Console logical mini-games kit-brain-games
$ npm install -g kit-brain-games
You may also need to use sudo
$ sudo npm install -g kit-brain-games
Even number
The user must answer whether given number is even or not?
Command to start the game: $ brain-even
The user must enter the result of the mathematical expression.
Command to start the game: $ brain-calc
Greatest common divisor
The user must calculate and enter the greatest common divisor of two numbers
Command to start the game: $ brain-gcd
The user must balance the number. In this case, a balanced number is a number whose minimum digit differs from the maximum by no more than 1. The sum of the digits of the number should not change.
Command to start the game: $ brain-balance
Arithmetic progression
The user must enter the missing part of the sequence of numbers, which is an arithmetic progression.
Command to start the game: $ brain-progression
Prime number
The user must answer whether given number is prime or not?
Command to start the game: $ brain-prime