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1.4.2 • Public • Published


JavaScript magic methods support.

We know that ES6 brings the capability of Proxy that allows us observing an object, and setters ang getters are build-in support in JavaScript, but if we need to build those things every time, that's just mess and pain. With this package, you can define setters and getters, along with other functions, right in the class definition itself, and when instantiating the class, the instance will always have the the benefits of the magical calling functionalities.

This package is inspired by PHP magic methods, and currently supports these methods: __get, __set, __has, __delete, __invoke. Other methods like toString and toJSON are built-in support in JavaScript.


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In Deno

Just import this package directly:

import { applyMagic } from "https://deno.land/x/js_magic/index.ts";


// This example is coded in TypeScript, be aware of the difference between TS 
// and JS. All the magic methods are optional, but here I'll show all the usage 
// of them.

import { applyMagic, MagicalClass } from "js-magic";

export class Car implements MagicalClass {
    name!: string;
    wheels?: number;

    constructor(name?: string, wheels?: number) {
        if (name !== undefined) this.name = name;
        if (wheels !== undefined) this.wheels = wheels;

     * If a property doesn't exist, returns `null` instead of `undefined`, and 
     * if the property is 'name', returns it according to the class name plus 
     * 'Instance'. 
    __get(prop: string | symbol): any {
        return prop in this ? this[prop]
            : (prop == "name" ? this.constructor.name + " Instance" : null);

    /** If the property is name, appends it with 'Instance'. */
    __set(prop: string | symbol, value: any): void {
        this[prop] = prop == "name" ? value + " Instance" : value;

     * Ignores the properties starts with '__', and always returns `true` when 
     * testing 'name'.
    __has(prop: string | symbol): boolean {
        return (typeof prop != "string" || prop.slice(0, 2) != "__")
            && (prop in this || prop == "name");

    /** If the property starts with '__' or is 'name', DO NOT delete. */
    __delete(prop: string | symbol): void {
        if (prop.slice(0, 2) == "__" || prop == "name") return;
        delete this[prop];

     * This method will be called when the class is invoked as a function. You 
     * may be a little confused since being told that ES6 class cannot be called
     * as function, AKA without `new` operator, well, when using this package, 
     * you CAN.
     * NOTE: prior to v1.2, __invoke without `static` modifier is permitted, but
     * it's now deprecated, always add `static` instead.
    static __invoke(...args: any[]): any {
        return "invoking Car as a function";

How It Works?

The decorator applyMagic is a function that returns a highly-customized ES5 pseudo-class, it will replace the original class, so that when instantiating, the magic methods will be auto-applied to the instance wrapped by a Proxy. Since applyMagic is a function, so if you're coding in JavaScript without decorator support, you can manually call it to generate the wrapping class and assign to the old one. Like this:

import { applyMagic } from "js-magic";

class Car {
    // ...

Car = applyMagic(Car);

Since the returned class is wrapped in ES5 style, so that it allows you calling it as a function, where the __invoke method will called under the hood.

Support of Inheritance

This package also supports native inheritance, allows you inheriting the magical calling functionalities from a super class to sub-classes. Also you can rewrite the magic methods in the sub-class, and call the super's via super keyword.

NOTE: this feature DOESN'T work with __invoke, unless using applyMagic on the sub-class as well.

Support of Objects Other Than Class

Since v1.1, this package also supports other objects other than class, if calling applyMagic on a non-function object, it will returns a proxy of the original object that supports magic functions. Moreover, if you want this feature be apply to a function, you can pass the second argument proxyOnly to applyMagic, and it will not treat the function as a potential class.

Additional Symbols

This package also provides symbols according to the magic method names (__get, __set, __has, __delete, __invoke), you can use them if you want to hide the methods from IDE IntelliSense, but generally they are not common used.

Supported Environments

Any environment that supports ES6 Proxy will work with this package perfectly, generally, NodeJS 6.0+, Deno and modern browsers (IE aside) should support Proxy already.

In browsers, if you're not using any module resolution, access the global variable window.magic instead.

More Examples

For more examples, please check out the Test.

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  • ayonli