at the spec file in our GitHub repo.
For more information about how to mock, stub and verify, see the ts-mockito documentation.
From qupaya with 🖤️