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8.6.3 • Public • Published


Thanks to this package you will be able to add to your website written in NextJS to download/manage translations on your website! Thanks to this package you will be able to build a very efficient website that will have generated pages WITH nested translations!. Powerful package also for STATIC and SERVER SIDE RENDERING sites in NextJS! Works without i18n!

install translations

npm i next-translations

translations.config.js - you need to add this config file to your project

Parameter Type Default Description
defaultLocale string 'en' Required. The default language on your site
locales string[] ['en'] Required. All available languages on your website.
sitesForLoggedUser string[] [] All paths available ONLY for the active session
sitedForLoggedAndNotLoggedUser string[] [] All paths available for the all sessions
redirectForLoggedUser string '/' Redirects the user when on a route for non-logged in users
redirectForNotLoggedUser string '/' Redirects the user when in the route for logged in users
errorPagePath string '/404' Showing if we have a custom link to the error page so that unnecessary redirects are not made
outputFolderTranslations string '/public/locales' The path to your translations. NOTE: If you download translations using next-translations, they will be saved to the given address. For the site to work properly, they must be in the /public folder.
defaultLocaleWithMultirouting boolean undefined The language to be excluded from multi routing. For example, we want /index.js to have the language from defaultLocale prop, then it should be substituted into this variable. Other languages (if any) will be available in /pages/[locale]
constNamespaces string[] ['common'] These are all the namespaces we use throughout the project so as not to define them on every page.
componentNameToReplaced string 'TComponent' The name of the component in translations that will be captured and replaced in tComponent.
namespacesToFetch string[] ['common'] All the namespaces you want to fetch during link Fetch Translations
linkFetchTranslations (version: string, language: string, namespace: string) => string undefined A function to download our translations from the api. It is called every time it wants to load a given translation in a given language and namespace. The function returns single values that we entered in the fields: locales, namespaces. To return, we need to return a link to our api, e.g. return https://your-api-to-download-translations/${version}/${language}/${namespace} Note: if you add NEXT_PUBLIC_NEXT_TRANSLATIONS_APP_ENV to your .env file then you can access the version of the page, e.g.: dev, int, prd etc..


Attention! To avoid a translation error when building a page, add getTranslationsProps to each page! If you don't have these pages, you may get messages about no translation!

  • /404
  • /500
  • /offline

example translations in /public/locales/en/common.json

    "title": "Example title in your site!"


import { initializeTranslations } from "next-translations/hooks";
import { InitializeRedirectsTranslations, validLink } from "next-translations/redirects";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {

  // add this line

  // add this lint if you want to use redirects: sitesForLoggedUser.
  // You can add this in user context for example.
    isLoggedUser: true, // true or false for STATIC PAGES. Attention! if isLoggedUser is undefined then no redirects are performed!
    isLoggedUser: pageProps?.isLoggedUser || false, // for SERVER SIDE RENDERING pages. Attention! if isLoggedUser is undefined then no redirects are performed!
    enable: true, // default is true. Checks if routing can be done on the page. If it's false, it doesn't do routing.
    withQuery: true, // default is true. Listens for query during redirects
    withHash: true, // default is true. Listens for hash during redirects

    isLoggedUser: !!user,
    enable: user !== undefined,
    withQuery: true,
    withHash: false,

  //checking routes and return valid route
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!router.isReady) {

    let queryValue = "";
    if ( > 0) {
      const splitQuery ="?");
      const getQueryValue =;
      if (getQueryValue) {
        queryValue = getQueryValue;

    let hashValue = "";
    if (window.location.hash.length > 0) {
      const splitHash = window.location.hash.split("#");
      const getHashValue =;
      if (getHashValue) {
        hashValue = getHashValue;

    // works in the same way as page redirects. If the user does not have access to a given subpage, he will return a link to the subpage to which he has based on the config
    const result = validLink({
      isLoggedUser: false, // checking if the user is logged in
      locale: "en", // the locale we want to change to. If is undefined, the locale is selected based on the currently used one
      path: "/user", // path where we want to generate the link. If is undefined, the locale is selected based on the currently used one
      router: router, // need to add router from nextjs
      query: queryValue, // query to your link.
      hash: hashValue, // hash to your link
  }, [router, user]);

  return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />

/pages/yourPath.tsx - for STATIC SITES

Note: if you don't have defaultLocaleWithMultirouting defined, then you MUST keep content in /pages/[locale]/yourPath.tsx, otherwise you will only have the language that was set as defaultLocale!

import { getTranslationsProps } from "next-translations";
import { useTranslation } from "next-translations/hooks";
import { GetStaticProps } from "next";

function Home() {
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common"); // enter the given namespace that you use in the given section
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common:section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 1 example
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common.section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 2 example

  // t -> thanks to this function, you can download a given text/object/array at your discretion - just like you have downloaded/added in translations

  // pageTranslations -> all translations that are available on this subpage

  return (
      t("section.title") // downloading translation - without nested elements
      t("title") // downloading translation - if you using nested elements

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ctx => {
  const translationsProps = await getTranslationsProps(ctx, ["common"]); // add here all translations in string[] that you use on this subpage

  // you have access to:
  // ctx.locale - current locale
  // ctx.locales - all locales
  // ctx.defaultLocale - default locale

  return {
    props: {

export default Home;

/pages/yourPath.tsx - for SERVER SIDE RENDERING

Note: if you don't have defaultLocaleWithMultirouting defined, then you MUST keep content in /pages/[locale]/yourPath.tsx, otherwise you will only have the language that was set as defaultLocale!

import { getTranslationsPropsServer } from "next-translations/server";
import { useTranslation } from "next-translations/hooks";
import { GetServerSideProps } from "next";

function Home() {
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common"); // enter the given namespace that you use in the given section
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common:section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 1 example
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common.section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 2 example

