Integrations for Myscript from VisionObjects for AngularJs projects.
Note that this is very much a work in progress, so do not expect anything to be stable.
Basic usage
See the example app in /example
<!-- first include `angularjs` itself --> <!-- include `handwriting` and `myscript-js`, which are this modules' dependencies --> <!-- include this modules --> <!-- finally, include the application's own source -->
Bundled usage
Each of the angular providers are now exported in accord with Universal Module Declaration (UMD) standards. This means that the module can be used with bundlers such as Browserify.
Browserify example
If you wish to use the entire module,
simply require()
the myscript-module
This is the most likely scenario.
var myscriptModule = ;
If you have a very specific use case in mind, where you need only specific parts, you may require them individually.
var myscriptRecogniserService = ;var myscriptWritingDirective = ;var myscriptWritingPadDirective = ;
In both cases remember to add the
d module or provider to you application.
This repository uses the git flow branching strategy. If you wish to contribute, please branch from the develop branch - pull requests will only be requested if they request merging into the develop branch.
Maintained by Brendan Graetz
Thanks to Thomas Roberts for making the first iteration of this.