
1.0.8 • Public • Published


Easier way to set the position of the views/tags in a website. Built with basic Javascript, it should be working in most of browsers.

WebUI example


  • Set horizontal position of a view: Left, Right, Middle, Percentage, ...
  • Set vertical position of a view: Top, Bottom, Middle, Percentage, ...
  • Define relational position of a view respect another one.
  • Allows to change the position of the views depending of the width of the screen.
  • Allows to change automatically the size of margins and paddings depending of device.
  • Logs for debugging.

Working on

  • Only working with pixels at the moment.


  • None


You can find the latest minified version in the builds folder. If you need to debug you can use logs and the core version directly in your project.

1. Add the script reference in your website

        <!-- WEBUI SCRIPT REFERNCE -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js-webui-1.0.8.min.js"></script>

2. Add the first call to use webui in your page.

        <!-- WEBUI SCRIPT REFERNCE -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js-webui-1.0.8.min.js"></script>

3. Now you can use webui in your page:

The webui framework search for ui attributes in HTML elements. The first element is consider a UI-Screen. The children with the "ui" attribute will be connected automatically.

        <!-- WEBUI SCRIPT REFERNCE -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js-webui-1.0.8.min.js"></script>
        <div ui="fw;fh">
            <span ui="t:p;l:p">Top-Left</span>


4. Webui can be used inside of your built pages, inside another tags.

Add "ui" attribute to the element you want to convert to UI-Screen. By default a UI-Screen keeps the size of the children but it is possible try to define the size of the element. It can be a defined size or a percentage of the parent.

        <!-- WEBUI SCRIPT REFERNCE -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js-webui-1.0.8.min.js"></script>
        <div style="width:100%;height:50px;background-color:gray">
        <div style="width:100%;background-color:lightgray">
            <div id="screen" ui="">
                <div ui="p:mm">
                    <span ui="">Screen in the middle of body with padding</span>
        <div style="width:100%;height:50px;background-color:gray">



1. Containers

Once you have a screen in your page you can start adding more views. The views are any tag you want. It is recommended to use div as containers and the rest of tags as common use.

If you want a tag to convert in a webui-view, you have to add the "ui" attribute. For example:

<div id="container" ui=""></div>

You can add containers inside containers as views. Remember adding the attribute "ui" to all tags you want to be processed. If a tag hasn't got it, any of its children will be processed:

<div id="container" ui="">
    <div id="subcontainer1" ui=""></div>
    <div id="subcontainer1" ui=""></div>

Inside of the containers you could add content with UI-Views or plain html:

<div id="container" ui="">
    <div id="subcontainer1" ui="">
        <span ui="">Text with webui</span>
    <div id="subcontainer1" ui="">
        <span>Just text not processed in webui</span>

2. Parameters

You can define the position of your webui-view with short commands inside the "ui" attribute. These are the commands and their possible values:

