
1.1.2 • Public • Published


MongoCrypt is an encryption library for node.js

An example database entry without MongoCrypt:

example without mongocrypt

The same database entry with MongoCrypt:

example without mongocrypt


MongoCrypt is a service to encrypt and decrypt your data stored in a MongoDB database. It was also designed with these principles in mind:

  • Lightweight: With a 20KB index.js it's a pretty lightweight library. No unnecessary functions are included so you can care less about this encryption and concentrate more on you task.
  • Easy to use: It was designed on top of the MongoDB SDK for node.js and it uses almost identical functions. The findOne function compared:
   const collection = "users";
   const query = {name: "eykjs"}
   // with mongodb's sdk
   db.collection(collection).findOne(query, (err, res) => {
           console.log("Email: " +;
   // with mongocrypt
   mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).findOne(query).then(res => {
           console.log("Email: " +;
  • Fast & Safe: On average mongocrypt is just 5-15ms slower than the MongoDB SDK (depending on the amount and size of your input values) but a lot safer. The data is encrypted by a modern 256-bit AES algorithm (AES-256-CBC by default)

Installation & Setup

  1. Install with npm - mongocrypt will install mongodb automatically after its setup
npm install mongocrypt
  1. Require mongocrypt & connect to your database
const mongocrypt = require('mongocrypt');
const database_url = "mongodb://yourserver:port/yourdatabase";
mongocrypt.db.connect(url).then(err => {
    if(!err) {

Everyone is invited to fork this project and work on it. If you create a pull request and your code is good and useful for this project, it will be merged into mongocrypt. Collaborators are also searched. For future plans have a look at Trello


The mongocrypt functions are based on the MongoDB SDK functions. The structure is always the same. You can see each equivalent in the list below.

Important before using database functions:

// Be sure you connected to the database
    // Set the encryption key
    // Important: It has to be a string with the length of 32
        // have a look at the Installation & Setup section

Standard usage:

The MongoDB JS SDK function compared with the mongocrypt function

  • With MongoDB's SDK: db.collection(collection).function(parameter, callback(err, res))
  • With Mongocrypt: db.collection(collection).function(parameter).then(err)

The parameters of the mongocrypt functions are identical to the common SDK ones. You can find a list of them here. This principle works for all mongocrypt functions except find() and findOne()

// Example how to use find() and findOne()
/* The option objects takes 3 parameters. The sort object a limit number and a filter object.
 All 3 can also be null. 
const query = {pro: true}
const options = {sort: {rank: 1}, limit: 5, filter: {email: true}
const canAlsoBeOptions = null;
mongocrypt.collection("users").find(query, options).then(res => {
        console.log("Email: " + res[0].email)
    } else {
        console.log("An error appeared");
// findOne() works on a similar way but it only takes a filter as second parameter
mongocrypt.collection("users").findOne(query, {email: true}).then(res => {})

List of all Functions

  • mongocrypt.encryption.setKey(key)
  • mongocrypt.db.connect(url).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.isConnected() returns true or false
  • mongocrypt.db.close()
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).insertOne(object).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).insertMany(array).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).updateOne(query, object).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).updateMany(query, object).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).findOne(query, filter).then(res)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).find(query, options).then(res) options descripted above
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).deleteOne(query).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).deleteMany(query).then(err)
  • mongocrypt.db.collection(collection).drop(query).then(err)

Common errors / FAQ

  • Error: please connect first to a database with mongocrypt.db.connect(url)
  • Solution: Look at the setup path of the README. Just fire database functions after the db.connect function has finished

  • Error: please set an encryption key first with mongocrypt.encryption.setKey(key)
  • Solution: Set an encryption key first with encryption.setKey(key)

  • Error: the key has to have a length of 32 characters.
  • Solution: You can only set a string as encryption key with the length of 32 characters.

Do not hesitate to open an issue or send me a message on Twitter

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  • eykrehbein