
0.1.6 • Public • Published

Mina Portal

This snap helps you interact with Mina protocol using MetaMask


Please install MetaMask before using this snap.


yarn install


Run yarn build to build this snap

Run yarn build:clean to remove old dist folder and re-build snap

Start local snap

Note: To interact with the snap hosted on your local machine, you will need to use MetaMask Flask and make sure to disable the normal MetaMask before using the Flask version.

Run yarn serve to start local snap

The snap will be running on http://localhost:8080. You can change port number in snap.config.js as well

Your DApp now can connect to the snap by calling wallet_requestSnaps method with http://localhost:8080 as the snapId

(Reference: https://docs.metamask.io/guide/snaps-rpc-api.html#wallet-requestsnaps)

Using published snap

Connect to the snap by calling wallet_requestSnaps method with npm:mina-portal as the snapId


  • Babel is used for transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript, so when building with the CLI, transpilationMode must be set to localOnly (default) or localAndDeps.
  • For the global wallet type to work, you have to add the following to your tsconfig.json:
      "files": ["./node_modules/@metamask/snap-types/global.d.ts"]

Publish snap to NPM

  • Update the version in package.json then run:
yarn build
  • Run the below command to publish to NPM:
npm publish


To learn more about how to interact with these methods from your ZkApp, please check out the documentation in our wiki

Method Description
mina_accountInfo Get current account info
mina_accountList Return account list
mina_createAccount Create new account
mina_changeAccount Change Address
mina_changeNetwork Change Network
mina_importAccountByPrivateKey Import account by private key
mina_exportPrivateKey Return private key of the current account
mina_editAccountName Edit account name
mina_networkConfig Return current network config
mina_signMessage Sign custom message
mina_sendPayment Transfer Mina Token
mina_resetSnapConfig Reset snap config to default
mina_getTxHistory Return transaction history by user address
mina_getTxDetail Return transaction detail by transaction hash
mina_getTxStatus Return transaciton status by transaction id
mina_sendStakeDelegation Send stake delegation
mina_verifyMessage Verify signed message
mina_requestNetwork Request network
mina_sendTransaction Send ZkApp transaction

Implement ZkApp transaction

  • To make ZkApp transactions with your smart contract, you will need to have the built file of the smart contract (the .js file).
  • Install o1js on your front-end site and use o1js to make the transaction.
  • Then submit your transaction using snap.

Here is an example:

import {
  } from 'o1js';

(async() => {
    const { <Your smart contract class name> } = await import(<Path to your built smart contract>);
    const zkAppAddress = <Your deployed smart contract address>
    const graphqlEndpoint = <replace the graphql endpoint here>
    const zkApp = new <Your smart contract class name>(PublicKey.fromBase58(zkAppAddress));
    <Your smart contract class name>.compile();
    const account = await fetchAccount({publicKey: zkAppAddress, ...zkApp}, <graphqlEndpoint>);
    const tx = await Mina.transaction({
        sender: PublicKey.fromBase58(<sender address>),
        fee: <replace the fee here>
    }, () => {
        zkApp.update(<your parameter>);
    const provedTx = await tx.prove();
    await ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: <the mina-portal snap id>,
        request: {
          method: 'mina_sendTransaction',
          params: {
            transaction: tx.toJSON(),
            feePayer: {
              fee: <replace the fee here>,
              memo: <user' memo>,

Package Sidebar


npm i mina-portal

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  • sotatek-tung.nguyen2
  • hautran3