kodmunki™ Utilities for ECMAScript Kernel
Dev Dependencies
Canvas: Canvas is used to enable JSDOM to load image data and to have access to necessary utilities, e.g.
- datauri: datauri is used to generate dataUrls that retain EXIF image metadata for use in creating successful unit tests that cover 100% of the project. This can be installed globally to generate a dataurl for testing.
- ExifTool: Command Line tool to read and write EXIF image data. - You may take special note of the FAQ section.
- ExifTool Source: Source code for a pretty bad ass CLI tool that has some solid references to 3rd party works they used to get that tool build.
- JFIF Specification
- JPEG Orientation
- PNG Specification (W3)
- PNG Specification (libpng)
//https://exiftool.org/TagNames/PNG.html //https://exiftool.org/TagNames/EXIF.html