Leaflet plugin for Spectrum Spatial server.
What is it
This javascript API helps to you work with Spectrum Spatial server services in Leaflet maps. This API contains base rest-service wrappers, layers for Leaflet maps and controls.
What is inside
Service wrappers
- MapService - all rest operations of map service
- TileService - all rest operations of tile service
- FeatureService - all rest operations of feature service
- NamedResourceService - all soap operations of feature service
- GeometryService - all soap operations of geometry service
- RoutingService - rest operations of enterprise routing module
- MapServiceLayer - simple map layer object for Leaflet map
- TileServiceLayer - tile layer object for Leaflet map
- Layers - extended Leaflet Layers control, can change layer's zIndex, opacity and show legend
- Legend - simple legend for MapServiceLayer
- Feature - now has only one function - "search by point" in specified table of feature service
- Resources - lists resources from named resource service
In your html add reference on leaflet (dev version) and on Spectrum4Leaflet plugin and write down something like:
var mapServiceUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/rest/Spatial/MappingService';var mapName = '/Samples/NamedMaps/MapWithLayer'; var map = L; LSpectrumSpatialLayers;