
0.9.1 • Public • Published


Mongfaux is a reverse engineering of the mongodb interface. It saves the data as flat JSON files for fast prototyping and/or a Git-able datastore.


  • Mongfaux is <600 lines of code and only attempts to replicate a small, heavily used, portion of the API. You should consider using a real database if you need more.

  • Mongfaux uses a simple string for the auto-generated "_id" field. I would suggest ignoring _id and creating your own "id" field using something like shortid. Alternatively you can manually set your own _id with require('mongodb').ObjectID.

  • Doesn't have your back with things like enforcing unique keys. Inserting two documents with the same "_id" will pass through no problem.

  • Does not produce very helpful errors

  • Very little consideration has been given to performance. Use mongoDB if that's a priority!

  • Callbacks didn't make the cut, use promises


npm install mongfaux


const db = require('mongfaux');

await db.collection('book').insertOne({author: 'foobar', title: 'Mongfaux'});

let books = await db.collection('book').find({}).toArray();

//.json files saved in process.cwd()/mongfaux/ by default

Multiple instances

const Mf = require('mongfaux');
const db1 = Mf.instance();
const db2 = Mf.instance();'db1');'db2');



let longJohnBooks = await db.collection('books').find({
    'author.firstName': 'John',
    'pages': {
        '$gte': 300
  • Understands nested queries like {'author.firstName': 'John'}
  • Accepts the following operators: $ne $gt $gte $lt $lte $in $nin $eq $exists
  • Can query values in a document array. {tags: 'blue'} will select {_id: '', tags: ['blue', green]}, but does not understand array query operators ($all, $elemMatch, $size)


await db.collection('book').insertOne({
    title: 'Good Book',
    author: 'John Doe',
    reviews: 'positive'
await db.collection('book').findOneAndUpdate(
     {title: 'Good Book'},
         $rename: {title: 'lametitle'},
         $set: {author: 'Jane Doe'},
         $unset: {reviews: true}
    lametitle: 'Good Book',
    author: 'Jane Doe'
  • Doesn't accept shorthand updates like {author: 'Jane Doe'}
  • Accepts the following operators: $inc $min $max $mul $set $unset $rename $currentDate $addToSet $pop $push


let firstNames = await db.collection('book').find({}).project({
    {'author.firstName': 1, _id: 0, title: 1}
    {author: {firtName: 'John'}, title: 'My Book'},
    {author: {firstName: 'Jane'}, title: 'Hello World'}
  • Accepts nested keys
  • Doesn't accept operators




Returns the collection. If the collection doesn't exist, a new collection and .json file will be created

.parentDirectory( directory )

Sets the parent directory of the "mongfaux" folder where .json files are saved. Directory is process.cwd() by default.

.db( dbname )

Sets the database name. Also uses "mongfaux/dbname" folder for .json files. Has "name()" alias.



Does nothing

.insertOne( document ) -> Promise

Autogenerates _id key and inserts document into the collection

  • Returns e.g. {insertedCount: 1, ops: [document], insertedId: id}

.insertMany( documents ) -> Promise

Autogenerated _id key for each document and inserts each document.

  • Returns e.g. {insertedCount: 1, ops: documents, insertedIds: []}

.find( query, options ) -> Cursor

Finds one or more documents in the collection.

  • Requires .toArray() to return a promise.
  • Option object accepts: sort, skip, limit, and projection

.findOne( query ) -> Promise

Finds a single document.

  • Does not require .toArray()
  • Options object accepts: sort, skip, and projection options

.findOneAndUpdate( query, update, options ) -> Promise

Finds and updates a single document.

  • Returns e.g. {value: document, ok: 1}.
  • Options object accepts: sort, upsert, returnOriginal, projection
  • returnOriginal is true by default

.updateOne( query, update, options ) -> Promise

Updates a single document without returning any documents.

  • Returns e.g. {matchedCount: 1, modifiedCount: 1, upsertedId: id}
  • Options object accepts: upsert

.updateMany( query, update, options ) -> Promise

Updates many documents without returning any documents.

  • Returns e.g {matchedCount: 1, modifiedCount: 1, upsertedId: id}
  • Options object accepts: upsert

.findOneAndDelete ( query, options ) -> Promise

Finds, returns, and deletes a single document.

  • Returns e.g. {ok: 1, value: document}
  • Options object accepts: sort, projection

.deleteOne ( query ) -> Promise

Deletes a single document without returning any documents.

  • Returns e.g. {deletedCount: 1}

.deleteMany ( query ) -> Promise

Delete multiple documents without returning any documents.

  • Returns e.g. {deletedCount: 1}

.findOneAndReplace ( query, document, options ) -> Promise

Finds a single document and replaces it.

  • Returns e.g. {value: }
  • Options object accepts: sort, upsert, returnOriginal
  • returnOriginal is true by default

.replaceOne ( query, document, options ) -> Promise

Replaces a document without returning any documents.

  • Returns e.g. {matchedCount: 1, modifiedCount: 1, upsertedId: id}
  • Options object accepts: upsert


.project ( object ) -> Cursor

Sets a field projection for the query result

.skip ( amount ) -> Cursor

Skips over a number of documents at the beginning of the query result

.limit ( amount ) -> Cursor

Specifies the maximum number of documents to return

.max ( indexBounds ) -> Cursor

Specifies the exclusive upper bound for a specific index

  • e.g {countingid: 10000}

.min ( indexBounds ) -> Cursor

Specifies the inclusive lower bound for a specific index

  • e.g {countingid: 10}

.sort ( object ) -> Cursor

  • e.g {date: -1} for sorting by date in a descending order

.toArray () -> Promise

  • Finishes query and returns the result.

.count () -> Promise

  • Finishes query and returns the number of documents.

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  • ennis