
3.12.1 • Public • Published


NextGenConnectClientApi - JavaScript client for next_gen_connect_client_api Swagger documentation for the NextGen Connect Client API. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 3.12.0
  • Package version: 3.12.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.javascript.JavaScriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install next_gen_connect_client_api --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var NextGenConnectClientApi = require('next_gen_connect_client_api');

var api = new NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi()
var body = new NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertModel(); // {AlertModel} The alert to create.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createAlert(body, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /api

Class Method HTTP request Description
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi createAlert POST /alerts Creates a new alert.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi disableAlert POST /alerts/{alertId}/_disable Disables the specified alert.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi enableAlert POST /alerts/{alertId}/_enable Enables the specified alert.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlert GET /alerts/{alertId} Retrieves an alert by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlertInfo POST /alerts/_getInfo Returns an AlertInfo object containing alert protocol options and any updated channel summaries.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlertInfo1 POST /alerts/{alertId}/_getInfo Returns an AlertInfo object containing the alert model, alert protocol options, and any updated channel summaries.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlertProtocolOptions GET /alerts/options Returns all alert protocol options.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlertStatusList GET /alerts/statuses Returns all alert dashboard statuses.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlerts GET /alerts Retrieves multiple alerts by ID, or all alerts if not specified.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi getAlertsPost POST /alerts/_getAlerts Retrieves multiple alerts by ID, or all alerts if not specified. This is a POST request alternative to GET /alerts that may be used when there are too many alert IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi removeAlert DELETE /alerts/{alertId} Removes the specified alert.
NextGenConnectClientApi.AlertsApi updateAlert PUT /alerts/{alertId} Updates the specified alert.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelDeploymentOperationsApi deployChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_deploy Deploys (or redeploys) a single channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelDeploymentOperationsApi deployChannels POST /channels/_deploy Deploys (or redeploys) selected channels.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelDeploymentOperationsApi redeployAllChannels POST /channels/_redeployAll Redeploys all channels.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelDeploymentOperationsApi undeployChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_undeploy Undeploys a single channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelDeploymentOperationsApi undeployChannels POST /channels/_undeploy Undeploys selected channels.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelGroupsApi getChannelGroups GET /channelgroups Retrieve a list of all channel groups, or multiple channel groups by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelGroupsApi getChannelGroupsPost POST /channelgroups/_getChannelGroups Retrieve a list of all channel groups, or multiple channel groups by ID. This is a POST request alternative to GET /channelgroups that may be used when there are too many channel group IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelGroupsApi updateChannelGroups POST /channelgroups/_bulkUpdate Updates all channel groups in one request. ("Try it out" doesn't work for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. Please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatisticsApi clearAllStatistics POST /channels/_clearAllStatistics Clears all statistics (including lifetime) for all channels/connectors.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatisticsApi clearStatistics POST /channels/_clearStatistics Clears the statistics for the given channels and/or connectors.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatisticsApi getStatistics GET /channels/statistics Returns the Statistics for all channels.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatisticsApi getStatistics1 GET /channels/{channelId}/statistics Returns the Statistics for the channel with the specified id.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatisticsApi getStatisticsPost POST /channels/statistics/_getStatistics Returns the Statistics for all channels. This is a POST request alternative to GET /statistics that may be used when there are too many channel IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi getChannelStatus GET /channels/{channelId}/status Returns the dashboard status for a single channel ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi getChannelStatusList GET /channels/statuses Returns all channel dashboard statuses, or multiple statuses by channel ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi getChannelStatusListPost POST /channels/statuses/_getChannelStatusList Returns all channel dashboard statuses, or multiple statuses by channel ID. This is a POST request alternative to GET /statuses that may be used when there are too many channel IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi getDashboardChannelInfo GET /channels/statuses/initial Returns a DashboardChannelInfo object containing a partial channel status list and a set of remaining channel IDs.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi haltChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_halt Halts the channel with the specified ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi haltChannels POST /channels/_halt Halts the channels with the specified IDs. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi pauseChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_pause Pauses the channel with the specified ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi pauseChannels POST /channels/_pause Pauses the channels with the specified IDs. