TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.4.8 • Public • Published
document.querySelector('#shopify-section-header').style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('.site-footer').style.display = 'none';

Built With Stencil


Currently only contains light-wizard that edits a hard coded page using a custom form.

The wizard is currently used inside ec-light product detail, (edit link - search for ec-light-wizard).

new version

npm run start # develop stuff and test
npm run build # build
# update package.json version
# git commit
npm publish

New version is then available @latest cdn file.

Also checkout test.html for example usage.

Stencil Component Starter

This is a starter project for building a standalone Web Component using Stencil.

Stencil is also great for building entire apps. For that, use the stencil-app-starter instead.


Stencil is a compiler for building fast web apps using Web Components.

Stencil combines the best concepts of the most popular frontend frameworks into a compile-time rather than run-time tool. Stencil takes TypeScript, JSX, a tiny virtual DOM layer, efficient one-way data binding, an asynchronous rendering pipeline (similar to React Fiber), and lazy-loading out of the box, and generates 100% standards-based Web Components that run in any browser supporting the Custom Elements v1 spec.

Stencil components are just Web Components, so they work in any major framework or with no framework at all.

Getting Started

To start building a new web component using Stencil, clone this repo to a new directory:

git clone my-component
cd my-component
git remote rm origin

and run:

npm install
npm start

To build the component for production, run:

npm run build

To run the unit tests for the components, run:

npm test

Need help? Check out our docs here.

Naming Components

When creating new component tags, we recommend not using stencil in the component name (ex: <stencil-datepicker>). This is because the generated component has little to nothing to do with Stencil; it's just a web component!

Instead, use a prefix that fits your company or any name for a group of related components. For example, all of the Ionic generated web components use the prefix ion.

Using this component

There are three strategies we recommend for using web components built with Stencil.

The first step for all three of these strategies is to publish to NPM.

Script tag

  • Put a script tag similar to this <script src=''></script> in the head of your index.html
  • Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc

Node Modules

  • Run npm install my-component --save
  • Put a script tag similar to this <script src='node_modules/my-component/dist/my-component.esm.js'></script> in the head of your index.html
  • Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc

In a stencil-starter app

  • Run npm install my-component --save
  • Add an import to the npm packages import my-component;
  • Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc

TODO feedback kon

  • [x] modal / designer sollte kompletten screen überdecken, auch logo, nav und footer
  • [x] schließen oben rechts mit “Schließen” und X dahinter (als clear button, ohne button rahmen)
  • [x] Speichern button ausblenden => immer automatisch nach jeder Änderung speichern
  • [x] zum Warenkorb Button primary style
  • [x] textfelder als textarea, die growen (müsste es als Modul geben?)
  • [x] Reihenfolge der Elemente im Edit Mode => ist es möglich, die gleiche Reihenfolge wie auf der Karte zu verwenden?
  • [x] Farbpicker bei Schriften als HTML Dropdown mit preset an farben, die wie bei Farbauswahl als Kreise aufgelistet und auswählbar sind.
  • [x] responsiveness: Vorschau der Karte 100%, derzeit overflowed die Text Edit wenn Textarea über ganze Breite und darunter Schrift und Farbe. Zwischen den Elementen Abstand, dass man sieht, was zusammengehört




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  • felixroos