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3.0.0 • Public • Published

Just Filter


This module provides filtered view of posts (or any kind of listing data), filtering/pagination/sorting should be realized on backend.

You can get more info about it just checking the examples in demo/frontend folder (don't forget to run cd demo/backend; node index.js;


While this module is private you can install it only from this private repo (please note that you should have access to this repo, and you need add SSH key to Bitbucket before instruction):

npm i just-grid-filter


Import lib:

// In a case you are not using build tools just add lib with `script` tag, and it will be available globally: `window.JustFilter` and `window.JustFilter.Plugins`
import JustFilter, {Plugins} from 'just-filter';

// Create instance of filter
const filter = new JustFilter({
    jquery: $, // you need to pass your instace of jQuery to lib, it's important to pass same instace which was used for your jQuery plugins
    vue: Vue, // pass instance of Vue to lib (module will register `jc-filter-list` component for you)
    templates: {
        // template for your list item (this is just Vue template, and `item` object represanting item from backend)
        item: `
          <div class="list-item">
              <div class="list-item-wrapper">
                  <div class="list-item-heading">
                      <h3 class="list-item-title"><b>{{item.title}}</b></h3>
                  <div class="list-item-body">
                      <div class="list-item-image">
                          <img :src="item.image" />
                      <div class="description">

// Init some plugins if you need (check list of of available plugins bellow)
    perPage: 8,
    scrollOffset: 200

// Init instace of filter

// Init vue (you can put this initialization whereever you want it's up to you, but it should be after you initialize filter)
var vm = new Vue({
    el: 'main'


Filter comes with list of often used plugins, so you can use them out from box (or you can write it itself, if you need (check development notes bellow))

NAME DESCRIPTION OPTIONS (with default values)
AutoLoad Apply new filter state without pressing submit (just change input value and new filter state will be applied) debounce: 350 - debounce time of input change before request
events: 'change input' - plugin will listen to this events and reload items after
InfinityScroll Load new items while scrolling perPage: 7 - size of bunch to load
total: override native pagination total
scrollOffset: 200 - scroll offset to bottom edge when request new page should be initialized
LoadMore Load more button on the bottom of list to load new items to the list perPage: 7 - size of bunch to load
total: override native pagination total
loadMoreSelector: '[data-role="search-load-more"]' - selector to load more control (like a button) <br/> loadMoreEvent`: 'click' - lib will be watching to this event and when it will be triggered on load more control new page request will be initialzed
Masonry Integration with Masonry plugin masonry: {itemSelector: '.grid-item'} - this options will be passed direct to masonry plugin
Packery Integration with Packery plugin packery: {transitionDuration: 0} - this options will be passed direct to packery plugin
SelectPicker Integration with SelectPicker plugin selector: 'selector' - selector to select picker elements (plugin will initialize select picker on those elements)
picker: {} - this options will be passed direct to SelectPicker plugin
Wow Integration with WOW plugin wow: {} - this options will be passed direct to WOW plugin
lib: typeof WOW !== 'undefined' ? WOW : null - instance of lib to work with
WpRest Integration with WP REST api totalHeader: 'X-WP-Total' - header name of total items from WP response
embed: true - add embedded subitems (categories, image links, etc)
Separator Add custom separator after some amount of posts (Featured posts can be implemented whith this plugin) after: 6 - show separator after such amount of posts (if there are less posts, it will be shown after available amount of posts)
showIfNoPostsFound: true - show separator if there are no posts at all (it will be shown after placeholder)
content: '' - html content of placeholder (it has much priority then el)
el: null - selector to element containing separator (inner html of this element will be shown like separator)
SelectPagination Pagination based on html select controls perPage: 10 - default value for perPage select, will be used to determine how many items should be shown per page
selectedPage: 1 - index of selected by default page of pagination
pageSelectSelector: '[data-role="search-page"]' - css selector of page select element (it should not contain any options, plugin will fill it with options depending on items count)
perPageSelectSelector: '[data-role="search-per-page"]' - css selector of per page select element (it should contain options with per page value variants)
SelectSorting Sorting based on html select controls sortingSelectSelector: '[data-role="search-sort"]' - css selector for select to select sorting type
RadioSorting Sorting based on html radio controls sortingRadioSelector: '[data-role="search-sort"]' - css selector for select to select sorting type
sortingRadioSelector: '[data-role="search-sort-dir-wrapper"]' - css selector for wrapper of sort direction radio buttons


Please check the demo projects to get know how can options be used.

elements.filter CSS selector for all inputs used for filtering [data-role="search-filter"]
elements.submit CSS selector for all buttons used for submit action [data-role="search-"submit]
elements.listUnProcessed CSS selector for list container jc-filter-list
elements.list CSS selector for list container after vue was applied [data-role="search-result"]
jquery If you use jQuery for your project just pass it to have same istance for lib and your app
templates.list Vue template for listing
templates.item Vue template for list item
templates.wrapper Vue template for list wrapper
templates.placeholder Vue template for placeholder wrapper
initialItems Preloaded list of items []
initialControlsState Initial state for controls (filters, sorting, pagination)
initialLoad Should loadControlsState be called during first load true
loadingClass Class of wrappper when new items are loaded loading
url Request url for items location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname by default reqsonpse should be in format {total: <number total items count>, items: [<item object>]}


Run demo frontend:

npm run dev; # then you can navigation to http://localhost:8080/demo/frontend/<demo name>, for example to http://localhost:8080/demo/frontend/simple

Run demo backend:

cd demo/backend && npm start;

Build lib:

npm run build


If you want to create your own plugin you need to check existed plugin realization, docs are comming soon ...




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  • sgurin