
1.1.1 • Public • Published



A node module for creating and restoring mssql database snapshots. For more information about snapshots, their purpose, and usage please visit Microsofts documentation site.


mssql-snapshot module is written using the seriate library as a dependency and therefore can use any its documented configuration structures with the addition of a single property, snapshotStoragePath, to indicate where you'd like to store the files for your snapshots. A typical configuration object can be constructed as such so that snapshot files are stored in c:\snapshots\.

    name: 'mssql-snapshot-default',
    user: 'mssqlTestUser',
    password: 'chickenLips5000',
    server: 'localhost',
    database: 'mssql-snapshot-testdb',
    pool: {
        max: 10,
        min: 0,
        idleTimeoutMillis: 30000

By default snapshots are stored in the same physical director as the source database to reduce the need to configure permissions on a separate folder. Alternatively, you can configure a custom storage path by assigning a 'snapshotStoragePath' value at the root level in the config object passed in on construction (see above).

In order to be able to create SQL snapshots by any method, standalone SQL script or otherwise, the service account that SQL Server service runs under must have read/write privileges to the local path mentioned on the snapshotStoragePath property in the configuration object. This will allow SQL Server to write the files necessary to store the snapshots in the directory mentioned. There are many different ways to accomplish this goal. If you need guidance, see the following resource:

Also, you must make sure that TCP/IP protocol is enabled. By default, this protocol disabled on install. For further details, please see:


npm install mssql-snapshot
import createSnapshotter from 'mssql-snapshot';

const config = {
    name: 'mssql-snapshot-default',
    user: 'mssqlTestUser',
    password: 'what_password',
    server: 'localhost',
    database: 'mssql-snapshot-testdb',
    pool: {
       max: 10,
       min: 0,
       idleTimeoutMillis: 30000

const snapshotter = createSnapshotter(config);
snapshotter(api => {
	api.listAll(); //list existing snapshots for the current database
    api.connections(); //show existing connections to the current database excluding your own connection
    api.create('my-new-snapshot');  //create a new snapshot of the current database
    api.restore('my-existing-snapshot-name');  //restore from an existing snapshot
    api.deleteSnapshot('my-old-snapshot'); //delete an existing snapshot by name


First you must create a snapshotter with a valid configuration object. Below we create a default one from the mssql-snapshot library itself.

The snapshotter is invoked with a callback that provides access to the snapshotting API. Any commands issued from the API within this callback are executed on the same connection. The snapshotter will automatically connect to the database, invoke your callback, and automatically close the connection afterwards.

Each API function and the snapshotter invocation returns a Promise.

import createSnapshotter, { config } from 'mssql-snapshot';

const snapshot = createSnapshotter(config());
snapshot(api =>

            .then(() => api.restore('mySnapshot'))
            .then(() => api.deleteSnapshot('mySnapshot')),

Important notes about restoring from a snapshot

When restoring from an existing snapshots using the .restore() method, connections to the source database are killed by putting the database in single user mode in order to facilitate the restore. After the restore completes, normally withing seconds, or if the restore fails, then the database is put back into multi-user mode. The .connections() method can be used to manually check for existing connections to the database prior to restoring if you do not want to impact a production environment.


Work in progress and defect tracking is handled via trello at: If you find an issue, please use the trello board to see if it is currently being handled. If its not, please let us know of the issue via trello, and also find the next priority card to pick up if you are a developer considering contributing to the project.

If you'd like to contribute to the project, start by cloning the repository, launching Sql Server Management Studio, and executing the SQL script located in ./test/testSetup/createTestEnvironment.sql. This will create a database and user for the integration tests to run with.

Next, take a look at the configuration file located in ./src/databaseConfig.js. This file is key to configuring your connection to the testing database. Make any adjustments necessary to fit your environment.

IMPORTANT: See the configuration details above regarding the SQL Server service account configuration. If the service account does not have privileges to read/write from the path declared in ./src/databaseConfig.js snapshotStoragePath, the tests will fail with errors related to the fact.

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