Redux Devtools for NativeScript
Setting up in existing {N} app:
npm i nativescript-redux-devtools --save
Add the devTools enchanser to your store:
var isAndroid = require("platform").isAndroid;
var devTools = require('remote-redux-devtools').default;
// For Android emulator:, For Genymotion
var hostname = isAndroid ? "" : "localhost";
var store = createStore(counter, devTools({
port: 8000,
realtime: true
The hostname can be localhost
for iOS emulators or for Android ( for genymotion).
For real devices connected over USB you can use adb reverse
for Android 21+, or your computer's IP over WiFi.
Server setups
For a test drive you can install the remote-server:
npm i remotedev-server --save-dev
And start it using npm script, add this in the package.json:
"scripts": {
"remotedev": "remotedev --hostname=localhost --port=8000"
Run it with:
npm run remotedev
Your app should connect to that server. Further you can install the RemoteDev Chrome app and use it to manage your {N} app.