  // t -> thanks to this function, you can download a given text/object/array at your discretion - just like you have downloaded/added in translations

  // pageTranslations -> all translations that are available on this subpage

  return (
      t("section.title") // downloading translation - without nested elements
      t("title") // downloading translation - if you using nested elements

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ctx => {
  let translatesProps = null;
  const translationsNamespaces = [namespaces.account];

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
    translatesProps = await getTranslationsProps(ctx, translationsNamespaces);  // add here all translations in string[] that you use on this subpage
  } else {
    translatesProps = await getTranslationsPropsServer(  // add here all translations in string[] that you use on this subpage

  // you have access to:
  // ctx.locale - current locale
  // ctx.locales - all locales
  // ctx.defaultLocale - default locale

  return {
    props: {
      isLoggedUser: true, // or false, add this prop if you want to use redirects: sitesForLoggedUser

export default Home;

/pages/[locale]/yourPath.tsx - for STATIC SITES

import { getTranslationsProps, getStaticPaths, getPaths } from "next-translations"; // add getStaticPaths only if you using: export { getStaticPaths }, if you using getStaticPaths from next - dont add this import!
import { useTranslation } from "next-translations/hooks";
import { GetStaticProps, GetStaticPaths } from "next";

function Home() {
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common"); // enter the given namespace that you use in the given section
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common:section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 1 example
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common.section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 2 example

  // t -> thanks to this function, you can download a given text/object/array at your discretion - just like you have downloaded/added in translations

  // pageTranslations -> all translations that are available on this subpage

  return (
      t("section.title") // downloading translation - without nested elements
      t("title") // downloading translation - if you using nested elements

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ctx => {
  const translationsProps = await getTranslationsProps(ctx, ["common"]); // add here all translations in string[] that you use on this subpage

  // you have access to:
  // ctx.locale - current locale
  // ctx.locales - all locales
  // ctx.defaultLocale - default locale

  return {
    props: {


//ALTERNATIVE with Nextjs getStaticPaths - if you using this, don't impoty getStaticPaths from next-translations

export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => { // IMPORTANT ADD THIS LINE TO ENABLE MULTI ROUTING (alternative)
  return {
    fallback: false,
    paths: getPaths(),

export default Home;

/pages/[locale]/yourPath.tsx - for SERVER SIDE RENDERING

Attention! You manage the site's languages via slug! eg: /en/home - page with en language, /pl/home - page with pl language

import { getTranslationsPropsServer } from "next-translations/server";
import { useTranslation } from "next-translations/hooks";
import { GetServerSideProps } from "next";

function Home() {
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common"); // enter the given namespace that you use in the given section
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common", true); // translations without log errors
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common:section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 1 example
  const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common.section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 2 example

  // t -> thanks to this function, you can download a given text/object/array at your discretion - just like you have downloaded/added in translations

  // pageTranslations -> all translations that are available on this subpage

  return (
      t("section.title") // downloading translation - without nested elements
      t("title") // downloading translation - if you using nested elements

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ctx => {
  let translatesProps = null;
  const translationsNamespaces = [namespaces.account];

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
    translatesProps = await getTranslationsProps(ctx, translationsNamespaces); // add here all translations in string[] that you use on this subpage
  } else {
    translatesProps = await getTranslationsPropsServer( // add here all translations in string[] that you use on this subpage

  // you have access to:
  // ctx.locale - current locale
  // ctx.locales - all locales
  // ctx.defaultLocale - default locale

  return {
    props: {
      isLoggedUser: true, // or false, add this prop if you want to use redirects: sitesForLoggedUser

export default Home;

useTranslation - all functions

const { t, tString, tNumber, tArray, tObject, tComponent, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common"); // enter the given namespace that you use in the given section
const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common:section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 1 example
const { t, pageTranslations } = useTranslation("common.section"); // if you want you can also refer to namespace, along with nested elements - 2 example

pageTranslations // all translations that are available on this subpage

t("section.text1"); // if there is a translation, it returns it as any, if not, it returns undefined

tString("section.text2"); // if there is a translation and it has a string type, it returns it as string, if it doesn't find it, or it has the wrong type, it returns undefined.

tNumber("section.text3"); // if there is a translation and it has a number type, it returns it as number, if it doesn't find it, or it has the wrong type, it returns undefined.

tArray("section.text4"); // if there is a translation and it has a any[] type, it returns it as any[], if it doesn't find it, or it has the wrong type, it returns undefined.

tObject("section.text5"); // if there is a translation and it has a object type, it returns it as object, if it doesn't find it, or it has the wrong type, it returns undefined.

//if there is a translation and it has type string, if it doesn't find it or it has wrong type it returns undefined. If it contains <TComponent> value </TComponent> or <TComponent/>, you can create your own component based on the values returned from the callback. **Note** the text inside <TComponent> must be separated by a space between <TComponent> and </TComponent>!!!!! Example of correct implementation:
  "title": "example paragraph <TComponent> xxxx sad </TComponent> paragraph"
  ({ textBefore, textComponent, textAfter, text }) => { // value from callback to create your own component. text is returned when it doesn't find a TComponent inside the text
    return (
        <Link href="/">{textComponent}</Link>

Avaible types

// import type {T_t, T_tString, T_tNumber, T_tArray, T_tObject, T_tComponent} from "next-translations/hooks"

- T_t
- T_tString
- T_tNumber
- T_tArray
- T_tObject
- T_tComponent


"scripts": {
    "getTranslations": "node node_modules/next-translations/getTranslations", // script to fetch all translations from your api **linkFetchTranslations**
    "dev": "npm run getTranslations && next dev",
    "build": "npm run getTranslations && next build",

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npm i next-translations

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