
0.4.2 • Public • Published


This module contains some generic managers to abstract some access like access to mongodb, or just start to create a controller with dependencies.

Each manager has a state that can tell you if it's ready. It also emit signal to tell what's append to it.

Available base classes

The module provide those base classes:

  • BaseObject
  • InitializableObject
  • ConnectableObject
  • LoadableObject
  • RunnableObject



BaseObject is a generic function that can be use with prototype inheritance to include states in your object.


Generic object that can be initialized.


The class adds 4 new states:

  • NotInitialized : The current state when you create the object
  • Initializing : The object is currently under initialization
  • Initialized : The initialization succeed
  • Finalizing : The object is currently under finalization

Be aware that the class do not pass to Ready after the initialization succeed.


The class adds 6 signals:

  • initializing : An initialization started
  • initializationSucceed : The initialization succeed
  • initializationFailed : The initialization failed
  • finalizing : A finalization started
  • finalizationSucceed : The finalization succeed
  • finalizationFailed : The finalization failed


Same class as InitializableObject but after the initialization succeed, the object pass from state Initialized to Ready.


ConnectableObject is a generic object that expose new states and signal. It can be use in manager that expose a connection state like a Dal (MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.).


The class adds 2 new states:

  • Connecting : The object is currently trying to connect
  • Disconnecting : The object is currently trying to disconnect


The class adds 8 signals:

  • connecting : The object start connecting
  • connectionFailed : The connection failed
  • connected : The connection succeed
  • connectionLost : The object lost the connection
  • reconnected : The object reconnected
  • disconnecting : The object start disconnecting
  • disconnectionFailed : The disconnection failed
  • disconnected : The disconnection succeed


This class provide a way to enable load functionality. The class provide the functions load and unLoad. This base class can be use for configuration, context (loading a configuration or a context).


The class adds 2 new states:

  • Loading : The object is currently loading data
  • UnLoading : The object is currently unloading data


The class adds 6 signals:

  • loading : The object start loading data
  • loadFailed : The load failed
  • loaded : The object load data with success
  • unLoading : The object start unloading data
  • unLoadFailed : The unload failed
  • unLoaded : The object unload data with success


Easy way to always have a logger defined. You can add a prefix name. All BaseObject contains an internal logger.

Default logger

You have 2 way to define a default logger in you system. You can use the defaultLogger logger function:

const defaultLogger = require('js-zrim-core').defaultLogger;
defaultLogger.setDefaultLogger(null, myLogger);

This function only works for the same version of the package. Another solution is to define a global default logger manager.

You must define the default logger manager using :

if (!global.jsZrimCore) {
  global.jsZrimCore = {};
global.jsZrimCore.defaultLoggerManager = myDefaultLoggerManager;

This should be the first thing your application is doing.


The logger manager must define a function name getVersion which returns the implementation version. This may help the module to know how to use the manager.

Version 1

The version 1 requires:

  • string getVersion() : returns "1.m.p" with m you minor version and p your patch version.
  • string[] listLoggerNames() : This function returns the list of know logger names
  • Logger getLogger(string|null|undefined) : This function returns the logger
  • string[] listLoggerNames() : List the logger names known or available to use with the given name. In case the name is null or undefined, the function must return the default logger.
  • void setLogger(string|null|undefined, Logger) : This function define a logger for the given name


The module expose some generic exceptions.


var IllegalStateException = require('js-zrim-core').exceptions.IllegalStateException;

Code Example

Using BaseObject

Require the BaseObject

var BaseObject = require('js-zrim-core').BaseObject;

// Use base object

Inheritance of the BaseObject

function BaseObjecExtented() {


// Add you code here

You can also specified additional signals and states

function BaseObjecExtented() {

BaseObject._applyPrototypeTo(BaseObjecExtented, {
    signals: {
        newSignal: 'signalName'
    states: {
        myNewState: 'StateName'

BaseObjecExtented.prototype.myFunction = function () {
    this.currentState = BaseObject.States.myNewState;

Access the internal properties

function BaseObjecExtented() {


BaseObjecExtented.prototype.myFunction = function () {

Define property

You can dynamically define a new property. By using this, it will send signal when the value has been changed.

