Midtrans SNAP (Web View) API nodejs
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
npm install nodejs-base64-encode --save
npm install midtrans-node --save
npm install follow-redirects --save
A step by step for running midtrans snap API
Open your default server entry point example (app.js) and add this code below in the top require module:
var midtrans = require('midtrans-node');
Add parameter order id and amount example (app.js):
midtrans.setTransaction("Test1", 100000);
And add router from module like this in example (app.js):
app.use('/api/midtrans', midtrans.router);
Set your key and environment ('development' / 'production') make sure your key is for development (sandbox) or production in midtrans dashboard. Use this example code with your credentials (app.js):
process.env.MIDTRANS_SERVER_KEY = 'Your Server Key';
process.env.ENVIRONMENT = 'development';
Running the tests
To test it, send GET request to this url:
example: localhost:8080/api/midtrans/
Break down into end to end tests
Response will redirect to midtrans page.
After installing packages and setting up environment and parameters, you can start using midtrans. Note: Declare
midtrans.setTransaction(orderId, priceAmount);
first in your controller then call API [GET] example: localhost:8080/api/midtrans/
- Faisal - Github - vai21
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
Donate me a cup of coffee https://www.paypal.me/faisalrasid