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi resumeChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_resume Resumes the channel with the specified ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi resumeChannels POST /channels/_resume Resume the channels with the specified IDs. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi startChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_start Starts the channel with the specified ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi startChannels POST /channels/_start Starts the channels with the specified IDs. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi startConnector POST /channels/{channelId}/connector/{metaDataId}/_start Starts the connector with the specified channel and metadata ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi startConnectors POST /channels/_startConnectors Starts the connectors with the specified channel and metadata IDs.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi stopChannel POST /channels/{channelId}/_stop Stops the channel with the specified ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi stopChannels POST /channels/_stop Stops the channels with the specified IDs. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi stopConnector POST /channels/{channelId}/connector/{metaDataId}/_stop Stops the connector with the specified channel and metadata ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelStatusOperationsApi stopConnectors POST /channels/_stopConnectors Stops the connectors with the specified channel and metadata IDs.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi createChannel POST /channels Creates a new channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getChannel GET /channels/{channelId} Retrieve a single channel by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getChannelIdsAndNames GET /channels/idsAndNames Returns a map of all channel IDs and names.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getChannelSummary POST /channels/_getSummary Returns a list of channel summaries, indicating to a client which channels have changed (been updated, deleted, undeployed, etc.). If a channel was modified, the entire Channel object will be returned.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getChannels GET /channels Retrieve a list of all channels, or multiple channels by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getChannelsPost POST /channels/_getChannels Retrieve a list of all channels, or multiple channels by ID. This is a POST request alternative to GET /channels that may be used when there are too many channel IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getConnectorNames GET /channels/{channelId}/connectorNames Returns all connector names for a channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi getMetaDataColumns GET /channels/{channelId}/metaDataColumns Returns all metadata columns for a channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi removeChannel DELETE /channels/{channelId} Removes the channel with the specified ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi removeChannels DELETE /channels Removes the channels with the specified IDs.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi removeChannelsPost POST /channels/_removeChannels Removes the channels with the specified IDs. This is a POST request alternative to DELETE /channels that may be used when there are too many channel IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi setChannelEnabled POST /channels/{channelId}/enabled/{enabled} Enables/disables the specified channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi setChannelEnabled1 POST /channels/_setEnabled Enables/disables the specified channels. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi setChannelInitialState POST /channels/_setInitialState Sets the initial state for the specified channels. ("Try it Out" only works when submitting an array containing one element for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. If you want to modify multiple items at once, please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi setChannelInitialState1 POST /channels/{channelId}/initialState/{initialState} Sets the initial state for a single channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ChannelsApi updateChannel PUT /channels/{channelId} Updates the specified channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplate GET /codeTemplates/{codeTemplateId} Retrieves a single code template.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplateLibraries GET /codeTemplateLibraries Retrieves multiple code template libraries by ID, or all libraries if not specified.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplateLibrariesPost POST /codeTemplateLibraries/_getCodeTemplateLibraries Retrieves multiple code template libraries by ID, or all libraries if not specified. This is a POST request alternative to GET /codeTemplateLibraries that may be used when there are too many library IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplateLibrary GET /codeTemplateLibraries/{libraryId} Retrieves a single code template library.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplateSummary POST /codeTemplates/_getSummary Returns a list of code template summaries, indicating to a client which code templates have changed. If a code template was modified, the entire CodeTemplate object will be returned.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplates GET /codeTemplates Retrieves multiple code templates by ID, or all templates if not specified.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi getCodeTemplatesPost POST /codeTemplates/_getCodeTemplates Retrieves multiple code templates by ID, or all templates if not specified. This is a POST request alternative to GET /codeTemplates that may be used when there are too many code template IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi removeCodeTemplate DELETE /codeTemplates/{codeTemplateId} Removes a single code template.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi updateCodeTemplate PUT /codeTemplates/{codeTemplateId} Updates a single code template.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi updateCodeTemplateLibraries PUT /codeTemplateLibraries Replaces all code template libraries.
