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MVC State

The MVC patter

There are many definitions of what is MVC out there, here is the one this project follows:



A storage is a way of sharing data.

import { Storage } from 'mvc-state';

export class MyData {
    foo: number = 0;
    bar: number = 0;

export enum MyDataEvt {
    FOO = 'foo',
    BAR = 'bar',
    DEC_BAR = 'DEC_BAR',

export const MyDataStorage = new Storage<MyData>(new MyData());

We start by creating a class with all data to be shared called MyData in this example. Don't forget to give an initial value to EVERY property otherwise, it won't work properly later. MyDataEvt will be responsible for providing you with the right events to listen.


Models hold all the business logic of your application.

import { Model, IView } from 'mvc-state';
import { MyData } from '../../storage/MyData';

export class InputModel extends Model<MyData> {

    constructor(view: IView, storage: MyData) {
        super(view, storage);

    public incFoo(value: number) { += value;
        this.updateView({ foo: });

    public incBar(value: number) {
        // setState updates both storage and view
        this.setState({ foo: });

By default a model's constructor takes 2 parameters:

  • view - That's the react component with all its properties
  • storage - That's the object we created earlier

The IntFoo function shows the basic usage of these 2 objects. When is set, an event is sent out to every watcher listening to the MyDataEvt.FOO event. And this.updateView works like the setState used by React.

Be aware that the view will only be updated when you call updateView.


Controllers are responsible for listening to the view, storage events and talk to the model.

import { Controller, Listener } from 'mvc-state';
import { InputModel } from './InputModel';
import { MyDataEvt } from './MyData';

export class InputCtrl extends Controller {
    private model: InputModel;
    private emit: Function,
    private listener: Listener,

    constructor(model: InputModel, emit: Function, listener: Listener) {
        this.model = model;
        this.emit = emit;
        this.listener = listener;

        // This will be triggered when some controller calls `this.emit(MyDataEvt.FOO, value)`, (inc: number) => this.model.incFoo(inc));

        // This will be triggered when some controller calls `this.emit(MyDataEvt.DEC_BAR, value)`, (dec: number) => this.model.incFoo(dec));

    public onIncBar = () => {
        // Here we are calling the model

    public onDecBar = () => {
        // Here we are emiting an event
        this.emit(MyDataEvt.DEC_BAR, -1);


The view is the presentation layer.

import * as React from "react";
import { MyData, MyDataStorage } from "../../storage/MyData";
import { InputCtrl } from "./InputCtrl";
import { InputModel } from "./InputModel";

export class Input extends React.Component {
    public state: MyData;
    private ctrl: InputCtrl;

    constructor(props: any) {
        const dataModule = new InputModel(this, MyDataStorage.state);

        // The way to get a listener is to pass a unique id to the function MyDataStorage.getListner
        this.ctrl = new InputCtrl(dataModule, MyDataStorage.emit, MyDataStorage.getListner('InputCtrl'));
        this.state = new MyData();

    render() {
        return (
            <div >
                <span >
                    <button onClick={this.ctrl.onIncBar}>+</button>
                    <p>Bar: {}</p>
                    <button onClick={this.ctrl.onDecBar}>-</button>

Not much to say here. It is just react. Every time you call viewUpdate in a model, the state will be updated, any event should be handled by the controller.


  • Controller - Object responsible for manage events, validate data coming from the view and talk to the model.
  • GetWatcher - Function that takes an argument ID and returns an event watcher.
  • Listener - Object with the functions to watch and unWatch events for a storage.
  • Storage - Object responsible for storing data, emission, and listening of events.
  • Unwatch - Function that takes an argument event ID and removes the watcher associated with it.
  • Watch - Function that takes an event ID and a callback as arguments and link the event with the callback
  • Model - Object that holds the business layer, update the view and storage.




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  • willian.gaspar