
1.0.0 • Public • Published



A NodeJs package for make simple and easy Mongodb database querys.

  • Installation

  npm install mongodb-querys
  yarn add mongodb-querys
  • How to use ?

  • Import the package

  const mongodb = require('mongodb-querys');
  • Create schema for your document

  const schema = {
      name:{type:String , required:true},
      email:{type:String , required:true}
  const options = {// mongoose schema optins} ;
  // default options
  // versionKey:false , autoCreate:true , autoIndex:true , timestamps:true
  const userSchema =  mongodb.createSchema(schema , options );

  // Note => This is standard mongoose schema you can write your mongoose middlwares on it like pre or post hooks.
  // userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {})
  //'save', async function (doc, next) {})
  • Create model for your document

mongodb.createModel('user' , userSchema);
  • How to use mongodb query ?

// Its contain all the query method
// How to get all  query method of single model
  • How to create documents in mongodb ?

  • creadeDocs method

Use for create single or multiple documents.

// For single document
const newDocs = [{
const docData = await mognodb.querys.user.creadeDocs(newDocs)
// For multiple documents
const newDocs = [
const docData = await mognodb.querys.user.creadeDocs(newDocs)
  • createDocOne method

Use for create single document.

const newDocs = {
const docData = await mognodb.querys.user.createDocOne(newDocs)
  • How to find documents in mongodb ?

  • finddocs method

Use for find multiple documents.

 const filter     = {name:"mahender"}  //Filter for serach document in database.
 const projection = {email:1}          // Projection is what field you want from your document.
 const limit      = 10                 // Limit how manny document you want from database
 const skip       = 0                 // Skip how manny documents you want skip
 const sort       = {}                // For short your documents ( ascending or descending order)
 const populate   = {}                // For populate your documents according to your ref field
 // It will return the documents data and matched count of documents for pagination
 const docData    = await mognodb.querys.user.finddocs( filter , projection , limit ,skip ,sort , populate);
  • findById method

Use for find single document.

const id = '857454h5jhvbcnvbc'  // your document id
const projection = {email:1}    // Projection is what field you want from your document.
const docData = await mognodb.querys.user.findById(id , projection);
  • findByIdAndUpdate method

Use for find and update the document.

const id           = "jjjrtjhe48675467856476"
const dataToUpdate = { name:"mahender rajput"}
//It will return the updated data of document.
const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.findByIdAndUpdate(id , dataToUpdate);
  • How to count documents in mongodb ?

  • coundDoc method
const filter = {email:""};
const count  = await await mognodb.querys.coundDoc(filter)
  • How to update documents in mongodb ?

  • updateOne method

Use for update single document.

 const filter       = { email:""} ;
 const dataToUpdate = {$set:{name:"Mahender Rajput"}} ;
 const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.updateOne(filter , database)
  • updateMany method

Use for update multiple document.

 const filter       = { email:""} ;
 const dataToUpdate = {$set:{name:"Mahender Rajput"}} ;
 // It will update all the matched documents according to the filter and return updated data of the documents
 const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.updateMany(filter , database)
  • How to delete documents in mongodb ?

  • softDelete method

It will update the deletedAt key of all the matched document for softDelete the documents.

const filter = {} ;
const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.softDelete(filter)
  • hardDeleteOne method

It will delete single document and return the document data for backup

const filter = {} ;
const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.hardDeleteOne(filter)
  • hardDelete method

It will delete all the documents according to filter and return the documents data for backup

const filter = {} ;
const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.hardDelete(filter)
  • How to perform aggregate opration in mongodb?

  • aggregate method
const resultData = await await mognodb.querys.user.aggregate([//.. your aggregate pipeline query ]);
// Note => We will working on make easy aggregate opration
  • How to create and use your own query methods ?

  • createCustemMethodsGlobel method

Use for create globel methods for all your models

// create own query methods
  methodName1:(models , querys) => {
      return () => {
           // Your code for perform opration on mongodb
  methodName2:(models , querys) => {
      return () => {
           // Your code for perform opration on mongodb
// Use your own method 
Exp 1 => mongodb.querys.user.methodName1()
Exp 2 => mongodb.querys.user.methodName2()
  • createCustemMethods method

Use for create methods for single model

// create own query methods
const modelName = 'user'
const methods = {
  methodName1:(models , querys) => {
      return () => {
           // Your code for perform opration on mongodb
  methodName2:(models , querys) => {
      return () => {
           // Your code for perform opration on mongodb
mongodb.createCustemMethods( modelName , methods )
// Use your own method 
Exp 1 => mongodb.querys.user.methodName1()
Exp 2 => mongodb.querys.user.methodName2()
  • Use express middlwares for get all the querys in your req object.