NextGenConnectClientApi.CodeTemplatesApi updateLibrariesAndTemplates POST /codeTemplateLibraries/_bulkUpdate Updates all libraries and updates/removes selected code templates in one request. ("Try it out" doesn't work for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. Please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi cacheWsdlFromUrl POST /connectors/ws/_cacheWsdlFromUrl Downloads the WSDL at the specified URL and caches the web service definition tree.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi deleteTemplate DELETE /connectors/jms/templates/{templateName} Creates or updates a JMS connector settings template.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi generateEnvelope POST /connectors/ws/_generateEnvelope Generate SOAP envelope for a given WSDL operation.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getCapabilityStatement POST /connectors/fhir/_getCapabilityStatement Retrieves the Capability Statement from the target URL.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getDefinition POST /connectors/ws/_getDefinition Retrieves the definition service map corresponding to the specified WSDL.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getPorts GET /connectors/serial/ports Detects and returns available serial ports on the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getSoapAction POST /connectors/ws/_getSoapAction Retrieves the default SOAP Action for a given WSDL operation.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getTables POST /connectors/jdbc/_getTables Executes a query to retrieve database table metadata.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getTemplate GET /connectors/jms/templates/{templateName} Retrieves a single JMS connector settings template.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi getTemplates GET /connectors/jms/templates Retrieves JMS connector settings templates.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi isWsdlCached POST /connectors/ws/_isWsdlCached Returns true if the definition tree for the WSDL is cached by the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi saveTemplate PUT /connectors/jms/templates/{templateName} Creates or updates a JMS connector settings template.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi sendTestEmail POST /connectors/smtp/_sendTestEmail Sends a test e-mail, replacing any connector properties first.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi testConnection POST /connectors/http/_testConnection Tests whether a connection can be successfully established to the destination endpoint.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi testConnection1 POST /connectors/tcp/_testConnection Tests whether a connection can be successfully established to the destination endpoint.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi testConnection2 POST /connectors/ws/_testConnection Tests whether a connection can be successfully established to the destination endpoint.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi testRead POST /connectors/file/_testRead Tests whether a file can be read from the specified directory.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi testWrite POST /connectors/doc/_testWrite Tests whether a file can be written to the specified directory.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ConnectorServicesApi testWrite1 POST /connectors/file/_testWrite Tests whether a file can be written to the specified directory.
NextGenConnectClientApi.DatabaseTasksApi cancelDatabaseTask POST /databaseTasks/{databaseTaskId}/_cancel Cancels execution of the specified database task.
NextGenConnectClientApi.DatabaseTasksApi getDatabaseTask GET /databaseTasks/{databaseTaskId} Retrieves a single database task.
NextGenConnectClientApi.DatabaseTasksApi getDatabaseTasks GET /databaseTasks Retrieves all current database tasks.
NextGenConnectClientApi.DatabaseTasksApi runDatabaseTask POST /databaseTasks/{databaseTaskId}/_run Executes the specified database task.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi exportAllEvents POST /events/_export Exports all events to the application data directory on the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi getEvent GET /events/{eventId} Retrieves an event by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi getEventCount POST /events/count/_search Count number for events by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi getEventCount1 GET /events/count Count number for events by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi getEvents GET /events Search for events by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi getEvents1 POST /events/_search Search for events by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi getMaxEventId GET /events/maxEventId Returns the maximum event ID currently in the database.
