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This package has a bunch of helper methods to work with nested objects in JavaScript.


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objectutils.get(obj, key)

This function takes in an object (obj) and a key (key) and returns the value for the given key.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
	"data": {
		"hello": "world"
}, "data.hello"));

// Will print "world"

objectutils.set(obj, key, value)

This function takes in an object (obj), key (key), and a value (value) and mutates the object setting the value for the given key.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world"
objectutils.set(object, "data.hello", "universe");
console.log(object); // {"data": {"hello": "universe"}}

objectutils.delete(obj, key)

This function takes in an object (obj), and key (key), and deletes the given value for the key you passed in.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world"
objectutils.delete(object, "data.hello");
console.log(object); // {"data": {}}

objectutils.pick(obj, keys)

This function takes in an object (obj), and array of keys (keys), and returns an object for the given keys you passed in.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm"
objectutils.delete(object, ["data.hello", "data.space"]);
console.log(object); // {"data": {"hello": "world", "space": "travel"}}


This function takes in an object (obj), and returns an array of keys included in that object.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm"
console.log(objectutils.keys(object)); // ["data", "data.hello", "data.space", "data.node"]


This function takes in an object (obj), and returns an array of entries included in that object.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm"
console.log(objectutils.keys(object)); // [["data", {"hello": "world", "space": "travel", "node": "npm"}], ["data.hello", "world"], ["data.space", "travel"], ["data.node", "npm]]


This function takes in two values, and returns a boolean representing if they are equal. If objects as passed in it will check to ensure the entire object is identical.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm"
console.log(objectutils.equals(object, {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm"
})); // true

console.log(objectutils.equals(object, {
	"data": {
		"hello": "universe",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm"
})); // false


This function takes in an object and mutates it to remove all objects with a length of 0.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");
const object = {
	"data": {
		"hello": "world",
		"space": "travel",
		"node": "npm",
		"otherData": {}
// {
// 	"data": {
// 		"hello": "world",
// 		"space": "travel",
// 		"node": "npm",
// 	}
// }

objectutils.isCircular(obj[, searchKey])

This function checks to see if an object is circular. If a search key is passed in it will only return true if the object is circular and the search key is the key that caused the circularity.

This function will also check all nested objects for circularity.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");

let object = {};
object.array = {"first": 1};
object.array2 = object;

const isCircular = objectutils.isCircular(object);
console.log(isCircular); // true

const isRandomKeyCircular = objectutils.isCircular(object, "random");
console.log(isRandomKeyCircular); // false

const isArray2KeyCircular = objectutils.isCircular(object, "array2");
console.log(isArray2KeyCircular); // true

objectutils.circularKeys(obj[, searchKey])

This function is identical to objectutils.isCircular except it returns an array of keys that are circular.

const objectutils = require("js-object-utilities");

let object = {};
object.array = {"first": 1};
object.array2 = object;

const circularKeys = objectutils.circularKeys(object);
console.log(circularKeys); // ["array2"]

const randomKeyCircular = objectutils.circularKeys(object, "random");
console.log(randomKeyCircular); // []

const array2KeyCircular = objectutils.circularKeys(object, "array2");
console.log(array2KeyCircular); // ["array2"]

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  • fishcharlie