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1.0.2 • Public • Published

JiffyScanClient SDK

The JiffyScanClient SDK provides a set of functions to interact with the JiffyScan API. This document describes the available functions and how to use them.


To install the SDK, use npm or yarn:

npm install jiffyscan-sdk


yarn install jiffyscan-sdk


First, you need to initialize the JiffyScanClient with your API key and version:

import JiffyScan from 'jiffyscan-sdk';

const JiffyScanClient = new JiffyScan({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",
  version: "v0",


Here is a list of the functions available in the JiffyScanClient SDK, along with usage examples

Property Definition
Networks.getSupportedNetworks() Retrieves a list of supported networks along with their chain IDs.
Account.getAddressActivity() Get all 4337 User Operations for an address.
Account.getAddressBalances() Returns a list of tokens balances that the address holds.
Account.getAddressNFTTransfers() Returns a list of erc721+erc1155 transfers that the address has made.
Account.getAddressTransactions() Returns an array of internal + external transactions that the address has made.
Account.getAddressERC20Transfers() Returns an array of erc20 transfers that the address has made.
Account.getAddressAggregateData() Returns an array of erc20 transfers that the address has made.
Bundler.getLatestBundles() Retrieves the latest bundles on the specified network.
Bundler.getTopBundles() Fetches the top bundles on the specified network.
Bundler.getBundlerActivity() Retrieves activity details for a specific bundler address.
Factory.getTopFactories() Returns an array of internal + external transactions that the address has made.
Factory.getFactoryDetails() Retrieves details for a specific factory contract address.
Metrics.getDailyMetrics() Fetches daily metrics for the specified network.
Paymaster.getTopPaymasters() Retrieves the top paymasters on the specified network.
UserOp.getLatestUserOps() Returns the latest user operations that were mined recently.
UserOp.getPaymasterActivity() Retrieves activity details for a specific paymaster address.
UserOp.getUserOp() Fetches details of a specific user operation by hash.
UserOp.getBundleActivity() Retrieves activity details for a specific bundle hash.
UserOp.getUserOpLogs() Fetches logs for a specific user operation by hash.
UserOp.getLogFromIndex() Retrieves a log entry from a transaction by its index.
UserOp.getBlockActivity() Fetches activity details for a specific block number.
UserOp.getUserOpMetadata() Retrieves metadata for a specific user operation by hash.


Here is a list of the functions available in the JiffyScanClient SDK, along with usage examples

await JiffyScanClient.Account.getAddressAggregateData({
     address: "0x16c6078cce90Dd48316c74d71c8C4d67a98Eeb52",
     network: "polygon-amoy",




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