  • [w] Width: ("sc") to set the width depending of the content). (X) where X is the number of pixels width. (X%) where X is the number with the percentage of space of its parent.
  • [fw] FullWidth: () to set width as 100%
  • [h] Height: ("sc") to set the height depending of the content). (X) where X is the number of pixels height. (X%) where X is the number with the percentage of space of its parent.
  • [fh] FullHeight: () to set height as 100%
  • [l] Left: (ID) set the same left than the identified view.
  • [r] Right: (ID) set the same right than the identified view.
  • [t] Top: (ID) set the same too than the identified view.
  • [b] Bottom: (ID) set the same bottom than the identified view.
  • [al] At left: (ID) set the right of the view at the left of the identified view.
  • [ale] At left equal: (ID) set the right of the view at the left of the identified view, and the top and bottom as the identifiedView.
  • [ar] At right: (ID) set the left of the view at the right of the identified view.
  • [are] At right equal: (ID) set the left of the view at the right of the identified view, and the top and bottom as the identifiedView.
  • [at] At top: (ID) set the bottom of the view at the top of the identified view.
  • [ate] At top equal: (ID) set the bottom of the view at the top of the identified view, and the left and right as the identifiedView.
  • [ab] At bottom: (ID) set the top of the view at the bottom of the identified view.
  • [abe] At bottom equal: (ID) set the top of the view at the bottom of the identified view, and the left and right as the identifiedView.
  • [ml] Margin left: (X) Push the view at the left where X is the number of pixels.
  • [mr] Margin right: (X) Push the view at the right where X is the number of pixels.
  • [mt] Margin top: (X) Push the view at the top where X is the number of pixels.
  • [mb] Margin bottom: (X) Push the view at the bottom where X is the number of pixels.
  • [m] Margin: (X / X,Y,W,Z) Push the view at all directions. The order is: Left, Top, Right, Bottom. X, Y, W, Z are the number of pixels.
  • [pl] Padding left: (X) Add space inside the view at the left where X is the number of pixels.
  • [pr] Padding right: (X) Add space inside the view at the right where X is the number of pixels.
  • [pt] Padding top: (X) Add space inside the view at the top where X is the number of pixels.
  • [pb] Padding bottom: (X) Add space inside the view at the bottom where X is the number of pixels.
  • [p] Padding: (X / X,Y,W,Z) Add space inside the view at all directions. The order is: Left, Top, Right, Bottom. X, Y, W, Z are the number of pixels.
  • [ch] Center horizontal: Set the view in the center of the parent horizontally.
  • [cv] Center vertical: Set the view in the center of the parent vertically.
  • [c] Center: Set the view in the center of the parent.
  • [sv] Scroll vertical: () Just add this parameter to show vertical scrollbars in the view if it is necessary.
  • [sh] Scroll horizontal: () Just add this parameter to show vertical scrollbars in the view if it is necessary.
  • [v] Visibility: ("v") to show the view, this is the default value. ("i") to set the view as invisible but having size. ("g") to hide view from eyes and calculations.
  • [o] Overflow: ("o") to show overflow or not. Views by default are hiding overflow ("h"). You can do it visible with ("v") or you can define scroll with ("s").
  • [oh] Overflow horizontal: ("o") to show overflow or not. Views by default are hiding overflow ("h"). You can do it visible with ("v") or you can define scroll with ("s").
  • [ov] Overflow vertical: ("o") to show overflow or not. Views by default are hiding overflow ("h"). You can do it visible with ("v") or you can define scroll with ("s").

3. Identifiers of the views

Each view has an identifier. It is not mandatory to define one, if you don't add it, the webui framework will generate one. If you are debugging may be easier to set identifier in all views you want to check to find the problem.

There are two special identifiers:

  • [p] Parent: This is the identifier of the parent view. If you want to set a parameter in the view referenced to its parent you just need to write PARAMETER:"p".
  • [l] Last: This is the identifier of the last view in the code. If you want to set a parameter in the view referenced to its parent you just need to write PARAMETER:"l".

4. Applying parameters

All the parameters are used inside the "ui" attribute. Remember to set the size of the first UI view (called screen). You can leave it empty to get the size of the content.

For example: ui="l:p; ab:l; w:30%"

  • l:p - The left side of the view will be at the left side of the parent

  • ab:l - The view will be below the last one, as a list.

  • w:30% - The width of the view will be the 30% of the width of the parent.

            <!-- WEBUI SCRIPT REFERNCE -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="webui-1.0.0.min.js"></script>
            <div ui="fw;fh">
                <div ui="fw;fh">
                    <span ui="l:p;w:30%">Text</span>

5. Applying parameters dynamically

It is possible to modify the attributes dynamically. You need to get the element and execute any of the methods of the ui attribute.

For example:


  //get the element and change the width
  var square1 = document.getElementById('square1');
  square1.ui.setAttr("w", 300); // change width of element to 300px
  square1.ui.setAttr("v", "v"); // do the element visible

  //refresh the WebUI to change the width of the element


The function you can use this two methods that can be called from a UI-View.

