An lightly library for comparing two javascript object structure, 1kb after gziped.
$ npm install js-deep-diff$ yarn add js-deep-diff
Something you should know before using:
new String('string')
is NOT equivalent to'string'
new Number(1)
is NOT equivalent to1
new Boolean(false)
is NOT equivalent tofalse
{0: 1}
is NOT equivalent to[1]
new RegExp('\\s')
is EQUIVALENT to/\s/
new Date("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
is EQUIVALENT tonew Date("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
It's different with deep-object-diff
and some library else. (deep-object-diff regard {0: 1}
as [1]
const diff = const lhs = name: 'my object' description: 'it\'s an object!' details: it: 'has' an: 'array' with: 'a' 'few' 'elements' others: distance: 0 hight: 1 const rhs = name: 'updated object' description: 'it\'s an object!' details: it: 'has' an: 'array' with: 'a' 'few' 'more' 'elements' than: 'before' others: distance: 0
Then got the differences:
default: false
enableDeleteAction [ { "type": "EDIT", "path": [ "name" ], "lhs": "my object", "rhs": "updated object" }, { "type": "EDIT", "path": [ "details", "with", 2 ], "lhs": "elements", "rhs": "more" }, { "type": "ADD", "path": [ "details", "with", 3 ], "rhs": "elements" }, { "type": "ADD", "path": [ "details", "with", 4 ], "rhs": { "than": "before" } }, { "type": "EDIT", "path": [ "others" ], "lhs": { "distance": 0, "hight": 1 }, "rhs": { "distance": 0 } },+ {+ "type": "DEL",+ "path": [+ "others",+ "hight"+ ],+ "lhs": 1+ }]
$ npm run test
diff ✓ Same value ✓ Empty value: null ✓ Empty value: undefind ✓ Date ✓ Boolean ✓ Number ✓ String ✓ RegExp ✓ Pirmitive value ✓ Add action in array ✓ Edit action in array ✓ Delete action in array ✓ Add action in object ✓ Delete action in object ✓ Edit action in object ✓ Nested object ✓ enableDeleteAction: Array ✓ enableDeleteAction: Object
18 passing (26ms)
$ npm run test:coverage
Statements : 100% ( 56/56 )
Branches : 58.7% ( 27/46 )
Functions : 100% ( 16/16 )
Lines : 100% ( 56/56 )
js-deep-diff | deep-diff | deep-object-diff |
5.36937ms | 5.87379ms | 3.06766ms |