This project provides a basic implementation of a simple API client for the undocumented API of the Austrian grid operator Netz OÖ.
CAUTION: The entire API is undocumented and might break any time. Do not use for anything critical.
Any contributions are highly welcome!
Simply pass your Netz OÖ username and password to the client like so:
import {
} from 'netz-ooe-api-client'
const credentials: Credentials = {
"j_username": "eservice_username_here",
"j_password": "eservice_password_here"
const client = new NetzOoeApiClient(credentials)
Once you have the client, you need to perform the authentication flow like this:
await client.performAuthFlow()
This will perform a series of requests necessary to authenticate against the API and obtain the required cookies and tokens.
Caution: There currently is no mechanism in place to reauthenticate automatically when the session expires.
const exampleRequest = {
"dimension": "ENERGY",
"pods": [
"contractAccountNumber": "Vertragskontonummer_goes_here",
"meterPointAdministrationNumber": "Zählpunktnummer_goes_here",
"timerange": {
"from": "2024-02-01",
"to": "2024-02-01"
"bestAvailableGranularity": "QUARTER_OF_AN_HOUR"
const meterData = await client.getMeterData(exampleRequest)
granularity is only available when a single day is requested.
To get an overview of the available smart meters, you can use this request.
const dashboardView = await client.getDashboardView();
- Proper error handling
- Automating the authentication, reauthenticate after session expires
- Documentation