// Now get all the mongodb querys in your all API endpoint useng req.mognodb
  • Connect the app with mongodb database

// It will return  promise so use async await or then , catch
await mongodb.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test' , {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useUnifiedTopology: true,
  • mongodb functionall methods

method name How to use What does this do
createSchema mongodb.createSchema({// your schema config}) This will create the schema ( document prototype) for your document
createModel mongodb.createModel(collectionName , collectionSchema) This will create the model for your document
createCustemMethodsGlobel mongodb.createCustemMethodsGlobel({methodsName:(models , querys) => { return () => { // your code}}}) You can create your own custem methods which are accessible for all your models for performing some operations on MongoDB
createCustemMethods mongodb.createCustemMethods(modelName , { method1:(model , query) => { return () => { // your code}}}) You can create your own custem methods which are accessible for a single model for performing some operations on MongoDB
useMongodb app.use(mongodb.useMongodb(mongodb)) This will add all the mongodb querys in your all APIS endpoint req object
connect mongodb.connect(mongoURL , options) This will conect your app to mongodb database
  • All querys methods

db = mongodb.querys[modelName];

method name How to use What does this do
createDocOne db.createDocOne(docData) This will create a single document in your MongoDB collection
creadeDocs db.creadeDocs([doc1,doc2 , doc3]) This will create multiple documents in your MongoDB collection
finddocs db.finddocs(filter , projection , limit , skip , sort , populate) This will find all the documents in your collection according to the filter and
findById db.findById(id , projection) This will find one document in your collection according to the id
findByIdAndUpdate db.findByIdAndUpdate(id , dataToUpdate) This will update the document according to id and return updated data of document
coundDoc db.coundDoc(filter) This will count the numbers of documents in your collection
updateOne db.updateOne(filter , dataToUpdate) This willl update the first single document matched to the filter
updateMany db.updateMany(filter , dataToUpdate) This willl update all the document matched to the filter
softDelete db.softDelete(filter) This will soft-delete all the documents matched to the filter
hardDeleteOne db.hardDeleteOne(filter) This will hard-delete first single document matched to the filter
hardDelete db.hardDelete(filter) This will hard-delete all the documents matched to the filter
aggregate db.aggregate([// aggregate pipeline query]) This will perform aggregate opration on your database
  • Quick Start

const express = require("express");
const mongodb = require("mongodb-querys");
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 4000;
(async () => {
  app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
  // Create document schema
  const schema = {
    name: { type: String, required: true },
    email: { type: String, required: true },
    mobile: { type: String, required: true },
    address: { type: String, required: true },
    password: { type: String, required: true },
  const options = {autoCreate:false} ;
  // Default options
 //versionKey:false , autoCreate:true , autoIndex:true , timestamps:true
  const userSchema = mongodb.createSchema(schema , options);
  // Create user model
  mongodb.createModel("user", userSchema);

  // Create connection to mongodb
  await mongodb.connect(
      useNewUrlParser: true,
      useUnifiedTopology: true,


  app.get("/", (req, res, next) => {
    const { mongodb } = req;
    // Get all models
    const models = mongodb.models;
    // Get all querys
    const querys = mongodb.querys;
    console.log("mogodb conf ============>", mongodb);
    console.log("mongodb models ==========>", models);
    console.log("mongodb querys ===========>", querys);
    return res.send("Welcome on NodeJs , mongodb server APIS");

  app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Lisning at port : -${port}`));
  • How to use it in your API ?

  • Create user API'/create-user' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const userData = req.body ;
     const newUser = await mongodb.querys.user.createDocOne(userData);
     return res.send(newUser);
  • Create users API'/create-users' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const userData = req.body ;
     const newUser = await mongodb.querys.user.creadeDocs(userData);
     return res.send(newUser);
  • Get users API

app.get('/get-users' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter , limit , skip } = req.query;
     const users = await mongodb.querys.user.finddocs(filter , {} , limit , skip , {name:1})
     return res.send(users);
  • Get user API

app.get('/get-user' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { id } = req.query;
     const user = await mongodb.querys.user.findById(id , {});
     return res.send(user);
  • Get numbers of users API

app.get('/count-users' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter } = req.query;
     const user = await mongodb.querys.user.coundDoc(filter);
     return res.send(user);
  • Update user API

app.put('/update-user' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter , dataToUpdate } = req.body;
     const user = await mongodb.querys.user.updateOne(filter , dataToUpdate);
     return res.send(user);
  • Update users API

app.put('/update-users' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter , dataToUpdate } = req.body;
     const user = await mongodb.querys.user.updateMany(filter , dataToUpdate);
     return res.send(user);
  • Soft delete users API

app.delete('/soft-delete-users' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter } = req.body;
     const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.softDelete(filter)
     return res.send(docData);
  • Hard delete user API

app.delete('/hard-delete-user' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter } = req.body;
     const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.softDelete(filter)
     return res.send(docData);
  • Hard delete users API

app.delete('/hard-delete-users' ,async (req , res , next) => {
     const { mongodb } = req ;
     const { filter } = req.body;
     const docData      = await await mognodb.querys.user.hardDelete(filter)
     return res.send(docData);

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