Use the function _defineProperty(Constructor, Property name, Options).

By using this function you can create read only property or just writable property or read+write property.

function BaseObjecExtented() {


BaseObjecExtented._defineProperty(BaseObjecExtented, 'propA', {
    enumerable: true,
    set: function (value) {
        if (value === this.properties.propA) {
            return false; // The signal won't be emitted 
        } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
            this.properties.propA = value;
            return true; // Tells the value has been changed
        // Returns nothing tells the value has not been changed
    get: function () {
        return this.properties.propA;

// ....

var a = new BaseObjecExtented();

a.propA = "a"; // Signal propAChanged emitted & propertyChanged emitted too
console.log(a.propA); // Print a
a.propA = 12;
console.log(a.propA); // Print a

It is possible to know when a property has been changed by listening the event propertyChanged or the property name + Changed.

The signal propertyChanged will have 3 arguments : (property name, new value, previous value).

The second signal specialise will have 2 arguments : (new value, previous value).

Warning, In case of no getter exists, the previous value will be undefined.

Using InitializableObject

Handling the initialization and finalization

function BaseObjecExtented() {


BaseObjecExtented.prototype._handleInitialization(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Do your initialization

BaseObjecExtented.prototype._handleFinalization(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Do your finalization

Handling the initialization and finalization with inheritance

function BaseObjecExtented() {


BaseObjecExtented.prototype._handleInitialization(options) {
    return BaseObject.prototype._handleInitialization.call(this, options)
        .then(() => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                // Your initialization

BaseObjecExtented.prototype._handleFinalization(options) {
    return BaseObject.prototype._handleFinalization.call(this, options)
        .then(() => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                // Your finalization

Using the logger

BaseObjecExtented.prototype._handleInitialization(options) {
    // ...
    this.logger.debug("Use %s", "me"); // Will log : [BaseObjecExtented] Use me
    // ...

Define property

You can define a property that will emit automatically signals:

  • propertyChanged : (propertyName, newValue, previousValue)
  • <propertyName> + 'Changed' : (newValue, previousValue)

You can define a read only property by not specify a set method.

BaseObject._defineProperty(constructor, publicName, options);
  • constructor (Function) : The constructor that will receive the property.
  • publicName (String) : The property name to define
  • options (Object) : Contains the definition


  • set (Function) : The setter. You can use this inside to get the assign object ;
  • get (Function) : The getter. You can use this inside to get the assign object ;
  • enumerable (Boolean=false) : Same as Object.defineProperty. Default is 'false'
  • configurable (Boolean=false) : Same as Object.defineProperty. Default is 'false'


You need to return true if you'd like to emit signals. By using this feature, you can change the behaviour of the setter, by ignoring the new value if it's equal to the current one.

In case of exception, the error will be log and propagate.


If you do not specify the setter, the property will be read only. If you do not specify the getter, the property will always return undefined. This can cause signals to not return the previous value.


function MyConstructor() {
    BaseObject.apply(this, arguments);
    this.properties._a = 9999;

BaseObject._defineProperty(MyConstructor, 'a', {
    set: function(a) {
        if (this.properties._a === a) {
            return false;
        this.properties._a = a;
        return true;
    get: function() {
        return this.properties._a;

var x = new MyConstructor();

x.on('propertyChanged', function(name, newValue, previousValue) {
    console.log("Property '", name, "' newValue='", newValue, "' previousValue='", previousValue, "'");
x.on('aChanged', function(newValue, previousValue) {
    console.log("a changed with newValue='", newValue, "' previousValue='", previousValue, "'");
x.a = 45;
console.log("a=", x.a);
x.a = 45;
console.log("a=", x.a);

// Output
// Property 'a' newValue='45' previousValue='9999'
// a changed with newValue='45' previousValue='9999'
// a=45
// a=45


Handling the connection and disconnection

function ConnectableObjecExtented() {


ConnectableObjecExtented.prototype._handleConnection(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Do your connection

ConnectableObjecExtented.prototype._handleDisconnection(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Do your disconnection

Using finalization will always call disconnect when the state is Ready. To change the behaviour override the function _handleFinalization.



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  • yogo95