NextGenConnectClientApi.EventsApi removeAllEvents DELETE /events Remove all events.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi downloadServerCertificates POST /extensions/ssl/_downloadServerCerts Download certificates from a remote TLS-enabled server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getAll GET /extensions/ssl/all Retrieves all entries from the SSL Manager keystore and truststore.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getAllChannelLogs GET /extensions/dashboardstatus/connectionLogs Retrieves connection logs for all channels.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getAllMaps GET /extensions/globalmapviewer/maps/all Retrieves global and/or global channel map information.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getAllMapsPost POST /extensions/globalmapviewer/maps/_getAllMaps Retrieves global and/or global channel map information. This is a POST request alternative to GET /maps/all that may be used when there are too many channel IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getAllStoreBytes GET /extensions/ssl/allStoreBytes Retrieves the raw bytes for the SSL Manager keystore and truststore.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getCACertificates GET /extensions/ssl/cacerts Retrieves all entries from the Java cacerts truststore.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getChannelLog GET /extensions/dashboardstatus/connectionLogs/{channelId} Retrieves connection logs for a specific channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getChannelSnapshot GET /extensions/history/channels/{channelId}/snapshots/{snapshotId} Retrieves a single channel snapshot by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getChannelSnapshots GET /extensions/history/channels/{channelId}/snapshots Retrieves all snapshots for a channel. The snapshots will only include metadata, not the actual channel XML.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getChannelState GET /extensions/dashboardstatus/channelStates/{channelId} Retrieves a single dashboard channel state.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getChannelStates GET /extensions/dashboardstatus/channelStates Retrieves all dashboard channel states.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getCodeTemplateLibrarySnapshot GET /extensions/history/codeTemplateLibraries/{libraryId}/snapshots/{snapshotId} Retrieves a single code template library snapshot by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getCodeTemplateLibrarySnapshots GET /extensions/history/codeTemplateLibraries/{libraryId}/snapshots Retrieves all snapshots for a code template library. The snapshots will only include metadata, not the actual library XML.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getCodeTemplateSnapshot GET /extensions/history/codeTemplates/{codeTemplateId}/snapshots/{snapshotId} Retrieves a single code template snapshot by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getCodeTemplateSnapshots GET /extensions/history/codeTemplates/{codeTemplateId}/snapshots Retrieves all snapshots for a code template. The snapshots will only include metadata, not the actual code template XML.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getConnectorStateMap GET /extensions/dashboardstatus/connectorStates Retrieves all dashboard connector states.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getDuoSettings GET /extensions/mfa/duosettings Retrieves the Duo multi-factor authentication settings, excluding the secret keys.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getGlobalChannelMap GET /extensions/globalmapviewer/maps/{channelId} Retrieves global channel map information for a single channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getGlobalMap GET /extensions/globalmapviewer/maps/global Retrieves global map information.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getHtml GET /extensions/mfa/Duo.html Retrieves the HTML page to show on the client side for multi-factor authentication.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getJs GET /extensions/mfa/Duo.js Retrieves the JavaScript to use on the client side for multi-factor authentication.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getKeyStore GET /extensions/ssl/keyStore Retrieves all entries from the SSL Manager keystore.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getLibraries GET /extensions/directoryresource/resources/{resourceId}/libraries Retrieves all library URLs for the given directory resource.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getRoles GET /extensions/ldap/roles Obtain a list of user roles available for the LDAP configuration.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getSSLManagerSettings GET /extensions/ssl/settings Retrieves global server settings for the SSL Manager.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getServerLogs GET /extensions/serverlog Retrieves server log entries.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getSettings GET /extensions/mfa/settings Retrieves the global multi-factor authentication settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getStatusMap GET /extensions/datapruner/status Retrieves the current data pruner status.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getTree POST /extensions/ldap/_getTree Retrieves all nodes from the LDAP directory. ("Try it out" doesn't work for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. Please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi getTrustStore GET /extensions/ssl/trustStore Retrieves all entries from the SSL Manager truststore.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi removeChannelSnapshots DELETE /extensions/history/channels/{channelId}/snapshots Prunes channel snapshots older than the specified revision.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi removeCodeTemplateLibrarySnapshots DELETE /extensions/history/codeTemplateLibraries/{libraryId}/snapshots Prunes code template library snapshots older than the specified revision.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi removeCodeTemplateSnapshots DELETE /extensions/history/codeTemplates/{codeTemplateId}/snapshots Prunes code template snapshots older than the specified revision.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi resetUser POST /extensions/mfa/_resetUser Resets the given user's MFA credentials. Upon next login the user will have to re-enroll.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi restoreStores PUT /extensions/ssl/all Restores the SSL Manager keystore and truststore from a backup. ("Try it out" doesn't work for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. Please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi saveAll POST /extensions/ssl/all Updates entries in the SSL Manager keystore and truststore.