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1.0.3 • Public • Published

Hub UI Breadcrumb

A flexible and reusable breadcrumb component for Angular applications that automatically generates breadcrumbs based on your routing configuration.


npm install ng-hub-ui-breadcrumbs


  • Automatic breadcrumb generation from route configuration
  • Customizable through CSS variables
  • RTL support
  • Templating support for custom breadcrumb items
  • Bootstrap-compatible styling


Basic Setup

You can use this component in two ways:

1. Standalone Components

Import the required artifacts in your component:

import { HubBreadcrumbComponent } from 'ng-hub-ui-breadcrumbs';
import { HubBreadcrumbItemDirective } from 'ng-hub-ui-breadcrumbs';

  // ...
  imports: [HubBreadcrumbComponent, HubBreadcrumbItemDirective]

2. Module Import

If you prefer using NgModules, import the HubBreadcrumbModule:

import { HubBreadcrumbModule } from 'ng-hub-ui-breadcrumbs';

  imports: [HubBreadcrumbModule]
export class AppModule { }

Route Configuration

Configure your routes with breadcrumb data:

// app-routing.module.ts
const routes: Routes = [
	path: '',
	data: { breadcrumb: 'Home' }
	path: 'products',
	data: { breadcrumb: 'Products' },
	children: [
		path: ':id',
		resolve: {
		  resolvedData: ProductResolver
		data: { 
		  breadcrumb: '{name}' // Will use the product name from resolver

Add to Template

Add the component to your template:


Function Labels

You can also use functions to generate dynamic labels:

const routes: Routes = [
	path: 'products',
	resolve: { info: infoResolver },
	data: { breadcrumb: (data: any) => `${}` },

Component Features

The breadcrumb component automatically:

  • Listens to route changes
  • Extracts breadcrumb data from route configuration
  • Builds the breadcrumb path
  • Handles template customization
  • Supports RTL languages

Working with Lazy Loading

For lazy-loaded modules, configure the parent route with breadcrumb data:

// app-routing.module.ts
const routes: Routes = [
	path: 'admin',
	data: { breadcrumb: 'Administration' },
	loadChildren: () => import('./admin/admin.module').then(m => m.AdminModule)

// admin-routing.module.ts
const adminRoutes: Routes = [
	path: 'users',
	data: { breadcrumb: 'Users' }

This will generate breadcrumbs like: Home > Administration > Users

Custom Template

You can customize how each breadcrumb item is rendered using a template.

Basic Template

  <ng-template hubBreadcrumbItem let-item let-isLast="isLast">
	@if (!isLast) {
	  <a [routerLink]="item.url" class="hub-breadcrumb__link">
		{{ item.label }}
	} @else {
	  <span class="hub-breadcrumb__text">{{ item.label }}</span>

Template Context

The template context provides these properties:

interface BreadcrumbTemplateContext {
  $implicit: BreadcrumbItem;  // The current breadcrumb item
  isLast: boolean;           // Whether this is the last item

interface BreadcrumbItem {
  label: string;    // The text to display
  url: string;      // The route URL
  data: any;        // Additional data from route configuration


With icons:

  <ng-template hubBreadcrumbItem let-item let-isLast="isLast">
	@if (!isLast) {
	  <a [routerLink]="item.url" class="hub-breadcrumb__link">
		<i [class]=""></i>
		{{ item.label }}
	} @else {
	  <span class="hub-breadcrumb__text">
		<i [class]=""></i>
		{{ item.label }}

Route configuration for icons:

const routes: Routes = [
	path: 'products',
	data: {
	  breadcrumb: 'Products',
	  icon: 'fa fa-box'  // Will be available in template

With custom separators:

  <ng-template hubBreadcrumbItem let-item let-isLast="isLast">
	@if (!isLast) {
	  <a [routerLink]="item.url" class="hub-breadcrumb__link">
		{{ item.label }}
	  <span class="hub-breadcrumb__separator"></span>
	} @else {
	  <span class="hub-breadcrumb__text">{{ item.label }}</span>

Note: When using a custom template, you're responsible for:

  • Handling the navigation with routerLink
  • Managing active/inactive states
  • Applying appropriate styles
  • Handling RTL if needed


The breadcrumb component uses CSS variables for styling, making it highly customizable. It's designed to work with or without Bootstrap.

