ORM for multiple SQL and NoSQL databases like firestore , MongoDB , SQlite with Sync , Backup and Restore support .
Supported databases:
- MongoDB
- Google Firestore
- SQlite3
- Oracle
The package is available on npm
npm install multi-db-orm
Install the target optional database dependencies based on your usage
npm install --save mongodb
npm install --save firebase-admin
npm install --save sqlite3
npm install --save oracledb oracle-instantclient
npm install --save mysql
Configure the database
const { MultiDbORM, FireStoreDB, MongoDB, SQLiteDB, MySQLDB, Sync } = require("multi-db-orm");
// You can choose to initialize any or all of the supported databases in singe app
// Firestore
var firebasedb = new FireStoreDB(require("/path/to/serviceAccountFile.json"));
Note: If you use firebase DB then keys with undefined values will be set to null while insert or update as firebase dosent support undefined values
// Sqlite
var sqlitedb = new SQLiteDB("/path/to/mydatabase.db"); // if no path is passed , an in-memory db is used
// MongoDB
var mongodb = new MongoDB("mongodb+srv://username:PassW0rd@host.server.net/my_db_name","my_db_name");
// OracleDB
// Download client credentials (Wallet) and extract to /path/to/your/extracted/wallet-dir
// Oracle field names are case insensetive, Always name your fields in snake case
var oracledb = new OracleDB({
username: 'your-username',
password: 'your-password',
wallet_dir: '/path/to/your/extracted/wallet-dir',
net_service_name: 'connstring-high', //get any one from tnsnames.ora
connection_pool_name:'your-conn-pool-name' //optional
var mysqldb = new MySQLDB({
"host": "db.mysql.com",
"port": "3306",
"username": "test",
"password": "Password@123",
"database": "test"
var db = firebasedb;
You can perform Create,Insert,Get,GetOne,Update,Delete queries . You only need to base your code on the interface MultiDbORM
- Firestore DB requires a
specified for each document in a collection . For FirestoreDB functions you can optionally specify this path as the last parameter in getOne,update,insert,delete functions or have a 'id' field in all your objects . If none are specified the Date.now() is used. - All the functions are
i.e. they return a promise so you can use..then()
You can create a Table from a sample object in SQlite . NoSQL databases need not create a entity explicitly .
// db.create(modelname,sampleObject)
var db = new SQLiteDB("/path/to/mydatabase.db"); // if no path is passed , an in-memory db is used
// creates a game table in db .
// The fields and their data types are extracted from aSampleGameObject but aSampleGameObject is not saved in db
The same code will insert a object to the database entity based on the Implementation of MultiDbORM selected from Initialize Step above . Calling db.insert()
returns a promise so can be used with async/await easily .
// db.insert(modelname,object)
var res = await db.insert('game', gm);
db.insert('game', gm).then(response=>{
The code will retrieve object(s) from the database .
// db.get(modelname,filter)
var games = await db.get('game', { amount: 19.00 , type: 'Hockey' });
// returns an array of games having amount = 19.00 and type = Hockey
var oneGame = await db.getOne('game', { country: 'India' }); // returns single game having country = 19.00
var oneGameFr = await db.getOne('game', { country: 'India' },"32g274hfn48vnf"));
// Only for firestore if docPath is passed optionally , filter is ignored and the object is returned
The code will retrieve object(s) from the database with range (supported range operations : > , < , >= , >= , != , = ) and sort (asc or desc) on single field , limit and offset.
var gamesFr = await mongodb.get('games', { amount: 400 }, {
apply: {
field: 'timeStamp',
sort: 'desc',
ineq: {
op: '>=',
value: 1650398288
limit: 2, offset: 1
The code will retrieve object(s) from the database with sort (asc or desc) , limit and offset.
var oneGameFr = await mongodb.get('game',
{ country: 'India' },
{ sort: [{ field: 'timeStamp', order: 'asc' },
{ field: 'amount', order: 'asc' }],
limit: 5, offset: 1
Note :
- For firestore indexes have to be created before using sort . In case indexes are not there you will get an error in the console with a link where you can create the required index .
- sort is not applicable when using apply and will be ignored
The code will update objects in the database .
// db.update(modelname,filter,object)
var result = await db.update('game', { amount: 19.00 , type: 'Hockey' },{status : "cancelled",closingTime:Date.now()});
// updates all the games having amount=19.00 and type=Hockey to status=cancelled
// and closingTime as current time while other fields are not touched
var result_fire = await db.update('game', { amount: 19.00 , type: 'Hockey' },"32g274hfn48vnf");
/* Only for firestore with optional docPath , it will update collection("game").doc("32g274hfn48vnf") .
The filters amount and type are ignored when docPath is passed */
The code will delete objects in the database .
// db.delete(modelname,filter)
var result = await db.delete('game', { amount: 19.00 , type: 'Hockey' });
// deletes all the games having amount=19.00 and type=Hockey
var result_fire = await db.delete('game', { amount: 19.00 , type: 'Hockey' },"32g274hfn48vnf");
/* Only for firestore with optional docPath , it will delete collection("game").doc("32g274hfn48vnf") .
The filters amount and type are ignored when docPath is passed */
Pass your SOURCE and TARGET DB credentials
Using Docker
docker run shiveshnavin/multi-db-safe 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/sourceDBName' 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/targetDBName' 0
Using Shell
./migrate.sh 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/sourceDBName' 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/targetDBName' 0
Note : To run deduplication as well set 1 instead of 0 at last cmd line argument
node backup.js 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/sourceDBName'
This will create a dump file in dumps/
Without Deduplication : node restore.js dumpfile.json 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/targetDBName'
With Deduplication : node restore.js dumpfile.json 'mongodb://username:paswd@dbhost:13873/targetDBName' 1
Working on enhancing the tool with below features in progress. Feel free to contribute and create a PR .
- [ ] Add Backup support for other databases
- [ ] Add Restore support for other databases
- [X] Range Operations like
- [ ] Aggregations
- [ ] InsertMany