Safe parsing and validation for MongoDB queries (filters), projections, and more.
Turn some JS code as a string into a real JS object safely and with no bson type loss:
require('mongodb-query-parser')('{_id: ObjectId("58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2")}');
// >>> {_id: ObjectId('58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2'x)}
var parser = require('mongodb-query-parser');
var query = '{_id: ObjectId("58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2")}';
// What is this highlighting/language mode for this string?
// >>> `javascript`
var queryAsJSON = '{"_id":{"$oid":"58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2"}}';
// What is this highlighting/language mode for this string?
// >>> `json`
// Turn it into a JS string that looks pretty in codemirror:
// >>> '{_id:ObjectId(\'58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2\')}'
var bson = require('bson');
var parser = require('mongodb-query-parser');
var queryAsAnObjectWithTypes = parser.parseFilter(query);
// Use extended json to prove types are intact
// >>> '{"_id":{"$oid":"58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2"}}'
var queryAsJSON = '{"_id":{"$oid":"58c33a794d08b991e3648fd2"}}';
// >>> `json`
We aim to not have any API breaking changes in this library as we consider it stable, but breakages may occur whenever we upgrade a core dependency or perform a major refactor.
We have a migration guide which covers what to look out for between releases.
Parse and validate MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline stages. -
Compass UI Plugin that usesmongodb-query-parser
for validation.
Apache 2.0