Default SCSS Variables

These SCSS variables set the default values:

$border-radius-pill: 50rem !default;
$secondary-color: black !default;
$breadcrumb-font-size: null !default;
$breadcrumb-padding-y: 0.25rem !default;
$breadcrumb-padding-x: 1rem !default;
$breadcrumb-item-padding-x: 0.5rem !default;
$breadcrumb-margin-bottom: 0 !default;
$breadcrumb-bg: white !default;
$breadcrumb-divider-color: $secondary-color !default;
$breadcrumb-active-color: $secondary-color !default;
$breadcrumb-divider: quote('>') !default;
$breadcrumb-divider-flipped: $breadcrumb-divider !default;
$breadcrumb-border-radius: $border-radius-pill !default;

CSS Variables

These variables are exposed for runtime customization:

.hub-breadcrumb__list {
  --hub-breadcrumb-padding-x: 1rem;
  --hub-breadcrumb-padding-y: 0.25rem;
  --hub-breadcrumb-margin-bottom: 0;
  --hub-breadcrumb-bg: white;
  --hub-breadcrumb-border-radius: 50rem;
  --hub-breadcrumb-divider-color: black;
  --hub-breadcrumb-item-padding-x: 0.5rem;
  --hub-breadcrumb-item-active-color: black;

Customizing Styles

  1. Override SCSS variables (compile-time):
// your-styles.scss
$breadcrumb-bg: #f8f9fa;
$breadcrumb-divider: quote('');
$breadcrumb-active-color: #6c757d;
  1. Override CSS variables (runtime):
.hub-breadcrumb__list {
  --hub-breadcrumb-bg: #f8f9fa;
  --hub-breadcrumb-divider-color: #6c757d;
  1. Override classes directly:
.hub-breadcrumb__item {
  &--active {
	font-weight: bold;

RTL Support

The component automatically handles RTL languages by flipping the divider. You can customize the flipped divider using:

$breadcrumb-divider-flipped: quote('<');

Class Structure

The component uses BEM methodology:

  • .hub-breadcrumb - Block (host component)
  • .hub-breadcrumb__list - Element (container)
  • .hub-breadcrumb__item - Element (each breadcrumb)
  • .hub-breadcrumb__item--active - Modifier (active state)

Integration with Bootstrap

While the component works independently, it's designed to be compatible with Bootstrap's breadcrumb styles. If you're using Bootstrap, the styles will automatically align with your Bootstrap theme.

Inline Style Customization

You can customize the breadcrumb directly in your template using inline styles:

<hub-breadcrumbs style="
  --hub-breadcrumb-divider: '🐸';
  --hub-breadcrumb-bg: #e9ecef;
  --hub-breadcrumb-item-active-color: #0d6efd;

Common use cases:

  1. Custom divider:
<hub-breadcrumbs style="--hub-breadcrumb-divider: '→'"></hub-breadcrumbs>
<hub-breadcrumbs style="--hub-breadcrumb-divider: '>'"></hub-breadcrumbs>
<hub-breadcrumbs style="--hub-breadcrumb-divider: '/'"></hub-breadcrumbs>
<hub-breadcrumbs style="--hub-breadcrumb-divider: '🐸'"></hub-breadcrumbs>
  1. Custom colors:
<hub-breadcrumbs style="
  --hub-breadcrumb-bg: transparent;
  --hub-breadcrumb-divider-color: #6c757d;
  --hub-breadcrumb-item-active-color: #0d6efd;
  1. Custom spacing:
<hub-breadcrumbs style="
  --hub-breadcrumb-padding-x: 0;
  --hub-breadcrumb-padding-y: 0;
  --hub-breadcrumb-item-padding-x: 1rem;

