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0.1.14 • Public • Published

DI utils for koa application that scales.

koa-ioc-utils is a set of decorators and a dependancy injection (DI) container specific Koa app implementation.

  • Decortors are DI independent, they are used to define metadata on controllers and their methods.

  • DI Koa app will then use this metadata to build an app.

NB: in its current version koa-ioc-utils provide an inversify app implementation.

this package is in early developpement, not ready yet for production. More documentation and examples will be provided

Example usage:

const { controller, httpGet, KoaInversifyServer } = require('koa-ioc-utils');
class UserController {
    getAllUsers(ctx) { // ctx is koa app context.
        ctx.type = 'application/json';
        ctx.body = [{name: 'Houssem'}];
const app = new KoaInversifyServer(new Container()).build();
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('server runing on 3000 ...'));

API Reference :

a Typedoc generated documentation is available here

  • controller(path, ...middlewares) : is a class decorator factory, it takes a path and a list of middlewares to be applied before all controller methods.

  • http[verb](path, ...middlewares) : is a method decorator factory, it takes a path and a list of middlewares to be applied before the method. available verbs : httpGet, httpPost, httpPut, httpDelete, httpPatch.

  • httpMethod(method, path, ...middlewares): is a method decorator factory, it takes a custom http method, a path and a list of middlewares. the known verbs method decorator are built on top of this decorator.
    const httpGet = (path, ...middlewares) => httpMethod('GET', path, ...middlewares);

  • KoaInversifyServer : is a koa app implemented using inversifyjs. given an inversify container it will resolve all the controllers dependancies and build a koa app. controllers are automatically decorated using inversifyjs @injectable() decorator.

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  • houssg