
0.2.47 • Public • Published

Mold.Core.CLI (alpha)

This repository includes the moldjs command line interface and a bunch of commands. Including all commands are needed to manage mold packages.


You need nodejs and npm to install the mold clis.


To install the mold cli use npm and install it global:

    npm install mold-js -g

use mold cli

After installation you can use the command mold on the command line. For example if you will create a new project/package you can do it with:

    mold init

if you want to add a package to your current project use:

    mold install -path http://path-to-your-mold-package

Use --help to get info about a command.


Currently implemented (most important) commands are:

  • init - intitalise a new mold app/package creates a mold.json file

  • install - installs a mold package into the current package possible arguments are:

    • -path - path to the package you wish to install
    • -name - namen of the package you wish to install (currently not implemented cause registry is missing)
    • --without-sub-packages - if set dependent packages will be ignored
    • --without-git-ignore - if set package dependecies will not added to the git ignore file
    • --without-npm - skips installing npm packages
    • --without-sources - ingore all sources, only seeds(mold modules) will be copied
    • --without-adding-dependencies - if set dependent packages will not added to the mold.json file
  • unistall - uninstalls a package by path or name

    • -path - the path of the package you wish to uninstall
    • -name - name of the package
  • update - updates all or a specific package, if no argument is given all packages will be updated

    • -path - if set the package with this path will be updated
    • -name - if name is set only the package with this name will be updated
    • --force - updates the packages even if the version has not changed
  • version - get/set the version number of your package, if no parameter is set the current version will be displayed

    • --up - set the version to the next possible number, 0.0.1 becomes 0.0.2
    • -set - set the version to a specific number.
  • test - executes a test for a specific seed (if a test is defined)

    • -name - the seed name
  • update-mold-json updates the mold.json file

    • -property - the property to update
    • -value - the value

using commands programmatically

To use a command in your application import { Command : "Mold.Core.Command"} in your seed. Now you can execute all commands using Command.myCommandName( options ). The command name will be translated to camelcase. Command arguments can be set via a option object. All commands will return a promise.


    .install({ '-path' : ''})
        //do something if the package is successfully installed
        //something went wrong

create your own command

If you wish to create you own command, add a directory called CMD to your Mold repository and create a seed inside. For example Mold/CMD/MyCommand.js . When the mold cli is called, this directory will be scanned and all seeds in it will be loaded. The seed content should look like this:

            type : 'module',
            include : [
                { Command : 'Mold.Core.Command' },
                { Promise : 'Mold.Core.Promise' },
                { Helper : 'Mold.Core.CLIHelper' }
                name : 'my-command',
                description : 'description of the command, it will be shown in the command help',
                parameter : {
                    '--switch' : {
                        'description' : 'description of the switch',
                    '-argument' : {
                        'description' : 'description of your argument',
                        'required' : true
                code : function(args){
                    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
                        var valueOfTheArgument = args.parameter['-argument'].value;
                            //do something
                        //resolve with args if command is successfull
                        Helper.ok("Everything works fine!");

This are the important parts for registering a command. Don't forget to return a promise in the command code.

Realted seeds are: Mold.Core.CLIHelper - Helps you to manage the cli output, input, colors, errors etc. Mold.Core.CLIForm - Create easily a cli form to manage user input Mold.Core.CLILoadingBar

For detailed information see api docs (when they are ready :) )

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  • jailkey