Note: When using emojis or special characters as dividers, make sure to wrap them in quotes.




  selector: 'hub-breadcrumb',
  standalone: true

A standalone component that automatically generates breadcrumbs from route configuration.



  selector: '[hubBreadcrumbItem]',
  standalone: true

Template directive for customizing breadcrumb item rendering.



interface BreadcrumbItem {
  label: string;    // Display text
  url: string;      // Navigation URL
  data: any;        // Additional data from route configuration


interface BreadcrumbTemplateContext {
  $implicit: BreadcrumbItem;  // Current breadcrumb item
  isLast: boolean;            // Whether this is the last item

Route Configuration

The component reads breadcrumb configuration from route data:

interface BreadcrumbRouteData {
  breadcrumb: string | ((data: any) => string);  // Static text or function
  icon?: string;                                 // Optional icon class
  [key: string]: any;                           // Additional custom data

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description Default
--hub-breadcrumb-padding-x Horizontal padding 1rem
--hub-breadcrumb-padding-y Vertical padding 0.25rem
--hub-breadcrumb-margin-bottom Bottom margin 0
--hub-breadcrumb-bg Background color white
--hub-breadcrumb-border-radius Border radius 50rem
--hub-breadcrumb-divider-color Divider color black
--hub-breadcrumb-item-padding-x Item spacing 0.5rem
--hub-breadcrumb-item-active-color Active item color black

SCSS Variables

Variable Description Default
$breadcrumb-padding-y Vertical padding 0.25rem
$breadcrumb-padding-x Horizontal padding 1rem
$breadcrumb-margin-bottom Bottom margin 0
$breadcrumb-bg Background color white
$breadcrumb-divider Divider character '>'
$breadcrumb-divider-flipped RTL divider character Same as $breadcrumb-divider
$breadcrumb-border-radius Border radius 50rem
$breadcrumb-active-color Active item color black


We appreciate your interest in contributing to Hub Breadcrumb! Here's how you can help:

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd ng-hub-ui-breadcrumbs
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start the development server
npm start


Run the test suite:

# Unit tests
npm run test

# E2E tests
npm run e2e

# Test coverage
npm run test:coverage

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── lib/
│   │   ├── components/
│   │   │   ├── hub-breadcrumb.component.ts
│   │   │   ├── hub-breadcrumb.component.spec.ts
│   │   │   └── hub-breadcrumb.component.scss
│   │   ├── directives/
│   │   │   └── hub-breadcrumb-item.directive.ts
│   │   ├── services/
│   │   │   └── hub-breadcrumb.service.ts
│   │   └── interfaces/
│   │       └── breadcrumb-item.ts
│   └── public-api.ts
└── package.json

Commit Guidelines

We follow Conventional Commits:

  • feat: New features
  • fix: Bug fixes
  • docs: Documentation changes
  • style: Code style changes (formatting, etc)
  • refactor: Code refactors
  • test: Adding or updating tests
  • chore: Maintenance tasks


git commit -m "feat: add custom divider support"

Pull Request Process

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feat/my-new-feature
  1. Make your changes
  2. Add tests for any new functionality
  3. Update documentation if needed
  4. Submit a Pull Request

Development Guidelines

  • Write unit tests for new features
  • Follow Angular style guide
  • Update documentation for API changes
  • Maintain backward compatibility
  • Add comments for complex logic


Before creating an issue, please:

  • Check existing issues
  • Use the issue template
  • Include reproduction steps
  • Specify your environment

Code Style

We follow the Angular Style Guide:

  • Use TypeScript
  • Follow BEM for CSS
  • Maintain consistent naming
  • Add JSDoc comments

Support the Project

If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, you can buy me a coffee:

"Buy Me A Coffee"

Your support is greatly appreciated and helps maintain and improve this project!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Made with ❤️ by [Carlos Morcillo Fernández]

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  • inphinito