a tiny oulipian node module
"Replace every noun in a text with the seventh noun after it in a dictionary. ... Results will vary depending upon the dictionary used. This technique can also be performed on other lexical classes, such as verbs."
npm install n-plus-7
function nPlus7(text, dict=[arrayOfNouns], n=7)
- text: string to transform
- dict: an array of sorted lowercase words to substitute against. defaults to built in array of ~1000 nouns
- n: optional negative or positive number, defaults to 7
will preserve Capitalization, ALL-CAPSITIZATION, and trailing punctuation...
var nPlus7 = require('n-plus-7')
// get word lists from the corpora project!
var corpora = require('corpora-project')
var dictionary = corpora.getFile('words', 'nouns')
// get some noun words from wordo!
var wordo = require('wordo')
var dictionary = wordo.nouns.other
// provide yr own words! Will take any array of strings!
var dictionary = ['ackbar', 'banana', 'calamity', 'determined', 'ennui']
// or don't provide a dictionary at all! we got u covered!
var transformed = nPlus7('What a day to be living as a noble hippotamus!', dictionary)
=> 'What a elephant to be living as a noble jocularity!' // output depends on yr dictionary, obvz
install globally
npm install n-plus-7 -g
nPlus7 -help
an oulipian text transformer
-d, --dict path to a txt file containing a newline separated dictionary
-n, --enn offset with which to perform the n-plus maneuver
-f, --file path to file containing text to transform
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
nPlus7 -d nouns.txt -f kanye_lyrics.txt
nPlus7 -f jokes.txt -n 5
nPlus7 water fowl are my favorite treat
echo demonstration | nPlus7