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Simple tasks to run file system commands:

  • Copy files and directories.
  • Clean files and directories.
  • Create files and directories.
  • Change owner and group.
  • Change mode.

Proudly made with ♥ in Valencia, Spain, EU.


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const fs = require("justo-plugin-fs");

create task

The create task creates files and/or directories:

create(justoOpts, opts : object) : number
create(justoOpts, src : string) : number
create(justoOpts, src : string[]) : number

Returns the number of entries created.

The opts parameter can have the following properties:

  • src (string or string[]). The entries to create. The directories must end with a / character.
  • file (string or object) or files (string[] or object[]). The files to create.
  • dir (string) dirs (string[]). The directories to create.

The file or files can have:

  • path (string). The file path.
  • content (string or object). The file content. If object, the task transforms it to JSON.
  • overwrite (boolean). Overwrite if existing? true, yep; false, nope. Default: false.

Examples for creating files:

const create = require("justo-plugin-fs").create;

//empty file
create("Create file.txt", "file.txt")
create("Create file.txt", {src: "file.txt"});
create("Create file.txt", {file: "file.txt"});

//file with content
create("Create file.txt", {file: {path: "file.txt", content: "ABC."}});

//several empty files
create("Create a.txt and b.txt", "a.txt", "b.txt");
create("Create a.txt and b.txt", {src: ["a.txt", "b.txt"]});
create("Create a.txt and b.txt", {files: ["a.txt", "b.txt"]});
create("Create a.txt and b.txt", {files: [{path: "a.txt"}, {path: "b.txt"}]});

//several files with content
create("Create a.txt and b.txt", {files: [{path: "a.txt", content: "ABC."}, {path: "b.txt", content: "CBA."}]});

The dir and dirs are used for creating directories. Examples:

const create = require("justo-plugin-fs").create;

create("Create dir", "dir/");
create("Create dir", {src: "dir/"});
create("Create dir", {src: ["dir1/", "dir2/"]});
create("Create dir", {dir: "dir"});
create("Create dir", {dirs: ["dir"]});
create("Create dir1 and dir2", {dirs: ["dir1", "dir2"]});

The src option can be used for creating files and directories. In this case, the directories must end with the / character. If we use the dir or dirs options, it is not needed.

clean task

The clean task removes files and directories. This must be called as follows:

clean(justoOpts, opts : object)
clean(justoOpts, src : string|string[])

To delete files, use the files property as string[]. If some file doesn't exist, clean() doesn't throw any error. If some file is a directory, the directory isn't removed.

To delete directories, we must use the dirs property as string[]. If some directory doesn't exist, clean() doesn't throw any error. If some directory is a file, the file isn't removed.

When we don't want to indicate the entry type, we can use the src property (string[]).


const clean = require("justo-plugin-fs").clean;

clean("Example", {
  files: [
  dirs: [

clean("Example", {
  src: [

clean("Example", [

remove task

The remove task is an alias of clean.

copy task

The copy task must be called as follows:

copy(justoOpts, {src, dst, opts})
copy(justoOpts, [{src, dst, ignore, force}, {src, dst, ignore, force}, {src, dst, ignore, force}...])

When we use the parameters src and dst, the first one indicates the entry to copy to the second one. If dst ends with /, the source will be copied to the directory with the same name as the source has. Example:

copy("title...", {src: "entry", dst: "dir/"});      //copy entry to dir/entry
copy("title...", {src: "entry", dst: "entry.old"}); //copy entry to entry.old

The copy options are:

  • ignore (string or string[]). To exclude entries.
  • force (boolean). Don't throw error when nonexistent entries. Default value: false.


const copy = require("justo-plugin-fs").copy;

//copy one.txt to dir/one.txt
//copy two.txt to dir/two.txt
copy("title...", {
  src: ["one.txt", "two.txt"],
  dst: "dir"

//copy dir1/one.txt to dst/one.txt
//copy dir2/two.txt to dst/two.txt
copy("title...", {
  src: ["dir1/one.txt", "dir2/two.txt"],
  dst: "dst"

//copy src/one.txt to dst1/one.txt
//copy src/two.txt to dst2/two.txt
copy("title...", [
  {src: "src/one.txt", dst: "dst1"},
  {src: "src/two.txt", dst: "dst2"}

exists task

Check whether an entry exists:

exists(justoOpts, opts : object) : true

The opts parameter:

  • src (string). The entry to check.


if (!fs.exists("Check whether /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rethinkdb.list exists", {src: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/rethinkdb.list"})) {

chown task

Change owner and group:

chown(justoOpts, opts : object)

The opts parameter:

  • src (string or string[]). The source dirs and files.
  • user (number). The new owner.
  • group (number). The new group.
  • recurse (boolean). Recurse? Default: false.


chown("Set couchdb as owner", {
  src: ["/usr/lib/couchdb", "/usr/share/couchdb", "/etc/couchdb", "/usr/bin/couchdb"],
  user: 123,
  group: 321,
  recurse: true

chmod task

Change mode:

chmod(justoOpts, opts : object)

The opts parameter:

  • src (string or string[]). The source dirs and files.
  • mode (number|string). The new mode.
  • recurse (boolean). Recurse? Default: false.


chmod("Set permissions", {
  src: ["/usr/lib/couchdb", "/usr/share/couchdb", "/etc/couchdb", "/usr/bin/couchdb"],
  mode: "777",
  recurse: true

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