  • setAttr: setAttr(attribute: ATTR, value?: string | number | boolean) The attribute is the parameter defined in #2.
  • setAttrs: setAttrs(attributes: UIAttributeValueArray[], animationDuration?: number) The UIAttributeValueArray is an array with: "attr" (0) and "value" (1) as the method "setAttr".
  • cleanAttrs: cleanAttrs(options: UIAttrCleanOptions) This method can be used to clean attributes before setting. This clean is not executed until next refresh of the view. The UIAttrCleanOptions is an object with boolean attributes. By default they are set to true, if an attribute is false then those type os attributes will not be cleaned. The possible attributes:
    • size
    • position
    • margin
    • padding
    • scroll
    • center

You can change directly the "ui" attribute of the element and changes will be applied automatically, but it requires to parse the parameters and it is worse for performance than do the change with javascript.

6. Animations

It is possible to animate the changes in the views automatically. You can do it sending the third parameter of "setAttr" methods with the duration of the animation you want.

      viewColors: true,
      showLogs: true,
      timeRedraw: 100


      // get the reference of the element
      var square1 = document.getElementById('square1');

      // apply for example a different width to the view
      // and set the time to apply for the animation
      square1.ui.setAttr("w", 300, 1.0);

  }, 1000);

7. Examples

Please, to learn more, check the examples in src/tests folder. You can clone the project and execute the examples directly in your browser.

  • Animation: Animation examples.
  • Attribute: Playing with attribute "ui".
  • Dom: Test automatic events when DOM is changed.
  • Events: Events received when start WebUI is executed.
  • List: How to make a list with WebUI.
  • Margin: Mading of views.
  • Padding: Pading inside views.
  • Performance: Performance tests.
  • Position: How to work with contraints.
  • Responsive: Different UI for desktop, tablet, mobile or define a different device.
  • Screen: Useful to add WebUI in parts of your existing code.
  • Scrolls: Horizontal and vertical scroll.
  • Size: How to set a size to an element.
  • Table: Tables created with WebUI.
  • Text: Playing with size of texts.
  • Visibility: Show and hide elements. They can be processed or not.

8. F.A.Q. links to examples

This section will be filled with questions asked by users.

  • How to start using WebUI in existing website - Example


You can config webui before running

  • viewColors: Set a background color to all webui views. This is a good method to know what is happening during development. For example to know the size of a view and why another view is not located where expected.

  • showLogs: Show live information.

  • viewLogs: Identifier of the tag where you want to see the logs if the console is not right for you.

  • dimens: Allows to create reference to different sizes. It is better to use variables for dimensions and change it depending of the size of device.

  • attribute: You can define the name of the attribute to use with web-ui. NOTE: If you are using react you need this attribute starts with 'data-'.

  • animations: Values to use for animations.

    • defaultTime: Default time for animations.
    • defaultOpacity: Flag to show animation when the view is calculated for the first time.
  • screenModes: You can define different "ui" attributes to use for each width of the device. Check the examples for more information.

  • events: You can receive events. From the moment you can receive "start" and "end" events. End event has the list of attributes for the type of screen loaded.

            <!-- WEBUI SCRIPT REFERNCE -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="webui-1.0.0.min.js"></script>
            <div ui="">
                <span ui="t:p;l:p">Top-Left</span>
                    viewColors: true,
                    showLogs: true,
                    viewLogs: "logs",
                    attribute: "ui",
                    animations: {
                        defaultTime: 0.3,
                        defaultOpacity: true,
                    dimens: {
                        ms: 10, //margin small
                        mm: 20, //margin medium
                        mb: 100, //margin big
                    screenModes: [
                            attribute: "uim",
                            widthEnd: 450,
                            attribute: "uit",
                            widthStart: 451,
                            widthEnd: 700,
                            attribute: "uid",
                            widthStart: 701,
                    events: function(event) {


Copyright 2019 SilicorniO

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.




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