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🕵️‍♂️ machinate

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⚠️ Not yet ready for production use.

machinate (mack·in·eight) verb:

  • Practical, simple, and hassle-free state management.

  • A cutesy reverse portmanteau of "state machine".

  • To engage in plots and intrigues; scheme. (This is what your app does if you're not managing state properly, we'll help put an end to that.)

🏁 Goals:

  • 🚀 Instantly launch your app in any given state.
  • 🤓 Heavy emphasis on developer experience. Your time and sanity are respected.
  • 🚼 Baked in best practices. Guardrails for guidance.
  • 🍞 Dead simple. Plain javascript objects. Minimal boilerplate.
  • 🛠 High quality tooling.


yarn add machinate


Every app has states. 1) Define them. 2) Implement them. 3) Connect them.

1. define your app's states

// object where keys are a domain, values are the states of that domain.
const scheme = {
  Auth: ["LoggedIn", "LoggedOut", "Unknown"]

2. implement the states

import { Machinate, States } from "machinate";
const initialState = { Auth: "LoggedOut" };
const App = (
        <States of="Auth"
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.body)

💡 Tip! If you forget to implement a state, machinate will warn you:

<States of="Auth"
    // 'Unknown' prop left out intentionally

web console:

Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `Unknown` is marked as required in `Auth[Domain]`, but its value is `undefined`.

3. connecting states

Each state prop receives an object with the following parameters:

  1. data: the data if any, associated with the state
  2. transition(stateName, optionalData): move the machine to stateName and set the data associated with the state to data
  3. go(stateName, optionalData): same as transition(), but wrapped in a function to delay execution; essentially a convenient helper for transitioning on callbacks
  4. update(stateName, updateFn): same as transition(), except the second parameter is a function that transforms the current data to new data

Here we use the go() function:

<States of="Auth"
    LoggedIn={({data}) => <h1>Hi {data.user}</h1>}
    LoggedOut={({ go }) => (
            onClick={ go("Auth.LoggedIn", {user: "bob"}) }
    Unknown={() => null)}

Note: "Auth.LoggedIn" is shorthand notation, referring to the LoggedIn state of the Auth domain.

🔀 Syntactic Shortcuts

The following are all equivalent:

const scheme = {
  Auth: ["LoggedIn", "LoggedOut"]
const scheme = {
  Auth: {
    states: ["LoggedIn", "LoggedOut"],
    deps: []
const initialState = {
  Auth: "LoggedOut"
const initialState = {
  Auth: {
    state: "LoggedOut",
    data: null

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