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi saveDuoSettings PUT /extensions/mfa/duosettings Saves the Duo multi-factor authentication settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi saveSettings PUT /extensions/mfa/settings Saves the global multi-factor authentication settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi setSSLManagerSettings PUT /extensions/ssl/settings Updates global server settings for the SSL Manager.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi start POST /extensions/datapruner/_start Starts the data pruner on-demand.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi stop POST /extensions/datapruner/_stop Stops the data pruner if currently running.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionServicesApi testConnection3 POST /extensions/ldap/_testConnection Tests an LDAP connection and returns a map of user attributes if successful. ("Try it out" doesn't work for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. Please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi getConnectorMetaData GET /extensions/connectors Returns all active connector metadata.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi getExtensionMetaData GET /extensions/{extensionName} Returns extension metadata by name.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi getPluginMetaData GET /extensions/plugins Returns all active plugin metadata.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi getPluginProperties GET /extensions/{extensionName}/properties Returns filtered properties for a specified extension.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi installExtension POST /extensions/_install Installs an extension.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi isExtensionEnabled GET /extensions/{extensionName}/enabled Returns the enabled status of an extension.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi setExtensionEnabled POST /extensions/{extensionName}/_setEnabled Enables or disables an extension.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi setPluginProperties PUT /extensions/{extensionName}/properties Sets properties for a specified extension.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ExtensionsApi uninstallExtension POST /extensions/_uninstall Uninstalls an extension.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi exportAttachmentServer POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/_export Exports a message attachment into a specific file path accessible by the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi exportMessagesServer POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_exportUsingFilter Exports messages into a specific directory path accessible by the server. ("Try it out" doesn't work for this endpoint, but the descriptions are valid. Please use another tool for testing.)
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi exportMessagesServer1 POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_export Exports messages into a specific directory path accessible by the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getAttachment GET /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/attachments/{attachmentId} Retrieve a message attachment by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getAttachmentsByMessageId GET /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/attachments Retrieve a list of attachments by message ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getDICOMMessage POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/_getDICOMMessage Given a ConnectorMessage object, reattaches any DICOM attachment data and returns the raw Base64 encoded message data.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getMaxMessageId GET /channels/{channelId}/messages/maxMessageId Returns the maximum message ID for the given channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getMessageContent GET /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId} Retrieve a message by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getMessageCount GET /channels/{channelId}/messages/count Count number for messages by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getMessageCount1 POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/count/_search Count number for messages by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getMessages GET /channels/{channelId}/messages Search for messages by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi getMessages1 POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_search Search for messages by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi importMessage POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_import Imports a Message object into a channel. The message will not actually be processed through the channel, only imported.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi importMessagesServer POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_importFromPath Imports messages into a channel from a path accessible by the server. The messages will not actually be processed through the channel, only imported.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi processMessage POST /channels/{channelId}/messages Processes a new message through a channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi processMessage1 POST /channels/{channelId}/messagesWithObj Processes a new message through a channel, using the RawMessage object.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi removeAllMessages DELETE /channels/{channelId}/messages/_removeAll Removes all messages for the specified channel.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi removeAllMessages1 DELETE /channels/_removeAllMessages Removes all messages for multiple specified channels.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi removeAllMessagesPost POST /channels/_removeAllMessagesPost Removes all messages for multiple specified channels. This is a POST request alternative to DELETE /_removeAllMessages that may be used when there are too many channel IDs to include in the query parameters.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi removeMessage DELETE /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId} Remove a single message by ID.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi removeMessages DELETE /channels/{channelId}/messages Remove messages by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi removeMessages1 POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_remove Remove messages by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi reprocessMessage POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/_reprocess Reprocesses and overwrites a single message.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi reprocessMessages POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_reprocess Reprocesses messages through a channel by specific filter criteria.
