This is a simple Behat wrapper around Laravel Elixir. Add it to your Elixir-enhanced Gulpfile, like so:
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function(mix) {
This will scan your ./tests/features/
directory, as well as any PHP classes in your 'app' folder for changes, and trigger your Behat suite.
Note: If you want your tests to execute upon file change, use the gulp tdd
$ gulp tdd
You may pass two arguments to the behat()
Defaulting to './tests/features/', this argument specifies the root directory to search for Behat-specific tests. If you would like to change the default path, you can override the 'baseDir' path to point to your features directory
mix.behat('./features', { debug: true });
If you need to pass any Behat-specific options (see gulp-behat docuumentation for complete list of available options), then you may pass an object as the second argument, like so:
mix.behat(null, { debug: true });
List of additional files to watch list when perform TDD command
var watchList = ['./resources/views/contacts/*.blade.php']; // watch contact blade files mix.behat(null, {}, watchList);
0.0.7 Changes
- Added
parameter, providing option to extend default watch files
- Added
0.0.6 Changes
- Fixed issues related to using Behat under watch task
0.0.5 Changes
- Small refactoring
0.0.4 Updated readme, providing example for overriding 'baseDir' property
0.0.3 Minor tweaks, created npm package
- Changed 'clear' flag to default to 'false' as it is not supported on all systems
0.0.2 Initial Release
- First public release
laravel-elixir-behat written by Mike Erickson
Twitter: @codedungeon