JavaScript Numpy
This project aims at providing equivalent of Numpy in JavaScript.
Node.js, matrix_deep_clone
First, head over to and install Node.js.
$ npm install jsnumpy
Running the tests
First install the module matrix_deep_clone then type
$ cd node_modules/jsnumpy/
After going inside the library type
$ npm test
Array Creation
> var nj = ; > var a = nj;> a 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Note: The fillWithNumber take two parameter the first parameter is the dimension of the required matrix in the above example the function creates a 3D matrix with three rows and four columns it is similar to Numpy function of Python. The default parameter to fill in array is zero. Here number 5 is used to fill the array.
> var dim = nj;> dim234
NOTE: The function get_Dimensions returns the dimension of the given matrix.
> var dim = 33> var minRange = 3;> var maxRange = 25;> var ans = nj;> ans 22 10 20 5 8 11 10 8 22
Note: The function generateRandomNumbers
provides a matrix of random numbers depending on the input dimension which is the first parameter of the function the default value for minRange is zero and maxRange is totalNumber. It can also generate an ndArray.
Deep cloning an array
> var a = 123456789;> var co = nj;> co123456789 > console;false
Numerical Range
NOTE : The default value of noOfSample is ten. If the value of start or stop is not provided then it gives an error.
> var a = nj; 2 2111111111111111 22222222222222223 23333333333333335 24444444444444446 2555555555555556 2666666666666667 2777777777777778 28888888888888893 30000000000000004
NOTE : In the above example since value of noOfSample is not provided so it is taken as ten.
> var a = nj; 6 6333333333333333 6666666666666666 7 ;
NOTE : In the above example the value of noOfSample is four so nj.linspace
gives four samples which are equally spaced between start and end value.
NOTE : The default value of step is one.
> var a = nj;> a 0 1 2 3 4
NOTE : When only one parameter is passed then it is taken as last value of the array and the start value is then as zero and step is taken as one.
> var a = nj;> a 2 3 4 5
NOTE : In the above example the start is two and end is five and the default value of step is one. Since step is not provided therefore it's default value is taken.
> var a = nj;> a 4 6 8
NOTE : In the above example the start is four and the end is nine and step is two.
Matrix Manipulation
> var ans = nj;> var res = nj;> res 13 3 21 16 25 4 9 15 20 12 17 14 5 22 11 24 > ans = nj;> ans 13 3 21 16 25 4 9 15 20 12 17 14 5 22 11 24
Note : In reshape
function the first parameter is the data and the second parameter is the new dimension to which the data needs to be reshaped. The function flatten
converts the matrix into a single Array.
Arithmetic Operation
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var c = 2 3 4 5 32 2 5 3 2; > var ans = nj;> ans 5 8 6 7 36 0 12 4 3
The add
function provides adds the first row of matrix a i.e. [3, 5, 5] with the corresponding first row of matrix c i.e. [2, 3, 4], second row of matrix a i.e. [2,4,-2] with the corresponding second row of matrix c i.e. [5, 32, 2] and so on.
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var b = 1 2 3; > var ans = nj;ans 4 6 3 4 6 0 10 4 4
NOTE: In the above example the add
function adds the first row of matrix b i.e. one(1) to the first row of matrix a. It performs the same operation on rest of the rows i.e. it adds two(2) to the second row of the matrix a and so on.
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var b = 1 2 3; > var ans = nj;ans 4 7 5 3 6 1 8 3 4
NOTE: In the above example the add
function adds matrix b first row of matrix b i.e. [1, 2, 3] to the first row, second row and third row of matrix a.
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14; > var ans = nj; 1 1 -4 -7 -2 -10 2 -1 -13
NOTE: The subtract
function has the same working mechanism like add on ndArray.
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14; > var ans = nj;> ans 6 20 12 18 24 -16 35 2 14
Note : The function multiply
is not a matrix multiply instead it multiplies element by element an has same working mechanism as add
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var b = 2 3 4 5 32 2 5 3 2; > var ans = nj;ans 15 16666666666666667 05 04 0125 -1 14 03333333333333333 05 > var c = 1 2 3> ans = nj;ans 3 25 06666666666666666 2 2 -06666666666666666 7 05 03333333333333333
NOTE: The divide
function performs division for any dimension ndArray. It has same working mechanism as add
, subtract
and multiply
Matrix Multiplication
> var a = 47 10 84 64 33 19 98 25; > var b = 93 85 66 91 95 77 84 30; > var ans = nj;ans 18387 13293 15733 12830
The matrixMultiply
function multiplies the given matrix according to the matrix multiplication rules.
