A promise batching utility mostly used in GraphQL resolvers to avoid N + 1 data fetching
npm add next-batch
import { nextBatch } from "next-batch";
// in your resolvers
User: {
tasks: async ({ id: userId }, _args, context) => {
// batch to collect all resolver requests that are flushed
// in the next execution frame using process.nextTick()
const tasksBatch = nextBatch({
// unique string key to collect all promises into a single batch
key: "tasks",
// batchHandler is the callback that will be invoked when the batch
// is flushed in the next tick. All keys from taskBatch.add(key)
// will be collected as an array and sent as an argument to this
// batchHandler callback
batchHandler: async (keys: { id: number }[]) => {
const tasks = await taskDB.findByUserIds({
ids: keys.map((key) => key.id),
// batch handler should return a Map with every key in keys arg
// and its corresponding value as a map entry.
// remember to use the same key reference and don't deconstruct
// and construct a new object as map key
const result = new Map<typeof keys[number], { title: string }>();
keys.forEach((key) => {
const task = tasks.filter((task) => task.id === key.id);
result.set(key, task);
return result;
// tasks are requested per user but resolved in batch for all users
// via the JavaScript magic of our next-batch util
const tasks = await tasksBatch.add({ id: userId });
return tasks;
MIT © Dinesh Pandiyan