
1.0.8 • Public • Published


Getting Started

Automation is a project that solves time problems when it comes to performing quality tests on a functionality of a juggler project, which involves constantly performing the same procedure to verify that the specific application continues to function during code maintenance.


To initialize a project, the following packages must be installed so that the different automated tests and their report can be created:

npm i chai
npm i mocha
npm i mocha-tags 
npm i juglar.automation.framework
npm i mochawesome-report-generator


To create a test scenario, the scenario to be tested must be determined. For practical cases, the search test on YouTube for a song is carried out. To start you have to create the test file in this case ./test/youtube.test.js which will determine the actions to be performed in the scenario to be tested.

Example - navigating to https://www.youtube.com and search baby shark

Save file as youtube.test.js

var  youtubeAction = require('../Actions/youtubeAction');
var  automation = require('juglar.automation.framework');
const { expect } = require('chai');
var  tags = require('mocha-tags');
var  contexto;
var  inicio = async () => { contexto = await  automation.run(); };
var  cierre = async () => { await  automation.closeBrowser(contexto); };
describe("ingreso a youtube", async () => {
	describe("Se realiza la busqueda de la cancion Baby Shark", async () => {
		before(async () => { await  inicio(); });
		after(async () => { await  cierre(); });
		step("Se ingresa a youtube", async () => {
			await  youtubeAction.ingresar(contexto, url);
		step("Se realiza la busqueda de la cancion Baby Shark", async () => {
			let  cancion = "baby shark";
			await  youtubeAction.iniciarBusqueda(contexto, cancion);

Save file as actions/youtubeAction.js

var  youtubePage = require("../Page/youtubePage");
module.exports = { 
	ingresar:  async (context, url) => {
		* @desc navega a la pagina
		* @param {string} title
		await  youtubePage.cambiarUrl(context, url);

	iniciarBusqueda:  async (context, package) => {
		* @desc navega a la pagina
		* @param {string} package
		await  youtubePage.fillSearch(context, package);
		await  youtubePage.pressSearch(context);

Save file as actions/youtubeAction.js

var  youtubePage = require("../Page/youtubePage");
module.exports = { 
	ingresar:  async (context, url) => {
		* @desc navega a la pagina
		* @param {string} title
		await  youtubePage.cambiarUrl(context, url);

	iniciarBusqueda:  async (context, package) => {
		* @desc navega a la pagina
		* @param {string} package
		await  youtubePage.fillSearch(context, package);
		await  youtubePage.pressSearch(context);

Save file as actions/youtubeAction.js

var  youtubeLocator = require("../Locators/youtubeLocator")
var  automation = require('juglar.automation.framework');

module.exports = {
	cambiarUrl :  async (context, url) => {
		* @desc Ingresa a la página inicial del sitio
		* @param {string} url: url a la que se va a dirigir
		await  automation.setUrl(context, url, 120)
	fillSearch:  async (context, title) => {
		* @desc rellena campo titulo
		* @param {string} title: titulo del video
		await  automation.input.fill(context, youtubeLocator.campoSearch, title)
	pressSearch:  async (context) => {
		* @desc inicia la accion de buscar presionando el boton de busqueda
		await  automation.click(context, youtubeLocator.botonSearch)




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  • diegoantoniodebrito15