It provides an easy-to configure component to add a mailchimp form to your react project
npm install mailchimp-react
Be sure to include the --save option to add this as a dependency in your application's package.json
First you have to configure your Mailchimp account:
- Create a new account or use an existing one
- Add a new list or use an existing one
- Personalize the fields on your list on "Settings > List Fieds"
- Copy the HTML and extract the action from "Signup Forms > Embedded forms"
The action URL will look like this:
We will use this URL to configure the component
;; <MailchimpReact action="https://<YOUR-USER>" />;
styles = sendingMsg: color: "#0652DD" successMsg: color: "#009432" duplicateMsg: color: "#EE5A24" errorMsg: color: "#ED4C67" className buttonClassName action messages = sending: "Sending..." success: "Thank you for subscribing!" error: "An unexpected internal error has occurred." empty: "You must write an e-mail." duplicate: "Too many subscribe attempts for this email address" button: "Subscribe!"
Mailchimp-react is released under the MIT License.