Lightweight console.log text highlighter with color and big font-size to differentiate the developer custom logs with the framework default err and info logs. Light weight than chalk js as it dosent contain un-nessesary features and dependencies. simple to use, nothing to learn for implimentation just use c() insted of console.log()
$ npm i myconsolelog --save
import {c} from 'myconsolelog';
c(1); // Outputs given highlighted number with big font and color
c(true); // Outputs given highlighted boolean with big font and color
c('my string'); // Outputs given highlighted string with big font and color
c('my array',[1,3,5]); // Outputs given array with highlighted text 'my array' with big font and color
let obj = {a:'text',b:'text'}
c('my object',obj); // Outputs given object with highlighted text 'my object' with big font and color