DI utils for koa application that scales.
koa-ioc-utils is a set of decorators and a dependancy injection (DI) container specific Koa app implementation.
Decortors are DI independent, they are used to define metadata on controllers and their methods.
DI Koa app will then use this metadata to build an app.
NB: in its current version koa-ioc-utils provide an inversify app implementation.
this package is in early developpement, not ready yet for production. More documentation and examples will be provided
Example usage:
const controller httpGet KoaInversifyServer = ; @ @ { // ctx is koa app context. ctxtype = 'application/json'; ctxbody = name: 'Houssem'; } const app = ; app;
API Reference :
a Typedoc generated documentation is available here
controller(path, ...middlewares)
: is a class decorator factory, it takes a path and a list of middlewares to be applied before all controller methods. -
http[verb](path, ...middlewares)
: is a method decorator factory, it takes a path and a list of middlewares to be applied before the method. available verbs : httpGet, httpPost, httpPut, httpDelete, httpPatch. -
httpMethod(method, path, ...middlewares)
: is a method decorator factory, it takes a custom http method, a path and a list of middlewares. the known verbs method decorator are built on top of this decorator.
const httpGet = (path, ...middlewares) => httpMethod('GET', path, ...middlewares);
: is a koa app implemented using inversifyjs. given an inversify container it will resolve all the controllers dependancies and build a koa app. controllers are automatically decorated using inversifyjs@injectable()