
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Build forms, surveys and polls for React Native apps.

Why this product was created?

We created NativeForms to save you countless hours of boring development of forms. Our product offers advanced solutions to all your problems and let you focus on things that are really important in your app.


npm install native-forms --save
// or
yarn add native-forms

Basic Usage

  1. Import component.
import NativeForms from "native-forms";
  1. Use this component in your render() method.
<NativeForms form="" />

This code will display form in your application. Replace form prop with your form's address. You can create your own forms here.

Full Example

Basic flow of NativeForms in your application.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button, StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native";
import NativeForms from "native-forms";
const App = () => {
  const [hasForm, showForm] = useState(false);
  const show = () => showForm(true);
  const hide = () => showForm(false);
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Button title="Show Form" onPress={show} color="#20f" />
      {hasForm && (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center"
export default App;

Replace form prop with your form's address. You can create your own forms here.




Name Type Required Note
form String Yes URL of form to display.
formJSON Object No You can use JSON format of form instead of form URL. You can get this format by clicking "Export Form to JSON" in dashboard. Can be used for offline forms.
onClose Function No Called when user decides to close the form.
onSend Function No Called when user completes form.
onBeforeSend Function No Called before sending form. Can be used to provide extra data based on user's input.
noInternetConnection Function No Called when user tries to send a form but is offline. Can be used for offline forms.
email String No Email of person that will complete form (it will be displayed in the admin panel).
name String No Name of person that will complete form.
extraData Object No Extra data fields that will be sent along with the completed form. This data will not be visible by users.

Example of using props:

  onSend={formData => console.log("Completed form data", formData)}
  onClose={() => console.log("User cancels forms")}
  onBeforeSend={formData => {
    //extra data that will be added to form
    return {
      "Account Type": "Free"
  name="John Smith"
    "Account Type": "Premium"

File Upload for React Native

Uploading files for React Native is a little bit tricky.

If you are using Expo you have to add this component:

Adding it is as simple as running this command:

expo install react-native-webview

If you created your project with React Native Cli you need to install this library:

It is as simple as running those 2 commands:

npm install --save react-native-webview
// and
react-native link react-native-webview

File Upload - code example

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button, StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native";
import { NativeFormsWebView } from "native-forms";
import { WebView } from "react-native-webview";
const App = () => {
  const [hasForm, showForm] = useState(false);
  const show = () => showForm(true);
  const hide = () => showForm(false);
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Button title="Show Form" onPress={show} color="#20f" />
      {hasForm && (
        <NativeFormsWebView onClose={hide}>
              uri: ""
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center"
export default App;

That's all :)

Offline Forms

It can happen that user is offline while completing the form. NativeForms gives option to send form later when user is back online. The best way to understand how to use forms offline is by looking at the snippet below.

Offline Forms - code example

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button, StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native";
import NativeForms, { sendCompletedForm } from "native-forms"; // must be version >= 1.1.4
// must be JSON object exported from Dashboard
const OFFLINE_FORM = {
  /* label: 'Offline Form'... */
const App = () => {
  const [savedForm, updateSavedForm] = useState(null);
  const [hasForm, showForm] = useState(false);
  const show = () => showForm(true);
  const hide = () => showForm(false);
  const sendSavedForm = async () => {
    if (savedForm) {
      await sendCompletedForm(savedForm);
      console.warn("Form sent successfully");
    } else {
      console.warn("No saved form to send");
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Text>Offline forms test</Text>
      <Button title="Show Form" onPress={show} color="#20f" />
      <Button title="Send Saved Form" onPress={sendSavedForm} />
      {hasForm && (
          noInternetConnection={formJSON => {
            return true; // yes, I will send form once user is online
            // return false; <- No, don't send a thing
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center"
export default App;

I know it is little bit tricky :) If you have any problems, please email me at:


Need full control over your data? No problem we got you. We provide simple webhooks solution:


You can attach multiple webhooks for each form 🎉

Live Preview

Full code examples are available here:

  1. Codesandbox
  2. Expo
  3. Codepen


In case of any questions or problems, please contact me at:

Happy Coding 💖

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