
1.1.0 • Public • Published

Note: kj-package is a mock shared library used by kj-parent. kj-parent can be shared by some other package X. Thus: X depends on kj-parent depends on kj-package

A POC on how it will work is available at: https://codepen.io/pen?&editable=true&editors=0010

In this POC: Client side: React and ReactDOM is available in global namespace of browser. The bundle for kj-package is loaded, then the bundle of kj-parent is loaded.

Server side: kj-package is used by kj-parent as a commonJS library, it is excluded from the bundle of kj-parent.

STEP BY STEP reproduce


add react as peerDependencies, not available in node_modules add webpack as devDependencies, available in node_modules

in current package (kj-package): if peer, wont install. if dev, will install and appear in node_modules.

in consumer package (kj-parent): if peer, wont install, will warn. if dev, wont install, won't warn.


For consumer, when they install our package. it appears in the node_modules as a normal node package (like consumer write a package itself locally and import from file)

So far, our main points to source code index.js

The consumer node will require it and encounter react not found.

Consumer have to install React locally (so it gets rid of the warning peer dependency not found), so as to run our code

Notice when consumer install our package now, they got nothing but our simple source code inside index.js.

const React = require('react');
function MyComp() {
    return React.createElement(
module.exports.MyComp = MyComp;

Also notice locally now, we can't even run our code by node index.js locally since we haven't installed react.

v1.0.5 - v1.0.6

Now we install react as devDepency locally. We can run npm run start to develope it.

Again, consumer won't install react automatically.

Up till now, consumer is using our source code directly in index.js. Let's add webpack to bundle it.

This starts become tricky. Our bundle code will contains React! (check the dist/main.js).

Actually, webpack will fail to bundle if React is not installed locally (unless external is set), since webpack will parse index.js and encouter require('react').

If we keep our main as index.js, consumer wont get React from us.

If we change our main to dist/main.js, when they install, they will load react code from our local dist.

We dont want to ship the local React to consumer!

v1.0.7 - 1.0.8

One interesting thing is that if we use the current webpack config to bundle the code, because React is bundled together. The consumer can use our package even without installing React.

Webpack totally changes the game: originally our source code is exposed directly, consumer will encounter const React = require('react') And it needs to resolve this commonJS require by itself.

Now, instead of consuming our source code, consumer uses our bundled(built) code, which includes React inside. Behind the scene, webpack resolve the commonJS require as a normal function __webpack_require__.

That being said, even if we declare React as peer dependency, consumer (kj-parent) still has no control of React used by the its depenecy (kj-package).

The fact is, peerDependencies field only serves as a warning. You actual output is still determined by dist/main from webpack.

To remove React from the bundle, we need to declare React as externals. Also, if we define the output target as umd, the out put will be like

(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
		module.exports = factory(require("React")); // route #1: commonJS nodejs new spec
	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
		define(["React"], factory);  // route #2: amd
	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
		exports["kj-package"] = factory(require("React")); // route #3: commonJS strict
		root["kj-package"] = factory(root["React"]);  // route #4: define in global directly
})(window, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_react__) {

Notice the current root is default to window, which means you can only run this code in browser. (window is the global object in browser).

note: peerDependencies is used by npm, external is used by webpack.


We need to sepecify the globalObject in webpack output, otherwise in webpack 4 it will defaults to 'window'.

    // webpack3 behaviors on globalObject otherwise it will be default to 'window'
    // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6522#issuecomment-374760683
    globalObject: 'typeof self !== \'undefined\' ? self : this',

Important: How our bundle file will be used is important and extremely tricky!

Load in browser directly:

In local development, or used by static website to load dist/main.js directly. Then 4th route from the webpackUniversalModuleDefinition will be triggered.

Import as node pacakage by consumer:

It will be imported as a normal node modules and first route will be triggered. Server rendering will be the same case.

No matter how, our bundled code will normally be used as route #1 commonJS modules, or route #4 browser assets.

For kj-package itself

environment webpack output Description
client side route #4 load as an asset in browser in local development
server side rendering route #1 used by a separate nodejs server, as a commonJS package

kj-package used by kj-parent

environment webpack output Description
client side route #4 loaded as a dependency assets for kj-parent, like the POC demo
server side dev route #1 used by kj-parent as a commonJS package

In both cases above, kj-package can be declared as externals for kj-parent, which means it is not bundled in the output of kj-parent

Tricky case. If

  • kj-package exports basic widgets,
  • and kj-parent exports complex widgets based on kj-package.
  • And there is a standalone nodejs server that will import kj-parent to do server rendering.

To use kj-parent as an out of box widget library, should we bundle kj-package together with kj-parent?

Addition : webpack output Bundled by webpack of consumer: Bundle happened on Server side. When webpack encounters a bundled file (e.g. dist/main), what I find currently (might be wrong) is: The current output is wrapped inside the above webpackUniversalModuleDefinition __IIFE)), the IIFE will be executed during the bundle time to determine the output.




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