NextGenConnectClientApi.MessagesApi reprocessMessages1 POST /channels/{channelId}/messages/_reprocessWithFilter Reprocesses messages through a channel filtering with a MessageFilter.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getAbout GET /server/about Returns a map of common information about the Mirth Connect server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getAvailableCharsetEncodings GET /server/charsets Returns a List of all of the charset encodings supported by the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getBuildDate GET /server/buildDate Returns the build date of the Mirth Connect server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getChannelDependencies GET /server/channelDependencies Returns all channel dependencies for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getChannelMetadata GET /server/channelMetadata Returns all channel metadata for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getChannelTags GET /server/channelTags Returns a set containing all channel tags for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getConfigurationMap GET /server/configurationMap Returns all entries in the configuration map.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getDatabaseDrivers GET /server/databaseDrivers Returns the database driver list.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getEncryptionSettings GET /server/encryption Returns an EncryptionSettings object with all encryption settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getGlobalScripts GET /server/globalScripts Returns a map containing all of the global scripts.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getGuid POST /server/_generateGUID Returns a globally unique id.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getJVMName GET /server/jvm Returns the name of the JVM running Mirth Connect.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getLicenseInfo GET /server/licenseInfo Returns a LicenseInfo object with the expiration date and other information.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getPasswordRequirements GET /server/passwordRequirements Returns all password requirements for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getProtocolsAndCipherSuites GET /server/protocolsAndCipherSuites Returns a map containing all supported and enabled TLS protocols and cipher suites.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getResources GET /server/resources Returns all resources for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getRhinoLanguageVersion GET /server/rhinoLanguageVersion Returns the language version that the Rhino engine should use.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getServerConfiguration GET /server/configuration Returns a ServerConfiguration object which contains all of the channels, alerts, configuration map, and properties stored on the Mirth Connect server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getServerId GET /server/id Returns the server id.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getServerSettings GET /server/settings Returns a ServerSettings object with all server settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getServerTime GET /server/time Returns the time of the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getServerTimezone GET /server/timezone Returns the time zone of the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getStatus GET /server/status Returns the status of the Mirth Connect server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getUpdateSettings GET /server/updateSettings Returns an UpdateSettings object with all update settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi getVersion GET /server/version Returns the version of the Mirth Connect server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi reloadResource POST /server/resources/{resourceId}/_reload Reloads a resource and all libraries associated with it.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi sendTestEmail1 POST /server/_testEmail Sends a test e-mail.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setChannelDependencies PUT /server/channelDependencies Updates all channel dependencies for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setChannelMetadata PUT /server/channelMetadata Updates all channel metadata for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setChannelTags PUT /server/channelTags Updates all channel tags.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setConfigurationMap PUT /server/configurationMap Updates all entries in the configuration map.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setDatabaseDrivers PUT /server/databaseDrivers Updates the list of database drivers.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setGlobalScripts PUT /server/globalScripts Updates all of the global scripts.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setResources PUT /server/resources Updates all resources for the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setServerConfiguration PUT /server/configuration Updates all of the channels, alerts and properties stored on the Mirth Connect server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setServerSettings PUT /server/settings Updates the server configuration settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.ServerConfigurationApi setUpdateSettings PUT /server/updateSettings Updates the update settings.
NextGenConnectClientApi.SystemInformationAndStatisticsApi getInfo GET /system/info Returns information about the underlying system.
NextGenConnectClientApi.SystemInformationAndStatisticsApi getStats GET /system/stats Returns statistics for the underlying system.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsageDataApi getUsageData POST /usageData/_generate Generates usage document using data from both the client and server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi checkUserPassword POST /users/_checkPassword Checks the password against the configured password policies.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi createUser POST /users Creates a new user.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi getAllUsers GET /users Returns a List of all users.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi getCurrentUser GET /users/current Returns the current logged in user.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi getPermissions GET /permissions Retrieves permissions for all audited client actions.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi getUser GET /users/{userIdOrName} Returns a specific user by ID or username.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi getUserPreference GET /users/{userId}/preferences/{name} Returns a specific user preference.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi getUserPreferences GET /users/{userId}/preferences Returns a Map of user preferences, optionally filtered by a set of property names.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi isUserLoggedIn GET /users/{userId}/loggedIn Returns a true if the specified user is logged in to the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi login POST /users/_login Logs in to the Mirth Connect server using the specified name and password.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi logout POST /users/_logout Logs out of the server.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi removeUser DELETE /users/{userId} Removes a specific user.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi setUserPreference PUT /users/{userId}/preferences/{name} Updates a user preference.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi setUserPreferences PUT /users/{userId}/preferences Updates multiple user preferences.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi updateUser PUT /users/{userId} Updates a specified user.
NextGenConnectClientApi.UsersApi updateUserPassword PUT /users/{userId}/password Updates a user's password.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.




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