Only run previously broken mocha tests. Really useful when individual tests can take a long time.
First time you run tests, all tests are executed:
$ mocha-broken1..2ok 1 works finenot ok 2 should 500 on req Error: expected 500 "Internal Server Error", got 302 "Moved Temporarily" # tests 2 # pass 1 # fail 1
Next time you run tests, only the failing are executed:
$ mocha-broken1..1not ok 1 should 500 on req Error: expected 500 "Internal Server Error", got 302 "Moved Temporarily" # tests 1 # pass 0 # fail 1
Once all tests pass, all are executed again.
Passing arguments to mocha
Arguments after --
are passed to mocha:
$ mocha-broken -- --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
$ npm install -g mocha-broken