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Sorting Algorithms with Explinations of Bubble, and Selection - By Logan.

1. bubbleSortExample(ArrayToBeSorted: number[])

  • Takes one argument, your number array, sorts it, slowly
  • Bubble Sort is never recommended, but very easy to implement
  • Legend has it network television used this for sorting programming. Think of it as that level of speed.
  • Numbers Bubble Up. Largest numbers slowly migrate up the array indices.

2. selectionSortExample(ArrayToBeSorted: number[])

  • Takes one argument, your number array, sorts it.
  • Selection Sort is in place so even if it isn't the fastest for something large, it has simple space requirements.
  • Recommended for general use by myself, idk maybe someone better than I recommends it too.
  • For if you don't want to remember Quick Sort
  • Almost an inverse of Bubble Sort it uses the minimum values to sort.

3. mergeSort(ArrayToBeSorted: number[])

  • Takes one argument, yournumber array, sorts it, at decent speed.
  • This is used commonplace when data is large enough loading data is an issue.
  • This sort tends to be used externally, i.e. not-in-place
  • We follow the divide and conquer principle.
  • Sorting is easier one at a time, from the ground up.
  • Small arrays may be slower than necessary

Bubble Sort Code (Swap Included in Package):

function bubblesort(ArrayToBeSorted: number[]) { for ( let i = 0; i < ArrayToBeSorted.size - 1; i++; ) { for ( let j = 0; j < ArrayToBeSorted - ArrayToBeSorted.size - 1; j++ ) { if (ArrayToBeSorted[j] > ArrayToBeSorted[j+1]) { Swap (ArrayToBeSorted , j , j+1) } } } }

<<<<<<< HEAD

Your sorted array by position using bubble sort:

Element Position: 0, Element Value: 0

Element Position: 1, Element Value: 8

Element Position: 2, Element Value: 11

Element Position: 3, Element Value: 17

Element Position: 4, Element Value: 46

Element Position: 5, Element Value: 50

Element Position: 6, Element Value: 64

Element Position: 7, Element Value: 75

Element Position: 8, Element Value: 79

Element Position: 9, Element Value: 92

### Process Selection Sort

Array Sorting Step-by-Step with Selection Sort

Example Array Original:  `[46,75,92,8,11,0,64,79,17,50]`

We first temporarily hold the first value of the array. 46

Selection Sort next finds the minimum value in the array. 0

This value goes into the first position. 46, and 0 are Swapped.

Selection sort then repeatedly scans until left to right we have smallest to largest

This sorting method is often quick

### Outputs Selection Sort

14a6f79115551bbbaefa6d3cb22cca248cbe0d9d Selection Sort Code (Swap Included in Package):

function selectionSort(ArrayToBeSorted: number[]) { var i, j, min var n = ArrayToBeSorted.length; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++; ) { min = i; for ( j = i+1; j < n; j++) { if ( ArrayToBeSorted[j] < ArrayToBeSorted[min]) { min = j; } } if (min != i) { swap(ArrayToBeSorted, i, min) } } }

<<<<<<< HEAD function mergeSort(ArrayToBeSorted: number[], left: number, right: number) { if ( left >= right) { return; // Returns recursively } var middle = left + parseInt((right - left)/2); mergeSort(ArrayToBeSorted, left, middle); mergeSort(ArrayToBeSorted, middle+1, right); merge(ArrayToBeSorted, left, middle, right); }


Your sorted array by position using selection sort:

Element Position: 0, Element Value: 0 

Element Position: 1, Element Value: 8 

Element Position: 2, Element Value: 11 

Element Position: 3, Element Value: 17 

Element Position: 4, Element Value: 46 

Element Position: 5, Element Value: 50 

Element Position: 6, Element Value: 64 

Element Position: 7, Element Value: 75 

Element Position: 8, Element Value: 79 

Element Position: 9, Element Value: 92


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