> var a = 83 41 41 27 66 63 51 15 10 39 59 44 47 4 15 97 93 50 70 33 32 22 27 67 66 98 69 81 80 64 1 95 ; > var b = 67 52 43 68 81 4 83 97 86 27 94 12 85 81 17 61; > var ans = nj;ans 14703 7774 11285 11760 15186 6276 13116 12126 12643 5833 9961 7855 13008 10722 5412 9681 19106 9599 15290 14027 11943 7908 6879 8721 25179 12248 18835 19763 18705 12138 10461 17455
NOTE: The matrixMultiply
function can multiply ndArray with the given matrix of ndArray if the shape of both the matrix are compatible else it generates an error.
The library supports three logarithmic functions first log10, logE, log.
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var ans = nj;> ans 0 030103 047712125 060205999 069897 077815125 084509804 090308999 095424251 069897 030103 0
Note : The log10 function finds the log to the base 10 of the given nd-Array or of a Number
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var ans = nj;> ans 0 069314718 109861229 138629436 160943791 179175947 194591015 207944154 219722458 160943791 069314718 0
Note : The logE function finds the log to the base e of the given nd-Array or of a Number.
Log to the base n
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1;> var ans = nj; 0 035620719 056457503 071241437 082708748 092078222 1 106862156 112915007 082708748 035620719 0
NOTE: The function declaration is nj.log(exponent, base)
. In the above example we calculate the log of matrix a with base seven(7).
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var c = 10 20 30 40; > var ans = nj;ans 0 030103 047712125 046275643 053724357 0598104 057212503 061138514 064601501 043629453 018790182 0
NOTE: In the above above example log is calculate for matrix a with base c. In the above operation log of first row of matrix a is calculate with base 10 i.e. [log10(1), log10(2), log10(3)], log of second row of matrix a is calculate with base 20 i.e. [log20(4), log20(5), log20(6)] and so on.
NOTE: The library is written in such a way that in above example nj.log(a,c) is not equal to nj.log(c,a);
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var c = 10 20 30 40; > var ans = nj;ans Infinity 332192809 209590327 216096405 186135312 167195002 17478697 16356302 154795164 229202967 532192809 Infinity
NOTE: In the above example we have taken nj.log(c,a) that means in the above operation log of first row of matrix c is calculated with bases [1, 2, 3] i.e. the first row of the answer is [log1(10), log2(10), log3(10)] i.e log of ten with base one, log of ten with base two, and log of ten with base three. For the second row bases are [4, 5, 6] i.e. the second row of the anser is [log4(20), log5(20), log6(20)] i.e. log of twenty with base four, log of twenty with base five, and log of twenty with base six. For the rest rows the process remains same.
NOTE: The log function provides great flexibility if needed.
Statistics Operation
> var a = 4 5 -6 8 0 4 10 15 -70 -30 70 40 12 3 10 80 50 40 ; > var ans = nj;> ans -4 -5 6 -8 -0 -4 -10 -15 70 30 -70 -40 -12 -3 -10 -80 -50 -40
NOTE: The negative
function calculates the negative of each element of the given Matrix.
> var res = nj;> res 4 5 6 8 0 4 10 15 70 30 70 40 12 3 10 80 50 40
NOTE: The abs function finds the absolute value of the given matrix.
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1;> var ans = nj;> ans4416666666666667
The mean
function calculates the mean of the matrix provided.
> var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14;> var ans = nj;> ans5333333333333333 4 9333333333333334
NOTE: mean
function takes two parameter the first one is the data and the second parameter is the axis along which we want to find the mean. If value of the axis is not passed then mean of the entire matrix is found.
> var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14;> var ans = nj;> ans 4 7666666666666667 7
> ans = nj;> ans 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 25 4 1
NOTE: square
function calculates the square of each element of the given matrix.
> var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14; > var ans = nj;ans 14142135623730951 2 2449489742783178 3 2449489742783178 28284271247461903 223606797749979 14142135623730951 37416573867739413 > ans = nj; 12599210498948732 15874010519681994 18171205928321397 2080083823051904 18171205928321397 2 17099759466766968 12599210498948732 24101422641752297
The squareRoot
, cubeRoot
function calculates the squareRoot and cubeRoot of the given ndArray respectively.
> var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14; > var ans = nj;ans 1148698354997035 13195079107728942 14309690811052556 15518455739153596 14309690811052556 15157165665103982 1379729661461215 1148698354997035 16952182030724354
NOTE: The nThRoot
function calculates the nth root of the data. The first parameter of nThRoot
function is the data and the second parameter is the value whose nth root is required. nj.nThRoot(b,5)
is not equal to nj.nThRoot(5,b)
> var b = 2 4 6 9 6 8 5 2 14; > var ans = nj;ans 223606797749979 14953487812212205 13076604860118306 1195813174500402 13076604860118306 12228445449938519 1379729661461215 223606797749979 11218283962540023
NOTE: The first row of the ans is [five raise to 1/2, five raise to 1/4, five raise to 1/6]. The second row of the ans is [five raise to 1/9, five raise to 1/6, five raise to 1/8]. The rest of the rows are calculated in similar way.
> ans = nj;> ans53
The sum
function returns the sum of all the elements of the matrix.
> ans = nj;> ans12
The totalElements
function returns the total number of elements in the given Matrix.
> ans = nj;> ans9
The highestElement
function returns the highest value of the matrix provided.
> ans = nj;> ans1 > ans = nj;> ans8 > var d = 12345678;> ans = nj;> ans45 > ans = nj;> ans2
Note: In frequency the first parameter is the data and the second parameter is the data whose frequency is required.
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var ans = nj;> ans '1': 2 '2': 2 '3': 1 '4': 1 '5': 2 '6': 1 '7': 1 '8': 1 '9': 1> ans = nj;> ans25967394084804805 > ans = nj;> ans6743055555555555
Note: nj.sampleVariance, nj.sampleStandardDeviation is also available
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var ans = nj;> ans125 > ans = nj;> ansundefined > ans = nj;> ans 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 125 8 1 > ans = nj;> ans 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 243 9 3
NOTE: The power
function returns the cube of element of the matrix a. nj.power(3,a)
gives a different result it calculates three to the power of first row of matrix a in the above example it calculates 3^1, 3^2, 3^3 for the first row for second row it calculates the three to the power of second row of matrix a in the above example it calculates 3^4, 3^5, 3^6 and so on.
> ans = nj;> ans 271828 73890461584 20085496391455553 545980031309658 14841265995084171 40342716529117405 10966279948676927 29809419458889515 8103034872671019 14841265995084171 73890461584 271828
NOTE: The exp
function calculates e^a i.e it calculates e raise to the power of each element of matrix a.
Matrix Operations
> var a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1; > var ans = nj;> ans 1 4 7 5 2 5 8 2 3 6 9 1
NOTE : The transpose function also works for higher dimensions. The transpose function is very much similar to Numpy transpose of Python.
Find Matrix Inverse
> var a = 3 5 2 2 4 -2 7 1 1; > var ans = nj;ans -005263157894736842 002631578947368421 015789473684210525 014035087719298245 009649122807017543 -008771929824561403 022807017543859648 -02807017543859649 -0017543859649122806
NOTE: The matrixInverse
function finds the inverse of the given ndArray. It generates an error if the determinant of the given matrix is zero.
Find Determinant
> var a = 10 32 34 54 50 26 17 83 91;> var ans = nj;> ans4304
NOTE: The determinant
function finds the Determinant of the given Matrix.
> var b = 34 59 51 63 69 60 61 21 60 32 51 43 45 7 50 42 90 46 86 9 83 6 87 60 35; > var ans = nj;> ans-979886677
NOTE: The determinant
function works for N*N dimension matrix.
> var a = 4 28 66 6 68 51 64 5 76 96 31 6 ;> var ans = nj;> ans -1824 -2924 -2520
> var a = 67 71 22 75 97 77 54 32 91 50 79 51 84 85 88 99 33 58 51 50 30 8 15 89 ; > var ans = nj;> ans 3463 -1054 691 836 -1308 2550
NOTE : determinant
function retains the shape of Matrix since the matrix's outer shape was of (2,3) so the ans of determinant
is also (2,3).
Generating Identity Matrix
> var dim = 4 4;> var ans = nj;ans 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
NOTE: generateIdentityMatrix
function generates an Identity matrix of the given dimension. The function also checks if the dimension given is square. The function can generate an ndArray.
Trigonometric Functions
Note : All the functions like sin, cos, tan allows radian as well as degree.
> var a = 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 180 120 100;> var ans = nj;> ans 0174 0342 05 0643 0766 0866 094 0985 1 0 0866 0985 > ans = nj;> ans -0544 0913 -0988 0745 -0262 -0305 0774 -0994 0894 -0801 0581 -0506
NOTE: nj.sin(a)
calculates the sin of the angles provided in matrix a. The angle are assumed to be in degree.
Note: nj.sin(a,"radian")
takes matrix a as the matrix of angle in radian. nj.cos, nj.tan also exists.
> var a = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 075 045 01;> var ans = nj;> ans 6 12 17 24 30 37 44 53 64 49 27 6
Note: The output of sinInverse, cosInverse, tanInverse is in degree.
> var a = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 075 045 01; > var ans = nj;> ans 010016675001984403 020133600254109402 03045202934471426 04107523258028155 05210953054937474 06366535821482412 07585837018395334 0888105982187623 10265167257081753 082231673193583 046534201693419774 010016675001984403
Note: hyperbolicCosine, hyperbolicTangent also exists.
- Nikhil Ashodariya -(
This project is licensed under the MIT License